The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
A special episode to serve as an appetizer for us would be epic. The internet would explode from sheer awesomeness... twice.

Just watched "The best night ever"

Fluttershy's rage was hilarious, definitely a brony for life.
Right, so I got back from vacation a few hours ago, and I picked up FM3 on the way.
I was extremely hungry when I got home, but instead of eating, I spent the last 1 1/2 hours working on this:





It's kind of a WIP/Proof of concept.
All of the ponies were made by other people(Why it only took 1 1/2 hours) and cost me 10,000cr a piece, but that was just to get an idea of what it would look like. And I can't upload it to my storefront because I used other peoples Vinyl Groups, so now I need to go and make each pony on my own.
(I don't know how I lived without this game)

I'm looking for space fillers though, so if anyone has any ideas on any fake MLP related products, or even something real I could include, let me know. Also, if you have any suggestions on position changes for each pony I'm open for those too.
In fact, I'm open to any suggestions anypony has to offer.

I'll probably copy what I did on the right and move Fluttershy so she's looking at Applejack on the left.
And I may go with the normal CTS-V instead of the coupe to give myself more room, but that all depends on how this turns out in the end.

Also, in case you're wondering, I am going to try to get this on ED once I'm satisfied with it.

EDIT: And no, Rarity and Trixie being on the same side facing each other on an ED car is not a coincidence.
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^^ Possible GTP bronies group representative.

Well,work finish,time to faffing about with ponies,today's issue:

This pic,which is in some way is twisting my opinion towards Trixie:

That image is almost perfect,from every angle and every perspective is amazing,I just can get enough props to the guy who made it,seriously,its incredible and in my opinion the best fan art I have seen until today(seriously that image has been in my head for quite a lot time today).

And,something else that I notice when I was watching "The Stare Master" episode,some of the jokes in the show actually mock up its own concepts,is really clever actually,now a new pic:

Really cute:

Quite Religious:

And probably the image of some writers who don't manage to get on ED:

And,expectation building up,I think that the MLP thing on FB is season 2(figurative,not literal).
You want full circle jokes? This is a full circle joke:


An anthro version of a ponyfied image? I do believe I've gone cross-eyed.

You see, all stuff like that does is make me feel bad. Would I shower him with my money (all of it) if I could get one? Yes. But alas, 'tis not possible.

Friendship is Magic Speed Quiz(Can't take this right now because I'm leaving soon)
46/60, mostly because I couldn't think of the names of the instruments.
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Friendship is Magic Speed Quiz(Can't take this right now because I'm leaving soon)
46/60, mostly because I couldn't think of the names of the instruments.

28 out of 60,mostly due to spelling mistakes, however I cannot believe some of the questions:

(Hard) Name five episodes in which Rainbow Dash doesn't have a speaking appearance.

That is really difficult.

Also,visiting ponychan,quite weird stuff there:


Detective Fluttershy and The stare,the ultimate hack for L.A. noire.
28 out of 60,mostly due to spelling mistakes, however I cannot believe some of the questions:

(Hard) Name five episodes in which Rainbow Dash doesn't have a speaking appearance.

That is really difficult.

If you read the instructions you'll find that the episode questions are the easiest.

This question is harder I think "Name two episodes which feature the Yakety Sax chase music."
I don't even know what that is.

46/60, mostly because I couldn't think of the names of the instruments.

Oh yeah, I forgot to do that, but I just did and got 49/60
I had the same problem with the instruments. I remember them, but I got hung up on Cymbals, which I just learned is spelled with a "C", and for some reason, my brain just got hung up on that, and I couldn't think of any of the others because of it.

Anyway, 2 hours later I'm almost done making Fluttershy, and so far it's looking horrible.
I might not actually get this thing out, and I might just make this a one of a kind thing because I am absolutely horrible at making ponies.
I can make her look alright, but I'm only halfway done and I've already used 400 out of my 1000 layers.
I think I'll just go ahead and slightly edit the pre-made layers, and then one day I'll get around to making the whole thing myself.

On Equestria Daily are Sethisto and Cereal Velocity the only editors?
If I remember right they are, but since I'm making a car in honor of the site I figured I'd go ahead and make sure.
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This question is harder I think "Name two episodes which feature the Yakety Sax chase music."
I don't even know what that is.
Benny Hill music. That was actually the first question I answered.

On Equestria Daily are Sethisto and Cereal Velocity the only editors?
If I remember right they are, but since I'm making a car in honor of the site I figured I'd go ahead and make sure.
Phoe handles a lot of the art stuff, and also uploads stuff when Seth or Cereal can't do so. She ran all of the Artist Training Ground events, for example.
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Benny Hill music. That was actually the first question I answered.

