The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
^^ I love those alternate ending videos.
Also, I hadn't considered the Wrex/Fluttershy thing like that. I loved the picture at first, but I'm just going to pretend it never happened now.

EDIT: Before I go.

Alright, I've got to give my sister a ride somewhere, so you can come out of hiding and continue posting.....
He lies...I can see his name at the bottom. Shhhh, don't let him know about the surprise party, he might Pinkamina on us!

I decided to try and wean myself off pony today by manning up and completing Metro 2033. (A game I love and loath due to it's amazing atmosphere.)


Oh look...another Twixie fic. These're getting so common it's starting to look kinda cheap. It's amost as if people are starting to write them to butter Sethisto up and bypass the pre-readers. :|
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These Wallpapers are badass.

My new wallpaper:

Language warning

I normally don't like rap at all, but credit where it's due, this is fantastically made.
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Confounded Netbook! Well...technically it's Microsoft's fault. I need a Syndey Sleeper so I can assassinate Bill Gates with a rifle that shoots urine.

Also I read Glimmerhorn Vale. Somwhat disappointing on many fronts. No real adventure, drama, action, or even shipping really. It was a fairly bland affair, and barely constitutes as a Twixie.
^I would pay all of the money I have and then some if someone actually made a game like that.

This song.....I'm still not tired of it.

Even though I posted it first, I'll let Coffee take the video since I tree'd him.
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I need to hack it onto my Walkman.

Also someone who sings fluttershy fairly well made a PMV. I only really like it because it sounds like Fluttershy though tbh.

I'll admit that this is the cutest MLP Sparta Remix I've come across:

And Twilight really has lost her mind:
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Wait, you and Mint posted the same Fluttershy PMV at the exact same time? What were the chances of that happening?

Mint posted a Dash-based PMV. :S

Also how do I get my name in red text around here?


Anything with Pinkie is automatically cute and awesome.
Hello my favorite Bronies!
Thank You all for such a great support!

Sethisto made a story fan-art sector, just to put my picture there? Well, that's really unexpected! Wow!:D

I wonder why BronyCray hasn't added it to his favorites yet... major spoiler maybe. :guilty:

Oh, well... I have 119 DA messages to read... it will take a while.

Also, I use a PSP to read, when I don't have a PC. I upload the text as a .txt format and open it throught the PSP's web browser. Works fine.

And I see most of you have colored letters... Star Fighter is black, so my letters will be black... :P
Glad to be support, now make us more pretty pictures!

Also my DA reached it's peak at 70 messages this morning, of which a good 50-odd were from the MLP group.
^ Yeah, 95 of my messages were from MLP club.

I'll make more... But this feeling is not going away. Each time I am trying to do a better picture. And I guess it works. But soon I will hit the ceiling, and I fear that the quality may not improve anymore. That scares me a lot.
Well I'd say your quality is pretty damn good atm, so when you do hit the ceiling, it should be more awesome than Dash...unless it's of Dash.
Dammit. People need to stop writing Twixie stories so I can actually get time to read them.

Also, whoever thought to put chapter titles in the FanFic album rather than just the chapter number (I assume it was unit-one), good idea. I did the same for the rest of the album.


I do occasionally do things. I went golfing today.

Also, I use a PSP to read, when I don't have a PC. I upload the text as a .txt format and open it throught the PSP's web browser. Works fine.
I don't think I could put up with reading plain .txt files. You should hack that thing and load Bookr on it. I spent about 20 minutes reading Chapter 14 of TNTNE with it, screwing around with the options and what not. I'm gonna need to start converting the stories I already have saved as Word documents to PDFs instead.

^ YI'll make more... But this feeling is not going away. Each time I am trying to do a better picture. And I guess it works. But soon I will hit the ceiling, and I fear that the quality may not improve anymore. That scares me a lot.
Just keep challenging yourself. For example, you mentioned that you wanted to try something from head-on, and then you did.
Well I'd say your quality is pretty damn good atm, so when you do hit the ceiling, it should be more awesome than Dash...unless it's of Dash.

Thanks, I'll do my best. I had plans to draw at least one picture for each chapter... I don't know if it's going to work.

Also, whoever thought to put chapter titles in the FanFic album rather than just the chapter number (I assume it was unit-one), good idea. I did the same for the rest of the album.

I think that was me... I don't remember.
My PSP is haxed.
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Oh, hey look. My internet went out for 2 hours and the thread exploded.
Mint posted a Dash-based PMV. :S

Also how do I get my name in red text around here?

We did post the same Fluttershy video, I just removed it after I had noticed you posted the video at the exact same time.

Also, you get the red names with this: GTPremium


I do occasionally do things. I went golfing today.
I do things too, it's just I always happen to do them during everyone else free-time.
I don't think I could put up with reading plain .txt files. You should hack that thing and load Bookr on it. I spent about 20 minutes reading Chapter 14 of TNTNE with it, screwing around with the options and what not. I'm gonna need to start converting the stories I already have saved as Word documents to PDFs instead.
I've got an app on my phone that reads .doc files:P
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You spend the big bucks.

