The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Time to spam the thread with massive pictures, today we have:

Dat shipping(Not sure, maybe NSFW, maybe)


(What?, I like that scene from the series)

Equally good:

(See, this is why we need more Rainbowshy)

And I'm starting to like Octavia a bit more, day after day:

(Agent 008)

And two comics:

Kind of simple
Kind of touching

Done, now you can continue with your TNTNE discussion(which I'll not be dragged to).

*Continues Working*
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I would normally agree with this,but Applejack is an extremely stubborn bitch sometimes, so things could get ugly.

She even single-hoofedly caused a war in an episode of the show, and she's even more stubborn in this universe.

Disregard what I said about Rarity and AJ fighting, I misread what unit-one said.

unit-one: "I meant Rarity and Applejack could have a fight with Rainbow and Twilight.
Those two groups are now rivals, they have their own targets now".

I went on to say that I still don't think that either group will come to blows.

Even though it's Rainbow Dash, she's still only one more Pegasus, and one more Pegasus is nothing against NMM's army.
I'm not sure what can be done, but almost anything is better than getting her in as just another grunt.
I'm not sure if that's what you meant, but I just wanted to put that out there.

I meant that RD might be a bit shocked about confronting and talking to the alternate reality version of herself. The last time they talked to each other, Rainbow Dash didn't know the captains true identity.

EDIT: I was halfway through reading part 3 of Tabluna Rasa, but it's late now, so I'll finish it off tomorrow instead.
As horrific as it also admittedly was (as was the BSoD she went through when she realized what she did),

Rainbow Dash becoming a Berserker-Packing-mare-and-a-half and punching that 🤬 in the face until there was no more face left to punch was also quite the "Hell Yes!" moment.

And I suppose I should probably go back and see what Wiegert and unit-one talked about the other day when they read it, now that my brain has finally cooled down from the awesome.

Cooled down? Okay... I'll just leave this here then.


And in case somebrony wants to make their own version, here's the lineart.


... It wasn't easy, but I've done it.

*goes to work*

Good bye!
I went on to say that I still don't think that either group will come to blows.
Yeah, I saw actually said that in the comment I quoted. But I was just saying that I still think violence is a very real possibility once AJ get's her mouth going.

I meant that RD might be a bit shocked about confronting and talking to the alternate reality version of herself. The last time they talked to each other, Rainbow Dash didn't know the captains true identity.
Well I wouldn't say "shocked", because she knows whats coming, but it'll definitely be an...awkward(for lack of a better word) experience.
But I was addressing the point where you mentioned convincing her to join the fight against NMM, but looking back I could have made that more clear.

Holy 🤬.
Great job:tup:

That is not at all what I expected the picture to be of.
Okay, first things first:
Comprehensive Element Failure!

*takes a bow*

Things look very interesting! Dash and Sparkle made their decisions and devised some plans, while Rarity and Applejack stick with theirs. This might turn ugly if they will fight with each other. I wonder what's on Dash's mind, she went to see the Captain Dash. I'm glad that she's alive, but she got hit pretty hard.
You know what I was absolutely not expecting?

Twilight to point out that Alternate/Applejack and Alternate/Rarity were not her friends. I figured it was going to come up, I knew Captain Dash already felt that way, and I had already pointed out that holding Captain Dash to the same expectations as Rainbow Dash was ridiculous in the comments (ie. why her caring about Spitfire more than New Ponyville makes perfect sense for this universe); but I did not expect Twilight to be the one to put her foot down.

Not after what happened when Rainbow told her about Fluttershy. Not after she let the first execution go without fighting it to the end like Rainbow did. Not after she never pushed any of her issues with Rarity.

And the Warrant Officer got away...
I'm not sure what the make of this, actually. Its certainly important, but I'm having trouble coming to terms why. First of all, I want to know who it is.

He knew who Captain Dash was (which, fair enough, everyone in Trixie's little chorus probably does). But more importantly, he knew Alternate/Rainbow Dash before she became Captain Dash!

Nightmare Moon suspects Trixie. She has thoughts, that Trixie might want to take her place on the throne, and she personally wants to see New Ponyville!
I honestly don't think she cares about New Ponyville. I mean, sure, she will probably do something about it if she gets there and it still exists. However, I think she was simply baiting Super Bitch from the very start of the conversation, trying to cause her to slip up.

