The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

Fun tidbits
After almost two months, Discordant Harmony and A Perfect Pear were finally released on iTunes. I just picked up Magical Movie Night from iTunes as well. No extras on the release.

I've been enjoying the Equestria Girls Summertime Shorts, especially Monday Blues. Sunset Shimmer's bed head (and her reaction to it) is hilarious. It's also our first look at her home life. It looks like she lives alone. Makes me wonder how she pays the rent. I'm a big fan of the EG movies, so I'm happy to hear it's going to become it's own series next year.
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Just watched the new episode and wow this was a shocking episode honestly, It's like it was aimed directly at the fandom. :eek:
"Triple Threat": a mini-review
Spike mistakenly invites both Thorax and Ember to Ponyville on the same day. He spends the rest of the day trying to keep them apart.

What I like best about this episode is the reversal of gender expectations between Ember and Thorax. Ember's aggressiveness and command are generally seen as masculine traits, and Thorax's empathy and accommodation are generally seen as feminine. Of course none of those traits are actually masculine or feminine, but these are the gender expectations we put on people. MLP switched it up, however, showing boys they can be leaders who listen and care, and girls can be leaders who are bad ass and confident Of course once they meet, they get along great, the one outcome Spike didn't even consider. Bad Spike!

A couple other things I liked: Ember couldn't tell Twilight and Starlight apart. And Starlight really liked Ember, something the writers suggested in the first episode of this season, "Celestial Advice."
- Based on IDW comic i heard. Good.
They are. My Little Pony: Legends of Magic issues 2, 3 and 4 in that order. I'm a comics fan, so I've been buying and reading all the IDW comics. It's good stuff.
It looks like the comic book "My Little Pony: Legends of Magic" is designed to coincide with the television episodes. Issue 5, which came out Sept. 6th, featured a story about Somnambula. The story was about how she removed a curse from a snake.
I saw someone tried to record the movie during the premier. Good thing they got kicked out though.

Episode was ok to me.
Yeah, it was a good call to kick them out. At least wait for the proper release to tape low quality cell phone copies.
Yeah, it was a good call to kick them out. At least wait for the proper release to tape low quality cell phone copies.
I read about that. He was wearing a Pinkie Pie wig. I wonder if the cell phone was in the hair? Anyway, I plan on seeing the movie on October 6th. Fortunately, it's playing in my local theater.
I'm going to wait until the movie gets realesed digitally. I'd feel like a weirdo watching it in theaters. :lol:

Short comic with best bat.

I quite liked the new episode. Pretty neat seeing Thunderlane getting some speech parts.

The episode has me wondering what the Wonderbolts members all cook now. :lol:
S07E21: Anarchy Mark

Not sure what I can respond to this eps tbh. If he didnt want any marks, let them i guess?

Either way I dont think irl people nowadays are okay if they hear "crusaders". Either way, bit of lower than average episode.

Also lol at people compare Rumble to Starlight. Because some rebel activists is precisely the same as tyrannical regime. Sure.
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I think the one on top died lol.

Episode was alright. Boy Star Tracker was more socially awkward than me.
Quite lots of news now.
Movie Talkback
So the movie is finally here. Still not seeing it now. But I saw many girls with pony clothes gather up making quite huge audience. Also the movie has basically huge ad campaign on theater, even the popcorn box. I say its successful attracting the audience.

Some "Pro" critics says its bad because boo hoo my manliness, even scores lower than Emoji Movie. BS I say.


S07E22: Real life airship company gets a cameo

Season 7 the leakiest era
Seriously, lots of stuff got leaked. Someone on Hasbro will get fired I can feel. View at your own discretions.

Anyway, heres the rest of episodes:
S07E23: @Casey eats pies

S07E24: Shipping episode

S07E25&26: Legends teamup
Decided to watch the leaked episodes.

Big post with spoilers.
I actually don't like pie... Unless it's Oreo pie please send me Oreo pie. :lol:

Evil Dash looks like a bad oc that got drawn quickly.

Episode 24 was the most relatable episode I've seen. :nervous:

This was so cute though. :3

Finale was pretty good also.

Annnnnd hiatus.