Or, you be such an awesome member that people buy it for you (Thanks T-12).

There are also occasionally contests that have Premium membership as a prize (I've personally won two). Usually they involve one of the older members consuming considerable amounts of alcohol and randomly giving it away.

Edit: I just had an idea. I'm also going to throw links to the stories themselves in the FanFic album under each correlating picture. Except for that one.
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What fanfic album? Also that new Twixie isn't that great, it was an experiment for the author that didn't really pay off. Not even any real Twixie'ing in it. :|
What fanfic album?
The one in the GTP Bronies photo gallery that I put together to correspond with the GTP Bronies Fan Fic Recommendation List.

Which, now that I think about it, I really, really need to update. I'm probably 30 stories behind now, including a bunch that I have artwork up for but I still haven't written the Synopsis for.

Also that new Twixie isn't that great, it was an experiment for the author that didn't really pay off. Not even any real Twixie'ing in it. :|
Hm. I can't say that I wouldn't like to be able to skip stories looking at how big my backlog is growing...

Of course, then I read your comments about it and now I almost feel compelled to read it to see what's up with it.

British Boomerang? /)^ɛ^(\

Also I just realised something about fics that made me quite annoyed, although more than I should be. It was reading Fallout:Equestria and hearing the description of how the raider ponies held the gun in between their teeth and fired it with their tongue.

Now. Given that guns are obviously an integral part of the FE fanon, it makes sense that great thought be put into them. So why would a pony hold it with their teeth? The recoil would rip them out, not to mention the hot shells being ejected onto their gums, and the slider going back essentially down their throat. Firing a gun like that would be painful.

It hit me that the author must've put no thought into even considering that the guns would be pony-made. And therefore made to fit ponies, not humans. I'm unsure if other fics are guilty of this, and they probably are, but it strikes me as lazy that he basically wrote in human guns and gave the ponies an extraordinarily awkward way to fire them, (what about assault rifles and LMGs?)

There doesn't seem to be any thought towards earth and pegasus ponies being considered into using them. And if a unicorn pony can levitate and operate the gun, surely they don't need a trigger as such either?

I'm probably more annoyed at it than I should be, but it was me sitting for a while considering these things in my Halo fanfic that made me realise few others had bothered. I'm half tempted not to bother either and have Dash firing a plasma cannon out her nostrils.
^^ Are you going to review and make recommendations for all those fanfics, that's commitment.

Apart from that, Its good to see the fan-art from Unit-one getting some fame, it was quite good all this time and it really did show some aspects and style from TNTNE.

Also, pic:


(Quite cool actually )

And finally:

*All that PSP chat remind me of some darker days in the past, I hope that they will not follow me FOREVER!!!*

Also I just realised something about fics that made me quite annoyed, although more than I should be. It was reading Fallout:Equestria and hearing the description of how the raider ponies held the gun in between their teeth and fired it with their tongue.

Now. Given that guns are obviously an integral part of the FE fanon, it makes sense that great thought be put into them. So why would a pony hold it with their teeth? The recoil would rip them out, not to mention the hot shells being ejected onto their gums, and the slider going back essentially down their throat. Firing a gun like that would be painful.

It hit me that the author must've put no thought into even considering that the guns would be pony-made. And therefore made to fit ponies, not humans. I'm unsure if other fics are guilty of this, and they probably are, but it strikes me as lazy that he basically wrote in human guns and gave the ponies an extraordinarily awkward way to fire them, (what about assault rifles and LMGs?)

There doesn't seem to be any thought towards earth and pegasus ponies being considered into using them. And if a unicorn pony can levitate and operate the gun, surely they don't need a trigger as such either?

I'm probably more annoyed at it than I should be, but it was me sitting for a while considering these things in my Halo fanfic that made me realise few others had bothered. I'm half tempted not to bother either and have Dash firing a plasma cannon out her nostrils.

^ Agree.
Pony guns should look like masks. Or, heavy guns can be mounted on their backs and they will still have a mask with a trigger.
Posted my fanfic to the FiM channel on DA, received four favourites within about a minute.

Now I admire the likes, but given the timeframe, you obviously didn't read it and therefore no, I'm not giving you a stupid llama in return.

Also I just wrote in Dash firing a plasma cannon from her nostrils. Are you happy now fanon?!
^^Like this?

Only it could just be a harness that they wear with interchangeable weapons.

I came up with the idea that an implant in the ponies head communicated with the gun, telling it to fire on thought, (essentially, even better than human guns.)

It has a harness system designed for the forelegs to carry, but uses the shoulders for support too.
Calamity's battle saddle makes sense to me, but the idea still stands. I remember a comic about Lyra going insane yelling about how the tools are an artifact of a lost civilization.