Remember, NMM hasn't trusted Super Bitch at least since she first accused Captain Dash of being a traitor (remember how specifically refused to give Trixie proper backup for the raid, so Super Bitch basically went and got the troops anyways?), and I actually think the mistrust actually goes back all the way to the oft-mentioned massacre in Manehattan when Trixie got her superior killed during the riots in order to make a power play.

Super Bitch has spent the entire story thinking 5 moves ahead of where she currently is, and she still hasn't grasped just how much her plans have gone to hell because she refuses to think in terms of now and adjust them. She is under the assumption that when she gets back to New Ponyville that Captain Dash will be dead and her subterfuge will be complete. That obviously didn't happen. Also remember that NMM is going to show up to a scene involving a frameup job that isn't going to work, which requires the involvment of an army that Trixie is not supposed to be in command of. And while Trixie has no way of knowing about the former, she absolutely knows about the latter.

I did get slightly confused when the fight was going on. Had some trouble understanding who attacked who, but it's clear now.
I got a bit lost when Forepony Checkers got involved, but a quick reread later and I got caught up.

The possibility of Rarity and Applejack fighting each other didn't occur to me. I personally don't see them coming to blows in the next part to be honest, although I'm interested to know what will happen between them.
I think Applejack and Rarity are both wild cards in this now, perhaps even more than Captain Dash is.

I don't know what happened to the other pegasus pony though. She did lose one of her wings, but apart from that piece of information, I'm not sure what happened to her.
She was brought in on a stretcher with the pegasus who was burned to death, the earth pony who was either killed or wounded, Rainbow Dash and Captain Dash.

I'm not too surprised that Nightmare Moon suspects Trixie though. The fact that she told Nightmare Moon that she would rather deal with the resistance herself is the main reason why she sucpects Trixie's motives.
As I said above, I think it goes back much farther than that.

Even though it's Rainbow Dash, she's still only one more Pegasus, and one more Pegasus is nothing against NMM's army.
One more Pegasus.

Who is the Captain of the Shadowbolts (which means Captain Dash does have a personal army to command, which Trixie does not), and is NMM's second-in-command. And who is probably in a hell of a lot better position to explain her way out of this mess if it comes down to it than Trixie is.

Cooled down? Okay... I'll just leave this here then.


And in case somebrony wants to make their own version, here's the lineart.


... It wasn't easy, but I've done it.

*goes to work*

Good bye!
Holy god damn. Well, looks like we got a new preview picture for the FanFic album. Spoilers be damned.
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who is the captain of the shadowbolts (which means captain dash does have a personal army to command, which trixie does not), and is nmm's second-in-command. And who is probably in a hell of a lot better position to explain her way out of this mess if it comes down to it than trixie is.

I actually considered everything you said multiple times, but for some reason I got stupid and posted the comment as it was anyway.
It could have something to do with how incredibly tired I am right now. I really can't think clearly right now.

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One more Pegasus.

Who is the Captain of the Shadowbolts (which means Captain Dash does have a personal army to command, which Trixie does not), and is NMM's second-in-command. And who is probably in a hell of a lot better position to explain her way out of this mess if it comes down to it than Trixie is.

I pretty much typed up the same thing you said here, but I pressed cancel instead of reply when I was trying to edit it into my previous post. Needless to say, I was pissed.
In reply to MintBerryCrunch:

"Well I wouldn't say "shocked", because she knows whats coming, but it'll definitely be an...awkward(for lack of a better word) experience"

Yes, it will be an awkward juncture, that's for sure.

As Toro said, she still has connections with NMM and she has her own personal army. She maybe a single pegasus, but the captain can exert her strength to help defend against Trixie and her cohorts, which is the best that anypony could wish for at this time.

Oh yeah, Toro:
Comprehensive Element Failure.

I now acknowledge that Rainbow Dash probably wasn't the only Pony to blame for the failure of the elements, which was what I originally presumed.
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As Toro said, she still has connections with NMM and she has her own personal army. She maybe a single pegasus, but the captain can exert her strength to help defend against Trixie and her cohorts, which is the best that anypony could wish for at this time.

Yeah, I agreed with that too. Again, though, I am extremely tired and said something stupid.

I wonder why everyone is using the spoiler tags since everyone already read the last chapter.

