The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I'll just buy a Bounty bar...


As far as similarities, I personally don't believe Trixie has any practical magic potential. Her ability seems to be visual magic rather than powerful magic like Twilight. As a result, I don't feel that they're a great match for each other in terms of magical wizard-offs.

There's little other aspects now that I think of it. Both have difficulty friend-making, granted. Both are...ponies. I'm running low.
He's referring to the "Trixie is Twilight's Shadow Archetype" idea that has been occasionally kicked around. Twilight's base personality without the specific traits Twilight has to reel in the more negative aspects of it (like the hubris both of them have generally being kept under control by Twilight but running without restraint in Trixie).

And Gunstar Heroes font and Sega Saturn font and yes, I may be somewhat of a Sega slut.
I thought the Miss Spelling part looked familiar, but I couldn't place it.

I never would have made the second connection, though. Not the right letters.
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That Vinyl Scratch image is definitely my favourite from the latest Drawfriend collection, those red eyes are awesome. Also Gravekeeper, that's an interesting idea for a fanfic.

I've always overlooked the background music, but I'm suddenly realising that it's just as awesome as the voice acting, animation, art and everything else I bang on about.

I agree, William Anderson did a good job with the background music. I started to appreciate how well composed it was after hearing Pinkie's Gala Jam remix a while ago. I decided to listen to the original version that was used in the actual show, which led me to listen to the other FiM background tracks he made.

Oh, I either use a particularly sharp pair of scissors or a big ass knife to pierce a hole in a coconut, then I just pour the contents into a glass/cup.
Of Mares and Magic is damn close to what you are suggesting (Trixie learns that the only functional difference between her and Twilight in terms of schooling and skill is that Twilight caught the eye of the Princess and Trixie did not, so she returns and challenges Twilight to a magic duel to settle the matter), but that is a Twixie story anyways so I suppose it doesn't count. If it wasn't, though, I would say it would be almost exactly like what you are talking about.

I know I've read a couple where they've tried to learn from each other, but I can't recall exactly what they were about (so it may have been the B-Plot of the story).

Almost there, in fact is the premise of "Rivals" for both characters(Twilight and Trixie), I was thinking about that story, but it doesn't meet the criteria that I constructed from the ending from the episode, I've to see a fanfic that fulfil this aspect without resorting to additional backstory or additional previous events, something that can be done.

In second thoughts, It depends more on personal interpretation of the episode than general consensus, so I guess that you could be right in "closest" terms, however I do believe that the relation between is has more tendencies towards "conflict" than "shipping".

Also, you got it right in the last post.

As far as similarities, I personally don't believe Trixie has any practical magic potential. Her ability seems to be visual magic rather than powerful magic like Twilight. As a result, I don't feel that they're a great match for each other in terms of magical wizard-offs.

That was my initial thought, however the ending of the episode is open to interpretation, something that can be exploited, Trixie on wizard-offs is possible as long as the background and development suggest this, in "realistic" terms Trixie is a show off, but a good support to her can be build parting from the events of Boast Busters (fanfictionally speaking).

I'm aware that both posts sounds a bit contradictory but bare with me, they aren't(somehow, creating a backstory from the events of Boast Busters, not prior to them).
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I decided to listen to the original version that was used in the actual show, which led me to listen to the other FiM background tracks he made.

Burning my way through them now. :D
I finally found that song that plays during the gala. It. Is. AWESOME!

I still don't fully understand where the prolithic Twixie shipping came from, I don't know which fic started it, but it's practically canon, though it does kinda make sense. By nature Twilight is shy and introverted, while Trixie is boastful and self-important. I'd say they're more opposites than parralels.
Crusaders of the Cutie Mark anyone?

That comic is great and you should feel great for linking it :D

And now, for something completely different, have some OC pony- the finished version of that sketch I posted a few days ago, but is probably 3000 comments back because of the speed of this thread.


And yes, I know I'm supposed to be finishing the next chapter, not drawing XD

That's nice! So clean and sharp. What are your tools?👍

Do you have DA?
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/\ I like dis picture. Now if only Windows on Netbooks allowed me to change my damned background. :|


Only just noticed this sneaky invisible text:
And yes, I know I'm supposed to be finishing the next chapter, not drawing XD

You bet your flank you are!
What follows is a post of me putting far too much thought into something stupid. Those worried about wasting their lives should skip over it entirely.

