The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
*looks around*

*sees no one on*


This thread is now about Fluttershy. And only Fluttershy. GOGOGOGOGO.


I see your bet and raise you a special Halloween Fluttershy.

And a Scootaloo.
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Too many quotes, videos and pictures to bother commenting on them. Confound this sleep!

Would you consider it feasible to have the weapons essentially be a barrel and magazine strapped to the foreleg, that is triggered by the ponies flicking their ankles?

It would essentially run the length of the calf/shin, (I don't know the pony anatomical term), and be attached to it. The rifle wouldn't extend beyond the hoof, so running would be unimpeded, the pony extends it's foreleg and aims via a crosshair on their visor.

It's about as realistic as I can think without having a face-obscuring mask or something like that. Heavier weapons would be shoulder mounted however, (although rocket launcher backwash would hit pegasi wings?) Probably triggered by a command in the pony's visor array.


Also that pic makes me bloody scared of continuing TNTNE. XD
And a Scootaloo.
Who's ever heard of a blue chicken?

You know what I missed on that last pic I made? No, not the cutiemark. eyebrows.

So I fixed that error.

I'd be lying if I said I could tell the difference. Sorry. Could you explain what you did a bit more?

Would you consider it feasible to have the weapons essentially be a barrel and magazine strapped to the foreleg, that is triggered by the ponies flicking their ankles?
I'd imagine their legs would get burned by the barrel and/or brass, and I'd say they would be too susceptible to jamming from dust/dirt/mud buildup.

Also that pic makes me bloody scared of continuing TNTNE. XD
*mutters something about "fresh meat"*

Edit: It was there but now its gone woo!
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So my 3G conection was far above what it ussually is, and then as soon as I open the YouTube player to watch that video it goes right back to the ussual garbage I get here.....oh wait, 3G is completely gone now.....I hate my luck when it comes to timing.

I'll watch that video when I get home.
Uh, I think I know why Fluttershy is always so chill.


That explains an awful lot of things, including the logic behind the whole-pony concept, and the logic behind magic.

Also, on Fluttershy topic:


(That was also my reaction, that brave L)

Breaking singularity:

(I hope that these people don't dig up too much into the chaos theory.)

Also kind of dirty(and old) comic.

And this, a bit :( I must use.

That's all, for now.
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Also kind of dirty(and old) comic.
I've always loved the "convincing" argument given by Applejack in the second panel of that one.

This one was a good read. It reminded me of the Pony Psychological Series, but it wasn't as extreme as they were.

Edit: Look at all 'dem references!

Derpy, Lyra and Bon-Bon staring right at each other, Colgate with a huge smile on her face, Dr. Whooves, flower trio's combined expressions, Octavia, Pokey Pierce, Carrot Top, etc.

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To the right. Is that parasprite about to eat Philomena?

Also, that's my new desktop wallpaper.

Is there a larger version, because that QR Code is completely useless like that.
To the right. Is that parasprite about to eat Philomena?

Also, that's my new desktop wallpaper.

Is there a larger version, because that QR Code is completely useless like that.
In the gallery.

Seth said the QR code is just a thing for the Making of Season One video they already released, though.

Anyway, this is fantastic.

Also, my plans for the day were canceled.
New plans? Macintosh.
Followed by Forza.

EDIT: Also, why did you remove the video?
Well, couple of issues that I must address before attending a certain situation.

This one was a good read. It reminded me of the Pony Psychological Series, but it wasn't as extreme as they were.


Its a really interesting approach to Pinkie's mental condition, not as extreme as pony psychological but is closer to what a real condition could be, specially with the usage of the Ego and ID, I always believe that Pinkie has some sort of mental condition, in my opinion is closely related to some sort of Asperger syndrome, but in a sociable-capable person, this one explores such condition by putting Pinkie under two different entities of her own ego, something that she apparently doesn't have, but determinates the negative aspect of her, apart from the ID as being the complete composition of her active personality in sociable environments.

Edit: Look at all 'dem references!

Derpy, Lyra and Bon-Bon staring right at each other, Colgate with a huge smile on her face, Dr. Whooves, flower trio's combined expressions, Octavia, Pokey Pierce, Carrot Top, etc.

That was designed with the famdom in mind, and that's a good thing, however it lacks a character that caught my attention on the Green isn't Your Color episode, figure out which one is(it hasn't been address by the fandom either, and it has a really cool design).
Edit: Look at all 'dem references!

Derpy, Lyra and Bon-Bon staring right at each other, Colgate with a huge smile on her face, Dr. Whooves, flower trio's combined expressions, Octavia, Pokey Pierce, Carrot Top, etc.