CoffeeGrunt only recently started the story.

Double post? Damn, I'm tired.

Alright, 10 more minutes and I'm going to sleep. I have no idea why I'm so tired tonight.

EDIT: Brony Facebook page just updated, so I'm going to bed whenever I finish going through that.
I wonder why everyone is using the spoiler tags since everyone already read the last chapter.

CoffeeGrunt just started the story, and I personally prefer having the discussion in spoiler tags regardless, just in case.

You know what I really didn't expect?

To end a TNTNE chapter with a smile chiseled into my face that rivals those from a typical TBoTS chapter. And then unit-one draws what I think is his best picture yet, featuring RD absolutely manning right the hell up all over that bastard's face. Plus, the one thing that I fought so hard in the comments to explain my reasoning behind turned out to be true (at least based on what went on in this chapter. Watch in fear as I'm cursed by my own hubris). Nearly a month of so much painful anticipation paying off in the grandest way possible.


But alas, I must sleep. My awesome tanks have been depleted, and I've been up since 6:30 this morning working on stuff anyways. Several stories I have to burn through now that TNTNE has finally been read (including one that just went up the NinesTempest is freaking out over, so I really have to check it out), and now that I got my review completed I have all the time in the world to do them.

Good night:
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CoffeeGrunt only recently started the story.

Double post? Damn, I'm tired.

Alright, 10 more minutes and I'm going to sleep. I have no idea why I'm so tired tonight.

True,I forgot that he hasn't read the whole thing yet.

And true, you better get some sleep, is the first time I see a DP on this thread, God knows what Celestia will do now(Throw you in a dungeon, or banishes you, or banishes you and then throw you in a dungeon).
True,I forgot that he hasn't read the whole thing yet.

And true, you better get some sleep, is the first time I see a DP on this thread, God knows what Celestia will do now(Throw you in a dungeon, or vanishes you, or vanishes you and then throw you in a dungeon).
You mean banish?

Geez, Akira, you should get some sleep too. That's thrice in one day!

^Yes, I think we all need some sleep to be honest :lol:

And I'll quote this gif as it also represents how I felt after reading TNTNE, plus after seeing that stunning drawing unit-one made:

Yeah, I should really get some sleep, so g'night:
Alright, going to bed, but before I do I'll just post this really quick.

Oh, and you should probably turn down your volume for that.

Anyway, gnight everypony.

You mean banish?



(*With Myself*)

When my bosses read that document on the making (120 pages), they will probably kill me :lol: .

Anyway I must not sleep, I must work (a bit more, again, dumb windows office, it seems that I need to make one more revision to that thing).


Ok I will follow your advice people and I will get some sleep, but before leaving, here is a set of really cool images I found around Ponychan:




But before leaving:
That's incredible, I really like the lighting effects on this image, and the colouring, its an outstanding job 👍 .

That's it for today

Goodnight everyone.
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And to tell that big ol' scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he's scary than he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna HAHHAHAAHAHA laaaauuuuuuugh.


You guys are moving way too fast with this thread.


Excellent. Our power grows.
Oh for the love of peoplee make me regret sleep when I see the massive backlog of posts:

Netbooks are one of humanity's greatest failures, seriously. How any salesperson can keep a straight face while they sell you a pocket calculator for $100 less than a fully-featured laptop is an amazing feat of willpower.
I bought mine back when they were actually a valid buy. Now, I'd save up for a proper computer.

As far as a device for web browsing and word processing, I can't fault it. I have a gaming PC at my dad's house for when I need something with a little more oomph. This happens to be the exact size of my forearm, so it's easy as pie to carry and can't weigh more than a kilo or two at my reckoning.

Just gunna point this out after I read it last night. Very well written and an interesting take on both canon and fanon.

That Miss Spelling drawing I finished it late last night after a gaming session with a whole bunch of friends (and earlier TF2ing with CoffeeGrunt!)

You were TF2'rbating of your own accord, I just joined to put you in your place Scoutaloo style. :P

(I'm aware my score went to hay after about five matches, it was getting late darn it!)

I was halfway through reading part 3 of Tabluna Rasa, but it's late now, so I'll finish it off tomorrow instead.

One of few fanfics I bother tracking. My favourite chapter is either AJ's dream or Fluttershy's. Fluttershy's is just funny in a really cute and unexpected way. Especially when Luna realises it's the third time that week, and it's only Monday. :D

CoffeeGrunt only recently started the story.

