The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

If, say, there were such a thing as artificial magic, and one of the devices was a directed energy weapon, what color would you make the unicorn's-horn-shaped projector?

Note: must look good against lo-vis gray.

Note2: You're helping me draw, here.
Dark blue.

1000th post!

Huh, I never came across this image before until today, which is surprising considering that it was uploaded on DA well over a month ago:

Dark blue.

1000th post!

I agree with that color choice.

That or a deep purple(yes it's because of Twilight), but dark blue is good.
EDIT: Speaking of which, I'm trying out Purple text for a day or two, if I don't like it, it's back to Navy.

Also, I'm well on my way to 1,000 posts.
I think more than 50% of them are in this thread.

But how come nopony wants Applejack?

Actually I take Applejack, she's strong, independent, knows how to cook.

AJ is my 3rd choice, right behind Trixie.
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If, say, there were such a thing as artificial magic, and one of the devices was a directed energy weapon, what color would you make the unicorn's-horn-shaped projector?

Note: must look good against lo-vis gray.

Note2: You're helping me draw, here.

Depends on the theme. If it's a totally artificial, humans-from-now making this thing, then I'd say a dark gray or black, but if it's more of a Celestia's-making-an-away-from-home-defense sort of thing, then I'd go with a dark color, blue, purple, red.
Funny,AJ is my least favourite,I even like Trixie more,however she is somehow one of the funniest for me(apart from pinkie pie obviously)

But meh,AJ gets plenty of love in the Escapist forums,the same can be said about Pinkie pie and Fluttershy,still,no love for Rarity,the best one for obvious reasons.

Also reading The Twilight War,and I have to say that is quite good,I remember a book I read not long ago,called The Third World War,this book shows similar events to the ones on that fanfic(I should also point out that it was released on 1985,when the USSR was still on the map)

Also(*hello new Google interface design*)
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AJ has always been my second favourite, with Twilight in third.

As for Trixie, well, it's interesting because I was aware of her existence before I even watched an episode of MLP and to be honest, I actually liked her for some reason back then. Now though, I don't know where I'd rank her among my favourite characters.
Problem with that is that all Luna fics are completely fanon, so there is a very good chance of it being Jossed come Season 2. That's why, as much as I love Progress and Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts, she hasn't moved anywhere on my character ratings scale.

Also reading The Twilight War,and I have to say that is quite good,I remember a book I read not long ago,called The Third World War,this book shows similar events to the ones on that fanfic(I should also point out that it was released on 1985,when the USSR was still on the map)
I've read Red Storm Rising (An early Tom Clancy novel, written right after The Hunt for Red October, that details a Soviet invasion of West Germany designed to be a diversion from a Soviet invasion of Iraq), and The Twilight War is scary close in terms of how it treats the tactics displayed by each side of the conflict.

I fancy myself a military buff, and the author of the story really knows his stuff in regards to strategy and tactics (which might be why it draws me in so much). After I figured out the real-life equivalent of what Sweetie Belle did in the latest chapter*, I basically pledged my full support behind the story.

The floating cloud fortress was being utilized in the exact same way that the United States utilized the Iowa-class battleships during Desert Storm. Enemy combatants enter the area unscathed and without meeting much resistance, and they are suddenly bombarded by exploding bullets the size of their torsos.

The floating cloud fortress was being utilized in the exact same way that the United States utilized the Iowa-class battleships during Desert Storm. Enemy combatants enter the area unscathed and without meeting much resistance, and they are suddenly bombarded by exploding bullets the size of their torsos.

Indeed,and after chapter three I found it very compelling,however I will say that the main plot is reminiscent of some stages and events of the wars in AC series,seriously,I'm pretty sure Unit-one will find these similitude as well,however I don't have (and never had) access to the Tom Clancy novels,the games sure,but not the novels,so I cant tell if there are similitudes with it as well.

That story is pretty bold,and well documented,including the Jagger and some details.

Apart from that,pics round-up:

On the subject:

On Anime subject:

And,not Trixie,but sure catches on:
^All of those are awesome.

Anyway, Fluttershy and the companion cube are adorable together.

This next one made me feel unusual levels of joy.
It's potentially lethal levels of extremely 🤬 adorable.

Indeed,and after chapter three I found it very compelling,however I will say that the main plot is reminiscent of some stages and events of the wars in AC series,seriously,I'm pretty sure Unit-one will find these similitude as well,however I don't have (and never had) access to the Tom Clancy novels,the games sure,but not the novels,so I cant tell if there are similitudes with it as well.

