The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

Why are the eyes in different color?
Why are the eyes in different color?
She got a red eye from staring at the moon through the telescope for way too long. (during the times the moon being a prison to Nightmare Moon.) -something along these lines.

Also, because I like airplanes - red and green lights on the tips of the wings.
And because heterochromia is interesting and can be cute.
She got a red eye from staring at the moon through the telescope for way too long. (during the times the moon being a prison to Nightmare Moon.) -something along these lines.

Also, because I like airplanes - red and green lights on the tips of the wings.
And because heterochromia is interesting and can be cute.

I can see that considering your username and an avid Ace Combat player.
This episode......uh.....A cowboy pushes her "cuture" to some conservative folks.

Sorry. Wont make it into "Opinions Subforum"





Marblemac: Just in case you needed a third ship to accompany your Cheerimac and Fluttermac.
On the convention note, anyone going to Ponycon 2016? I got the VIP pas to hang out with the special guests at the party they have. Lauren Faust is going to be there along with others that are being announced. I sure hope Tara Strong will be announced as well.
On the convention note, anyone going to Ponycon 2016? I got the VIP pas to hang out with the special guests at the party they have. Lauren Faust is going to be there along with others that are being announced. I sure hope Tara Strong will be announced as well.
Send a photo while you there.
Preparing for the new episode. Where are the usual fanarts we know and love :(




Early design from years ago.





You want that other one who are mute and cute?
After getting bored watching repeats of Futurama over and over again and no racing was on.

I don't watch hardly anything else really honestly.

Knowing about the big community and the fan base I decided to watch it and now I really like it now and it's one of my new favorite shows.
I liked this weekend's episode. Nice celebrity turn, good songs, and some good gags.

And then we have the season finale next week and then a long arid desert to endure before we get more new pony.
A good finale. Maybe not as brilliant as the season 4 finale, but then again, what is? It's a bit like the battle at Wolf 359 for Star Trek: The Next Generation. Every season finale after that has to live up to it, and that's just asking too much.

I'm glad they redeemed Starlight Glimmer. I saw a poll at Equestria Daily asking if people wanted her redeemed or keep her a villain, and way too many people voted for villain. We've got plenty of unredeemed villains already. Twilight wouldn't be the Princess of Friendship if she couldn't take care of someone as low on the villain scale as Starlight Glimmer.

I liked seeing the different visions of the alternate timelines. Equestria on a war footing against Sombra, guerrilla warfare against the deliciously evil Queen Chrysalis (and welcome back to her, it's been far too long), etc etc.

I'm wondering how much they plan on incorporating Starlight into the show. I doubt they'll turn the Mane 6 into the Mane 7, but they could bring her back as often as Discord and it would fit in with the story without overwhelming it.

What's up with Bulk Biceps in that final shot? Everyone is looking at the camera, except him. It looks like he's checking out Fluttershy's ass. I guess that's a sign for Flutterceps shippers to get into high gear.
A good finale. Maybe not as brilliant as the season 4 finale, but then again, what is? It's a bit like the battle at Wolf 359 for Star Trek: The Next Generation. Every season finale after that has to live up to it, and that's just asking too much.

I'm glad they redeemed Starlight Glimmer. I saw a poll at Equestria Daily asking if people wanted her redeemed or keep her a villain, and way too many people voted for villain. We've got plenty of unredeemed villains already. Twilight wouldn't be the Princess of Friendship if she couldn't take care of someone as low on the villain scale as Starlight Glimmer.

I liked seeing the different visions of the alternate timelines. Equestria on a war footing against Sombra, guerrilla warfare against the deliciously evil Queen Chrysalis (and welcome back to her, it's been far too long), etc etc.

I'm wondering how much they plan on incorporating Starlight into the show. I doubt they'll turn the Mane 6 into the Mane 7, but they could bring her back as often as Discord and it would fit in with the story without overwhelming it.

What's up with Bulk Biceps in that final shot? Everyone is looking at the camera, except him. It looks like he's checking out Fluttershy's ass. I guess that's a sign for Flutterceps shippers to get into high gear.
Thats not really a problem, though. Its the she reason she had and the way she redeemed. The latter was really easy to do, feels like its a parody of some thing but no it isnt. The former though, the reason is rather too laughable at best. If thats the case then IRL most of early adults, me especially, would have desire to be tottalitarian of some sort. Not a bad episode, but could have been much better on the latter.

Also Chrysalis lost her legion voice lol. I like her.

Im just really hope the rating didnt gone too flunked this time arround. Its coming to near end, i cant believe it. For me its from the estatic 2012 to rather observant 2015. My mind have been very changed between those years. Its mind boggling.

And i hope sometime this place gone up again. Some said its the Channel fault for bad management and commercials. Some said its natural for show thats run for years (tbh its not MLP exclusive for that). Some just saidthey lost interest in GTP in general (like numerous of other threads tbh.) .... Nevertheless it have been a good year and im glad the quality is consistent enough with some unfortunate bad and entertainingly good.
Just watched it and It was a good finale.

I also enjoyed seeing the alternate timelines, the first one reminded me of some movie or a game i played but i can't remember what it was.

Did not expect Starlight to be redeemed thought she was going to stay evil.

I also doubt they will turn the Mane 6 into the Mane 7, Starlight should just be a side character like Discord IMO.
Well, it's been a while since I watched MLP FIM, I kinda been focused on other things. School, some new video games, and trying other stuff. Anyhow, I watched the season finale on netflix and I thought it was interesting. I mean, the time travel plot is something I've seen before, but it was nice to see it done in My Little Pony. I'm amazed at how far this cartoon has come.

If I told myself as a kid that there would be a MLP cartoon that he would enjoy watching, he probably wouldn't believe me. XD


Anyway, I should have guessed that Glimmer would come back as the antagonist for the finale, but I didn't think she would end up being another villain reformed. Although, I guess it makes sense for the show's premise.
This might be a little bit off topic (i don't think anyone in that thread would care honestly) but in Fallout 4 there are ponies references i found but i was not the first to find them though.
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