I'll probably raffica my way through a few more chapters tonight. Part of me is hesitant, I'm sorta sensing the vanguard of it's grimdark nature even in chapter 3.

Also Of Mares and Magic updated. I does love Twixie for unknown reasons:

Also I decided to DeviantWatch the MLP:FiM channel. Woke up to 70 notifications of added art. Bloody arty bronies sure are prolithic! Ah well, I discovered the Equestria Radio site, so both my sense of sight and sound were flooded with ponies for a little while.

I also finished off enough of my fanfic to get to the Johnathan Stroud inspired afterlife segment! If you haven't read his stuff, I recommend it. The Bartimaeus trilogy is so open for crossover I'm half tempted, if only it wasn't so obscure. It has a really cool direction towards magic that would be just perfect for an earth/pegasus pony uprising against unicorn ovelords. :3

Wall of text ftw.
Everyone check the TNTNE page. Something a bit different about it...

I don't know if Seth went crazy again, so it might not stay there, but still.
^Lemme guess...eyup, I thought so.
Now everypony who reads that story on ED will get an eyeful of awesome fanart.

One of few fanfics I bother tracking. My favourite chapter is either AJ's dream or Fluttershy's. Fluttershy's is just funny in a really cute and unexpected way. Especially when Luna realises it's the third time that week, and it's only Monday. :D

What happened in Fluttershy's dream came completely out of the blue, but I still found it funny. Then I read the part where Fluttershy says it was the third time that week, yet it's Monday, I couldn't help but laugh at that :lol:

I'll go and read the rest of it now. I just need to find the point at which I left the story, which means I have to scan through AJ's dream chapter.

Also, here's another well made ponified trailer:
Yeh the Fluttershy segment didn't really fit in, but I think it was mainly done for comedy value, so it's okay.

And that trailer still doesn't make me wanna play Eve. I've heard it's just such a slow and boring game. :|

Also the new Of Mares and Magic chapter shunts Twilight so far out of character it's actually fairly amazing. She essentially becomes Trixie.

And Oh God badass Rainbow Dash fanart on TNTNE.
Oh boy. I love haughty Twilight. Unfortunately, I'm actually two chapters behind in Of Mares and Magic, so I've got a lot of reading to do.

I'm actually considering picking up an E-Reader so I can read this crap without having to be locked up in my room, though I think there is something for the PSP that I can use instead, so I need to do some investigating.
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Catch up Toro. The latest two chapters are the best imo. Although it's starting to move towrds that old, familiar, "Trixie begins to realise her long-held feelings for Twilight" malarky. But it's still pretty entertaining for the moment.

I love my NetBook, it can go anywhere!

Also this needs to be season two canon. So many angry fanfic writers would rage, (I'd personally just laugh, not enough people read mine to care anyway.)
Toro the nook looks like a good ebook reader. I think I'm going to order mine tomorrow. The only thing it doesn't have is a colour screen and audio outputs. The Sonys look good but they are too expensive.

I think that the reader is better than the the PSP because of the screen size, battery life and interface. (You also don't need to hack your PSP to run it)

Anyway I need to have a shower and go to bed.


Goodnight everypony.

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I love my NetBook, it can go anywhere!
I've got Android.

I've got every fan-fic I'm considering on my phone right now, but even when I'm sitting there with nothing to do I either put off reading with the Impossible Game, Angry Birds, or some other game that grabs your brain and doesn't let go until something snaps you out of it. I can't even avoid procrastinating on things I want to read.

I would use my laptop, but being 17" and weighing in at 10lbs it's not exactly easy transport. I can take it places, but I only take it when I know I'll be able to use it, otherwise it's not worth the effort.

Anyway, on with the pony.
Good News



EDIT: Where did everyone go?
The active viewers list was huge a few minutes ago.

Dammit. I will sit here refreshing the page every 10-20 minutes for hours while checking other stuff, and the moment I go to watch a movie you all start posting like crazy.

You're all doing this on purpose aren't you?


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Irony when I return from playing Metro 2033 to find Minty posting loneliness and he isn't only when I come back. QUICK BRONIES HE'S GONE, POST NOW!


Oh God Wrex and that's a pairing!