Phoe handles a lot of the art stuff, and also uploads stuff when Seth or Cereal can't do so. She ran all of the Artist Training Ground events, for example.

Ah, any idea who their favorite pony is?
I'm putting all of their names on the car and I'm placing each one next to their favorite; Trixie for Sethisto and Rarity for Cereal Velocity, I just need Phoe's.
I wanna say... Lyra? I think she said so in a news post she made in response to the Trixie/Rarity edit war from a while back, but it might have been a joke.
Phoe's favourite Pony might be Lyra, but I'm not too sure.

Anyway, I got a mere 38/60 in that quiz. I got hung up on the voice actresses, the instruments Pinkie Pie used, the nicknames Spike gave to the Mane 6 and the pet names, I feel kind of stupid for forgetting Gummy. I knew most of the ones I missed as well, such as Cloudsdale, it's just that I was too busy trying to find the answers to the other questions.

In light of this, I've found a suitable image:
EDIT:^ if Google does that, I will love them forever and ever.
I already love Google as a company, but if they did that I would get that Google logo tattooed on my shoulder(No I wouldn't, but you get the point)

Well if that's the case, I can't do anything with that because there's no Lyra on the marketplace, I'll just include her name on the list on the back of the car.

Also, I'm assuming Sethisto is in charge of the site?
If so I'll put his name in the center on the list.
♫ Doop doop doop catchin' up with the gallery. ♫

*goes to John Joseco's DA page*

Wait. He had two galleries for Pony stuff?







So this is what I have so far. I'm trying to work out how the main design will look before I even start planning for filler stuff, so is there anything you guys can suggest that might make this thing look better?

I'm thinking about dropping the rainbow on the trunk because it just looks out of place, but what do you guys think so far?
Stack the names on the trunklid rather than putting them in quadrants. Or shorten "Cereal Velocity" to "Cereal", so it doesn't look so lopsided on the left side.

Edit: Curse Pinkie Pie being in Boast Busters! I'm reading a story written by someone who didn't catch that, and it is completely distracting my attention from an otherwise well-written story.
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I can't quite make out the Pony on the car bonnet, it kind of looks like Trixie, wait, yep, it is. I've yet to come across that Trixie vinyl layer, I ought to download it when I get the chance.

Anyway, I actually like the Equestria Daily two-tone colour scheme, but if you want it to look more like the ED layout, I'd make the hood, roof and trunk light blue and the front end, both left and right sides and the rear end a darker shade of blue.

Oh, I think the rainbow vinyl on the trunk looks alright, but if you want rid of it, then fair enough.

Also, I decided to drop the Rainbow on the trunk lid, I think it looks better without it.

Has no one noticed that you misspelled Equestria?

Well now I feel stupid.
Whatever, it's an easy fix, thanks for pointing that out.

Anyway, I actually like the Equestria Daily two-tone colour scheme, but if you want it to look more like the ED layout, I'd make the hood, roof and trunk light blue and the front end, both left and right sides and the rear end a darker shade of blue.

Oh, I think the rainbow vinyl on the trunk looks alright, but if you want rid of it, then fair enough.

The Rainbow Vinyl looks good in those photos, but it's just distracting and looks out of place when the cars in motion. I might upload a replay when I get closer to being finished with it.

Also, I didn't do exactly what you said, but I did try a slightly darker shade of blue all around and I think it looks pretty good:

EDIT: So I figure I could use a cutie mark to fill in the blank spot on the "flank". The question is, what would make a good cutie mark for this car?
I was thinking of using Trixie's, but I want to try some other things first.
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So I figure I could use a cutie mark to fill in the blank spot on the "flank". The question is, what would make a good cutie mark for this car?
I was thinking of using Trixie's, but I want to try some other things first.

The colour scheme suggests that either Trixie or RD's Cutie Mark would work best on your car. Also, are you planning on downloading Cutie Mark vinyls from the Storefront or do you plan on making your own from scratch?

EDIT: So I figure I could use a cutie mark to fill in the blank spot on the "flank". The question is, what would make a good cutie mark for this car?
I was thinking of using Trixie's, but I want to try some other things first.

RD's cutie mark?,sort of makes balance with the colour,its a shame that I cant get to the storefront(damn you XBL silver)

Also,featured in ED:

(terrific movie.)

I wonder if they will ponify other Stanley Kubrick's works(2001 is a pretty good target,plenty of potential with that one)
^I can't tell you how much I love that video, especially when Alex giggled at the picture :lol:

Tis a great movie, A Clockwork Orange.