That story that went up on ED about an hour ago drove me to thinking. I wonder how common FireDash (I hate that term so much because of the alternate interpretation for it, but I can't think of an alternative) stories actually are. I've seen several of them that subvert the premise and basically just make a joke out of it, but for it to be so common to subvert it makes me think that at one point it was actually common to play it straight. It certainly seems like an obvious choice for a pairing compared to some of the more popular ones, but it seems so rare despite that. Maybe that fanbase is just weird that way, but then again AppleDash is so common (and so obvious) that I'd like to think that there is a different, deeper reason for it.

The closest I can think of to a story that actually did play it straight was that one NinesTempest wrote, and that was really just a SadFic with a Shipping shell.
Dammit. I will sit here refreshing the page every 10-20 minutes for hours while checking other stuff, and the moment I go to watch a movie you all start posting like crazy.

I'm gonna go grab a hammer, nail, and towel, crack it open, and drink the sweet juices of maturity.

The moral of the story is, it's the little things that matter. Brb, I'm gonna go open my coconut.

My first coconut was actually a few weeks ago. Unfortunately we didn't have a hammer, nails or anything else in the camper that would be good for cutting open a coconut.

So instead of going to the store, or finding some creative way to do it, I put it on a stump and hit it with this:

It is fun being able to go out and do pretty much anything(within reason, of course). I've only had the feeling for a total of 2 weeks so far, but it's still awesome.

/\ I need to obtain this feeling...

Also has anyone else read the story, Dusk on EDaily? I read the first chapter and it was fairly noteworthy in that while alternating between Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Twilight in first person, the personality never actually changed... :|

Seriously though, to each his own.

Anyway, gotta go again.
Hopefully TNTNE doesn't update until I get back.
I just...nope, couldn't keep a straight face.

I personally can't stand the originals. I mean I looked them up for posterity's sake, just to make sure I wasn't genuinely turning gay and enjoying a bad show for little girls.

Ultimately I discovered a Sweetie Belle's Birthday Party clip that I shut off after the voice actors kicked in. Where do they find people with voices like that?! Also the ponies were all chunky and weird looking, and the animation looked so rigid by comparison, especially the expression palette.

If you like it, fair doos bro/sis, but in all honesty. Nope. Can't stand it myself.


I'm gunna read this tonight. It sounds so...intriguing:
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I know some people who prefer the original MLP series, but I have no interest in any of the older shows at all. Hell, I had never even watched anything MLP related prior to me discovering Friendship is Magic.

I did have a quick look at the older series (G1, 2 and 3) a few weeks ago for the same reason as CoffeeGrunt, and I don't think they are anywhere near as good as FiM in terms of entertainment value, not to mention the quality of animation, voice acting and musical segments, even the background music in each episode is great.

Anyway, I love this:
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I was literally in the middle of posting about that story when you edited this in. It really is a very interesting take on the Winter Wrap Up origin story. Its sorta written like the Bible, if I had to compare it to anything, in its use of prose/terminology and in the way that it isn't entirely clear how much is supposed to be taken literally and how much is supposed to be taken as metaphor. Its also has those things that I like to call "Moses vibes" to it in the character Boltzmane, and the ending does a clever job of tying into the show proper as well.
(*Wonders*) why there isn't so many stories with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy?.

Moving on, time for drawfriends spoilers pics:

I love this one:

(But why the hay Philomena looks like a chicken, she is an awesome bird you know).

See, you can make Gilda more appealing, by using a bit of background:

Dunno know if posted before, but it fits somehow:

(not really, Fluttershy is better than that)

And Derpy, Cargo helicopter version:

(I'm going like crazy with the pics today)

That's it, for now.
Episode-style ditty where Rainbow Dash spends a while in the Equestrian equivalent of the US Navy to try to build up her skills/behavior to be better at cloud control.

