The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I went back to search for a user on deviantart that made some of my favorite FIM fanart and sadly; he deactivated his account. The user was named "Garrettthegarret", he made some comics that I found funny including ones that involved cars. He had a comic that had Fluttershy driving a Morris Marina pickup truck. :lol:
That reminds me one artist I like Mistydash has also closed their Deviant art profile. I'm not sure exactly why or if they'll continue posting art somewhere else.

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S06E15: @Casey prank GONE WRONG!



Additional note:
1. @Casey He still very active. Why he close his Deviantart is a mystery.
2. I wont be here for next week episode. I'll be on another country and the net charge will be expensive. Can anyone take my place? Just for one episode?

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S06E15: @Casey prank GONE WRONG!





Additional note:
1. @Casey He still very active. Why he close his Deviantart is a mystery.
2. I wont be here for next week episode. I'll be on another country and the net charge will be expensive. Can anyone take my place? Just for one episode?

1. :P (The only art I've posted is the art that i've posted here.)

2. I might can do it depends when I wake up and if the episode is uploaded then. If not someone else can.

I liked the episode, mainly liked the whoopie coushin part the best honestly. :lol:

by rd.png
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Pretty good episode overall, glad to see Starlight in the episode to. :)

I liked the song as well and the expressions it had.


I completely forgot about the EQD art event :dunce: but maybe I can participate in the other days. :)

Other than that I decided to do another drawing of Fleetfoot since the other one I did of her wasn't all that great. She maybe my third favorite.

Wish I would of done the glare on the left eye but I'm definitely improving. Was going to color since I got some way better paper now but then I didn't have a color that matched the blue she is...
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Neeerds! :P

Ok I liked this episode, I really like it when Discord is in the episodes, he's the reason I started watching in the first place with the episode he was Bob Ross.

I liked that negative Fluttershy to.

I have done a few of the days though most of them are not that great (better than some people though) since it's only a day to do them.

This romantic themed one turned out pretty good though, it's now my most favorited thing on Deviant art. :D

I seem to be best at doing portrait style stuff.

I like today's theme angry/furious.
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@Casey Very nice work you have going on at the moment Casey, your drawing as certainly improved; and I can see you have gained confidence in your lines. Even the basic shape is a lot better, keep up the fantastic work!

Will be watching yesterdays episode shortly, just wanted to pop in here while I was visiting the forums to share some of my pics with you all.

My OC:

This one is a typical practice page in my sketchbook:

Also been practising eyes lately:

And a pony OC I am working on for a friend:

Neeerds! :P

Ok I liked this episode, I really like it when Discord is in the episodes, he's the reason I started watching in the first place with the episode he was Bob Ross.

I liked that negative Fluttershy to.

I have done a few of the days though most of them are not that great (better than some people though) since it's only a day to do them.

This romantic themed one turned out pretty good though, it's now my most favorited thing on Deviant art. :D
View attachment 580267
I seem to be best at doing portrait style stuff.

I like today's theme angry/furious.
So cyoot
Wow, when was the last time I posted on this thread? :odd:

Anyway, Rabies Bun is back!

Noooo. Not you :D Never knew you actually post here lol.

Anyways heres some MLP car.

Can't believe this forum is the main reason I still here.
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I find it sorta weird how most of this thread's artists (mostly) post here nearly identical bust/portrait drawings.

Anyways heres some MLP car.


So far this is the best MLP-themed car I've seen. Others are either made in NFS/Forza or are cars with random slaps of pony pics.
I find it sorta weird how most of this thread's artists (mostly) post here nearly identical bust/portrait drawings.



So far this is the best MLP-themed car I've seen. Others are either made in NFS/Forza or are cars with random slaps of pony pics.




I'd say this is the best simply because the owner took this to drift events! Sadly, I think he sold this and stopped following the show.
I find it sorta weird how most of this thread's artists (mostly) post here nearly identical bust/portrait drawings.

Well... there isnt exactly a great deal of variation in the design of the ponies in MLP compared to something such as steven universe characters; and that same lack of variation often shows up in peoples artwork. The biggest differences are between the male and female muzzle design, and the mane style and colour. Not to mention that the way people get good at drawing or painting in the first place, is through the use of repetitive practice. Sometimes this means that the artwork someone creates, can look like something else they have already drawn.

