The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Thanks again Toro. Looks good, was that you, who added that music?

I am falling asleep. I will ask questions tomorrow... well today, but later.

Good night.

The standalone version of Bookr works much better than the one built into IRshell.

*ahem* So, them Ponies! How about them?

Also, I finally thought of a response to this:

I've got an app on my phone that reads .doc files:P
I've got an "app" on my PSP that plays Real Bout Fatal Fury Special.

I win.

Thanks again Toro. Looks good, was that you, who added that music?
Yeah. And the icon and background.

Edit: Re: "Who's the Bigger Bitch" discussion. I now have conclusive evidence!

See this:

It wasn't Gilda who did that.
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^That was a good read. Looking forward to seeing it. And it's coming much sooner than I thought.




The mane is finished unless one of you can tell me something you think I should do differently with it. I still need to add the wings, cutie mark, and a few other small details, so just ignore the fact that those are missing. The stock rims look alright, I'm just going to choose something cooler....about 20% cooler.
So what do you all think of the mane?

Should I change the shade of any of the colors?

Edit: Re: "Who's the Bigger Bitch" discussion. I now have conclusive evidence!

See this:

It wasn't Gilda who did that.

Bullying Pinkie Pie.


And the final most damning evidence of all:


She made Fluttershy cower in fear and cry.

Although, I did go back and watch Call of the Cutie and I'd be willing to concede that they are both equal parts bitch, they just express their bitchiness in different ways.

Also, when I copy/pasted the screen-caps into paint a few of them got messed up, and I had already closed Windows Media Player.
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So what do you all think of the mane?
Should I change the shade of any of the colors?

I think the shape and position of the mane is bang on, although I reckon a slightly deeper shade of orange should be used. Also, making a Rainbow Dash Cutie Mark is actually quite enjoyable, well for me it was anyway. It isn't too difficult to make but it could take you a while. Good look with the rest of the design.

And this is just pure badass:
^Holy hell that's amazing.
Rainbow Dash might just be my 3rd favorite....alright, I think I'll put RD and Trixie for 2nd place, and Big Mac and Twilight in 1st since I just can't decide.
Man, this thing is going to be so awesome.[/Dash]

I've finally remembered some of the inner fiddlings of Vegas (namely how the Trimmer works), so I'm going crazy now.
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That's amazing, but I think that the main should be until the edge of the logo(but that's just me).

The middle part of Rainbow Dash's mane comes down between her eyes anyway. If the car headlights represent RD's eyes, then I think the middle section of her mane is in the right position.

Apart from that, who's the worst bitch?, well:


(Also, your argument is invalid, whatever that is, or whoever you are)



Rainbow Dash is still my favourite character. The only reason why I have Trixie as my avatar is because I just so happen to like that image of her.
*spend 10 minutes downloading Boast Busters*

*only use 4 seconds of video from the episode*


You know, in hindsight I probably shouldn't have used Dash as the main character of this, because she's just not a major player in that many episodes.
I've got an "app" on my PSP that plays Real Bout Fatal Fury Special.

Actually, you just gave me the idea to download that. Luckily the guy put it up for free because the phone I have is the sole reason it was removed from the app store.
It's got a PlayStation controller where the keyboard would be, so I can see why they'd pull that from the app store.

That said, I do miss my PSP. I sold it because I bought it at launch and there were about 3-5 good games for the first year.


The middle part of Rainbow Dash's mane comes down between her eyes anyway. If the car headlights represent RD's eyes, then I think the middle section of her mane is in the right position.

Yeah, that's exactly what I was going for with the headlights for eyes thing.

Although, just a little note, I won't be doing to eyes the way I did them on the Trixie Aero, although I might just add the lashes. I'll see how that looks and then drop it if it's no good.
I don't know, I just cant like Trixie for some reason, She's a nice plot device and shipping pairing I admit, but nah, she's not as likeable as Gilda or Prince Blueblood.

Also, cannot think anything to put as funny pic, so here is an adorable pic:
not as likeable as Gilda or Prince Blueblood.


Not liking her is one thing, but seriously?
How could she possibly be that bad.

Also, my eyes hurt, so I'll finish that design tomorrow after I get off work.

Apparently my internet speed is faster than the data transfer between my PC and phone. Coming in at a whopping 324kbs.....WTF is this?