A friend pointed it out to me--is that Twilight riding her hot air balloon waaay back there?


*Is wondering what sort of sexual favors he'll need to perform to get one of those posters while he's stuck in Puerto Rico*

Edit: Also, Pinkamena's Inanimate Friends are there too :D
So I just put this together in case anyone wanted a wallpaper sized version without all of the logos and other stuff.

Anyway, on to Macintosh.

EDIT: Toro, you mentioned something about a song for chapter 5....where would I find it?
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Have you died from the D'aaaaaawwwwwww that is chapter 5 yet?

EDIT: Also, why did you remove the video?
Because I made a really amateurish mistake with it. I'm actually uploading the fixed one right now. Now is the time for TACOS though, so I won't be back to post it for a while.

That was designed with the famdom in mind, and that's a good thing, however it lacks a character that caught my attention on the Green isn't Your Color episode, figure out which one is(it hasn't been address by the fandom either, and it has a really cool design).
Photo Finish's assistant?

Edit: This is the song, MintBerryCrunch.

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^Too late already finished.....I....
I'm not sure how to put into words how that moment made me feel.
"D,aaawwww" just doesn't even come close to that feeling.

Halfway through the poem it hit me and I just lost it.
"To visit those who dream they might
Someday own the gift of flight.
Cast your gaze upon the sight
Of one denied her own birthright"

I don't think I've ever had tears of joy like that before.

That...that was beautiful.
And then the D'aaaaaaawwwwwwww overcame MintBerryCrunch, and he died.

In other news, Pylons!:

How long does it take YouTube to process a 1:15 video?!
See I was thinking it would be extremely "D'aaawwwww" worhty, and I was planning on making a post something like this:
D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww (take it away Sweetie Belle)

But I didn't expect it to come close to that kind of adorable.

EDIT: Removed video. Alright, it's your video so it's only fair that you get to post it.
Ahah, I beat you to it.
I just happened to still be signed into the Bronies YouTube account which you happen to be friends with....that or it's subscribed to you, I really don't know. But my point is I clicked YouTube and it said "Uploaded by TenchiFreak5".

EDIT: Oh god that's awesome.:lol:
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^That video is amazing:lol:

Great job with the lip syncing.

Although, out of curiosity, what was the mistake you made with the first one?

EDIT: Oh, and given the insane randomness of the latest PMV post on ED, I think your video would fit right in.

Oh, and until the point in the story with the party, I learned that the How To Train Your Dragon OST makes for some amazing reading music.

More specifically, these 3:
Forbidden Friedship

The Cove
Romantic Flight

John Powell is a freaking genius.

ALright, I'm going to work on that design now, and after that I'm making a Big Mac Dodge Ram.
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I quite like it, specially the Applebloom bit, which presents a pretty accurate synchronisation.

Apart from that, what did you use to make it, the video edition thing that comes MacOSs, Windows movie maker or some other video edition tool.

Apart from that, maybe the pony that I was pointing out is quite difficult to identify, since it only appears in about 2-4 seconds, one peculiarity of him is that is probably the only male pony that posses that geometrical design, which reminds me of my own image.

You can find it in Green Isn't Your Color episode, on the 0:50-0:55 mark, just at the beginning, in the spa (I'll take an screenshot of it but I'm navigating on Mobile, so I will take that screenshot later).

That was actually funny :lol:

Putting Fluttershy in that role was a brilliant decision, plus I haven't watched that episode of Johnny Bravo since....I can't even remember, it's been years since I saw it. You used Sony Vegas to create the video, right?

ALright, I'm going to work on that design now, and after that I'm making a Big Mac Dodge Ram.

I'm trying to think of a name for that Rainbow Dash CCGT you're creating. All I can think of right now is Rainboenigsegg (that's terrible).
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I'm trying to think of a name for that Rainbow Dash CCGT your creating. All I can think of right now is Rainboenigsegg (that's terrible).

Not great, but I can't think of much else. Anyway, back to the design.

Apart from that, maybe the pony that I was pointing out is quite difficult to identify, since it only appears in about 2-4 seconds, one peculiarity of him is that is probably the only male pony that posses that geometrical design, which reminds me of my own image.

You can find it in Green Isn't Your Color episode, on the 0:50-0:55 mark, just at the beginning, in the spa (I'll take an screenshot of it but I'm navigating on Mobile, so I will take that screenshot later).

Really good spot, I never noticed him there, but someone else did.

Although he is completely unique as far as I can tell.
Also, there are allot of BG ponies with fanon names. Took me forever to scroll all the way down the list of Background earth ponies. There's no way they could have fit all of them in.
It's only a matter of time before one person makes a picture with him, and then his popularity will explode.