For me personally, and even if I was to change my style up a bit for something more unique; the headshots would still be very similar anyway based upon those reasons. Hell, even if I was doing headshots of real life horses; the same thing would yet again happen to a point.




These where all drawn from photo reference, and baring a few differences here an there; they are mostly alike in a lot of ways.

p.s the last picture is of the horse I used to have riding lessons on.
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@SiriusR The show itself consists mostly on a simple art and side flash vector and thus why you stumble some identical poses.

Each artstyle can make a difference though. This Bugplayer guy is my favourite.



Well I'm only mostly doing portraits mostly
right now because I like to do them and they're grear for practice that's also something that looks kinda good.

I still would like to get into some digital stuff but I will have to invest in my own pc and have to learn a lot.
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Well I'm only mostly doing portraits mostly
right now because I like to do them and they're grear for practice that's also something that looks kinda good.

I still would like to get into some digital stuff but I will have to invest in my own pc and have to learn a lot.

Exactly. When you are drawing a character, whether that be for MLP, Steven Universe, or even for your own creations; practicing headshots becomes a very important aspect. With character design, the face, eyes, and hair are things a lot of people end up overlooking; quite often down to lack of practice with faces in general. The expressions are everything, and they do a lot to convey what is going on in the scene you are settings up.



I'd say this is the best simply because the owner took this to drift events! Sadly, I think he sold this and stopped following the show.
I remember seeing this car on dA.
Not bad, though that "hatorz gon h8" decal screams out "OW THE EDGE" (which is absolutely not a compliment).

...and that same lack of variation often shows up in peoples artwork.
After being to dA, I disagree absolutely. I've seen so much style variations there, I still have a hard time believing that these are a fanart for the very same pony cartoon.
Yes, there also are people that try to imitate the show's style up to 100%, but I'm highly not fond of such fanart.
After being to dA, I disagree absolutely. I've seen so much style variations there

I take it this is style differences between different artists?

If so, then what you are seeing is a particular artists individual style. If you look at the MLP artwork these artists produce, you should be able to see that their style for these characters are relatively similar to the last picture they did. There may be a few changes here an there, often improvements as their technical skill set improves. But baring that the MLP characters an individual artist draws/paints should look fairly similar to one another; owing to their own style.

Take Tsitra360 again, they are an awesome artist; but they draw their pony pictures with the same style. Stormblaze-pegasus, another brilliant pony artist; they draw ponies in a completely different way to the show. Their style for the ponies they do draw remains the same through each and every picture they do. There is also NCMares, another stunning pony artist. They do a lot of show accurate style pieces, but occasionally they will mix it up with their own style. Then there is HoneyBee, another great pony artist; their style is nothing like the show at all.

These artists all show consistency in what they draw however, and if they was to make their images without cutiemarks and remove the mane and tails, as well as the colour from the image; they will look like the exact same pony in different poses across the pictures they draw.

I still have a hard time believing that these are a fanart for the very same pony cartoon.

Could you expand on your meaning with this one, not exactly sure on what you are attempting to get at.

If you mean some people, such as the previously mentioned HoneyBee, draw in a style that is far removed from the show? Then that is because it does not fit in with their personal style, and they are wanting to be as unique as possible.

Yes, there also are people that try to imitate the show's style up to 100%, but I'm highly not fond of such fanart.

When it comes to show accurate drawings/paintings, this can be through necessity, such as for practicing. This is because it is always good practice to draw what you see when learning to draw, otherwise details can (and often will) be lost in the drawing process. It is a way of learning and improving on your technical skill set, and can teach you a great deal about drawing. It is how a good art teacher should teach people how to draw in schools, it is how my art teacher taught me and my class when I was at school. It is also how my mum was taught in art collage. It is all about looking for the shapes that make up whatever it is you want to draw. Regardless of if it is a bowl of fruit, a vase of sunflowers, a person, or even a horse. A good art teacher will teach you how to break everything down into simple shapes, even long flowing locks of hair.

Then you have the people do it because they want to stay accurate to the show, some do it because they like the look, some because they do commissions for people who want their OC's drawn in a show accurate style.
I'm just gonna wait until Saturday to watch the episode but I found this funny on Twitter.
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Now I can say I liked the episode.

I liked the Griffin's design, she looks kinds different than most of the other Griffin's.

The song was pretty good in my opinion.

Some episode arts.