Ahahah....I just ended Windows Task Bar....god dammit what's going on.
OK I just restarted everything and it's going 5mbs now....still slower than my download speed. I still don't get that. Maybe it's something about SD Cards.

Alright, I'm done rambling now.
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This is brilliant:

And here's another badass video:

I don't know, I just cant like Trixie for some reason, She's a nice plot device and shipping pairing I admit, but nah, she's not as likeable as Gilda or Prince Blueblood.

Is there a legitimate reason why you consider Gilda and Prince Blueblood to be more likeable than Trixie? I'm neutral when it comes to Trixie (I don't hate her, yet she isn't among my top 5 characters either), but I really don't like Gilda or Blueblood at all. The way those two acted in the episodes they featured in was completely out of line in my opinion (especially Gilda).
Very complicated reasons to be elaborated, something that I will not do, is more a personal thing, but anyway.

Also, remember when I say that there should be a fanfic that showcase the rivalry between Trixie and Twilight, this is what I'm talking about:


(Only less childish, and actually more pony related, with magic, Harry Potter style or something.)

^ And that's actually quite funny (they wrote cooking properly, that's a good thing you know).
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So, let's say that I need someone (who is not Rainbow Dash) from the Mane Six to represent a stereotypical bully character for the video I'm doing. Now, obviously, I would love to use Rarity, but I don't think there is the proper footage to splice the audio into.

My current choices are Applejack (because it would be really easy to do because there is oodles of footage of Dash and AJ talking to each other) or Fluttershy (because how hilariously inappropriate it would be more than makes up for how much harder it would be to do). Leaning towards Fluttershy. Opinions?
Language Warning

After seeing this, I'd say go with Fluttershy.

Red Vs. Blue is the best:
Language Warning
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Fluttershy, for the oddness of it, however there is very little footage that you could use, it can be approximated into 1 to 2 minutes, something that should be consider with the clips to be used and the length of the film.

Also, this was featured on ED, and is brilliant:

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Dammit Macintosh just updated again. You know what. I'm going to read as much of that as I can before my friend get's here tomorrow. After I finish that desing, of course. For now, though, I've got work really early tomorrow, so I'm going to bed early.
EDIT: Actually I'll finish the design while he's here. I don't want to fall behind on that story.

G'night everypony.
Again? Crap. Now I'm 6 chapters behind.

I went with Fluttershy. I think I can get enough material out of Sonic Rainboom to pull off what I want to do. Now I just need to find a scene where Dash talks for 6 seconds.

Edit: Oh, this is going to be perfect.
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Now I just need to find a scene where Dash talks for 6 seconds.

The Ticket Master from 3:20 mark to 3:40 there is at least one section of 4-6 seconds that could be used,and RD do the talking in that segment for at least 10-12 seconds in different angles.

Also pic, before Drawfriends goes up:


And this reminds me of Naruto, about the same style.

I have the slight suspicion that drawfriends will be all shipping, once again.
Midnight, time for pic, and the funny thing today is that there isn't any, seriously, all I found today is either NSFW(extreme) and nothing else.

Well maybe this:

Instead of searching for more pics, I will go off topic, and I will ask, for those who had the original PlayStation, who did play Vanishing Point?

(Sorry I'm getting nostalgic again, I found this game in an old stack of PS1 games, and brings me back so many good memories, maybe the intro and some gameplay will refresh your memory, it was also on Dreamcast for those who managed to have one, I did :D )
My cousin had the Dreamcast version. I didn't really like how the cars controlled, so I never really got into it.

Well, I literally have 5.16 seconds left to do in the video, and I'm all done. With that in mind, I think I've built up enough of a base that I can call it a night, and get it done tomorrow morning.

Good night:

Well, this will be my last post for today, is very unlikely that someone uploads something good on Ponychan or KYM or Deviantart, apart from that, I need to enjoy myself a bit more with the recent discoveries.

That doesn't mean that I didn't find anything, a couple of things that I found:

Sad (maybe already posted)

Also pic:


And some tables that you could use for experimentation(probably already posted as well):

All cast

And that's about all I need to say about ponies, apart from that, the cars on Vanishing Point drive like manure, but is one of the few racing games in which you can find a mission that consists in making a barrel roll(Also, getting a clean race on that game is already a challenge).

That's all

Goodnight everyone.