That story is pretty bold,and well documented,including the Jagger and some details.
I also like how he handled the "you started a war with the country that who's rulers are immortal goddesses" bit, which few stories attempt to do, let alone convincingly.

And his explanation for why Blueblood didn't take control of the government was... well, it fits with the story.

And,not Trixie,but sure catches on:
I prefer the version without the hat.

Going through the Drawfriends and uploadin' and found this. It probably isn't intended to be TNTNE artwork, but damn. And yes, when I get to it, I'll probably upload it as such anyways.

Edit: Had another idea. We would probably only be able to do stuff along that lines for two artists (John Joseco and Madmax), but it should still clean up the Fan Art gallery somewhat.
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Too many guests, too many guests! Lurkers, reveal yourselves! NOW!

...pretty please? I mean, it's um, okay... if you don't want to reveal yourselves...

Okay, here's my idea for the Gallery hierarchy:
  • Fan Fic Artwork.
  • GTP Bronies Originals or Pony Swag
  • Pony Vector Art
  • Wallpaper
  • John Joseco or CSIMadmax (which I haven't fixed yet, so the latter doesn't exist).
  • GIFs
  • Funny or Reaction Pics or Comics or Trollestia or Derpy or Pony Swag or YouTube Captions or Crossovers or Adorable or Posters or Applejack Advice (whatever the picture fits best in).
  • General Fan Art (If it doesn't fit in any of the above)
  • General Pony Images (If it doesn't fit in Fan Art)

With the idea being that when you get an image, you descend down the checklist and put it in the first thing that it fits in. It would make uploading images a lot faster.
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Err... Keep them. May have a use someday.

Also, I noticed that some of the pictures that exist in "General pony images.", "Adorable", "Derpy" and "Madness makes it all complete." could fit in the "Pony Vector art." album... But they are not huge. Still, work as templates.
New folder, keep or merge?
Okay, here's my idea for the Gallery hierarchy:
  • Fan Fic Artwork.
  • GTP Bronies Originals or Pony Swag
  • Pony Vector Art
  • Wallpaper
  • John Joseco or CSIMadmax (which I haven't fixed yet, so the latter doesn't exist).
  • GIFs
  • Funny or Reaction Pics or Comics or Trollestia or Derpy or Pony Swag or YouTube Captions or Crossovers or Adorable or Posters or Applejack Advice (whatever the picture fits best in).
  • General Fan Art (If it doesn't fit in any of the above)
  • General Pony Images (If it doesn't fit in Fan Art)

With the idea being that when you get an image, you descend down the checklist and put it in the first thing that it fits in. It would make uploading images a lot faster.

Seconded,and I second Racedude about the "Madness makes it complete",should go,doesn't make much sense(it did back at its time,but I think that it could also be redirected to the Reaction pics,if you want keep them).

(*Also,I need to get access to PS tomorrow,Corel is trolling me today*)
I think that that hirachy will work well. Very well thought out.
Do what Racedude says and get GIMP, if you don't have Photoshop available, it works really well. You can also get a version that is like Photoshop that is designed to get photoshop users using GIMP.
^ :lol: ,my turn:


I haven't used Gimp(2.6 damn) since Ubuntu 9.1 days,I guess its time to get back(or get CS5),there is also a trial for PS but meh,takes to much time to download and its quite late.

I will have a look on "hirachy" though.
Err... Keep them. May have a use someday.

Also, I noticed that some of the pictures that exist in "General pony images.", "Adorable", "Derpy" and "Madness makes it all complete." could fit in the "Pony Vector art." album... But they are not huge. Still, work as templates.
New folder, keep or merge?
I moved the relevant images from "Adorable," but the only image I see in GPI is the FlutterRage pic. The two Pinkie Pie images are much too small, I think.
And I'm rather hesitant to move move the MMiAC images to the Vector Art folder, because they don't really "fit" with the vector art, so to speak. They are just all lazy edits of the Pinkamena pose (some lazier than others).

Derpy is a special case. I almost want to say that Derpy should be left alone in that regard, because Derpy art is already separate from everything else. Like this, I guess:
  • Fan Fic Artwork.
  • GTP Bronies Originals or Pony Swag
  • Pony Vector Art or Derpy
  • Wallpaper
  • John Joseco or Madmax (which I have fixed, but haven't transferred anything yet).
  • GIFs
  • Funny or Reaction Pics or Comics or Trollestia or Pony Swag or YouTube Captions or Crossovers or Adorable or Posters or Applejack Advice (whatever the picture fits best in).
  • General Fan Art (If it doesn't fit in any of the above)
  • General Pony Images (If it doesn't fit in Fan Art)
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