It was a fun read (and Jim wrote it well before I wrote mine, so he was probably the first one here to actually contribute into the community to such an extent), but I haven't seen anything from it since early June when Jim asked us to look it over. I'll see if I can dig up a link.

I've decided to abandon it and move on. Couldn't bring myself to fix everything, and it just didn't seem to be my voice. I've got other ideas, a bit more serious in tone, and should be easier for me to transition into. Currently working up an Equestria origin story that makes the "round planet" concept work. I hate "Flat Worlds." They don't make physical sense with gravitation taken into account.

That, and I have one major (unrelated to MLP) RP ending, another beginning again, so that's taking up a lot of my attention.
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So about that linked picture (from me), I consider it more of a joke than downright clop material.
If I remember correctly we did have the French Maid Celestia posted here. I could be wrong but I thing it was here.
And I completely agree, skimpy or sexy clothes can be more sexy (for lack of a better word) than no clothes at all.
As I said it's a joke or satire from the artist, and that's something John does really well.

However let us continue and leave the past behind us.
As well as my poor thought process that put those four sentences together as a paragraph

I'm looking at getting an ebook reader so I can read all these stories in comfort (as opposed to staring at my monitor and hurting my neck), anyone have any suggestions? I'm looking at getting a nook touch (barnes and noble).
Shame to hear that, Jim. I quite liked that story.

@ Brando-K: He also drew this. There shouldn't be any doubt that he was just messing with people. And yet there is, somehow.


Its up. MintBerryCrunch, get your ass in here!

That's okay. I didn't want to finish writing that headset review anyways.
Sorry I didn't reply instantly, dear old dad dragged me away to help him finish an electrical installation.

That's nice! So clean and sharp. What are your tools?👍

Do you have DA?

Thanks! I did the original lineart on paper, then I scanned it and traced it with Photoshop's Pen tool (one of humanity's greatest achievements). The rest is cupcake after you've got the lineart done; I just shaved off the end points to the lineart to make it more like the show's style.

And yes, I do have a DeviantArt, though I haven't uploaded anything to it in a while. It's

/\ I like dis picture. Now if only Windows on Netbooks allowed me to change my damned background. :|


Only just noticed this sneaky invisible text:

You bet your flank you are!

Netbooks are one of humanity's greatest failures, seriously. How any salesperson can keep a straight face while they sell you a pocket calculator for $100 less than a fully-featured laptop is an amazing feat of willpower.

That story that went up on ED about an hour ago drove me to thinking. I wonder how common FireDash (I hate that term so much because of the alternate interpretation for it, but I can't think of an alternative) stories actually are. I've seen several of them that subvert the premise and basically just make a joke out of it, but for it to be so common to subvert it makes me think that at one point it was actually common to play it straight. It certainly seems like an obvious choice for a pairing compared to some of the more popular ones, but it seems so rare despite that. Maybe that fanbase is just weird that way, but then again AppleDash is so common (and so obvious) that I'd like to think that there is a different, deeper reason for it.

The closest I can think of to a story that actually did play it straight was that one NinesTempest wrote, and that was really just a SadFic with a Shipping shell.[/color][/b]

You know, after Spitfire's name was revealed, I thought for sure we would be in for a massive flood of DashFire fics... I'm still waiting for it. As far as the pairing name, why don't you come up with one Pokemon-fandom style, where they take a commonality or relation between the characters as a shipping name? Fangirlshipping? Wondershipping/Boltshipping would be out cause it would imply Spitfire/Soaren...
Netbooks are one of humanity's greatest failures, seriously. How any salesperson can keep a straight face while they sell you a pocket calculator for $100 less than a fully-featured laptop is an amazing feat of willpower.

I bought mine back when they were actually a valid buy. Now, I'd save up for a proper computer.
No TNTNE talk. I can't think straight because of just how much my mind was blown. Gimme an hour.

You know, after Spitfire's name was revealed, I thought for sure we would be in for a massive flood of DashFire fics... I'm still waiting for it.
There was an awful lot of SoarenDash, I noticed (or for that matter, SoarenEverything. He's the Rainbow Dash of the Wonderbolts. Eat Pie, Get a Shipfic indeed), but it just seems like Spitfire/Dash is a weird thing to draw the line at considering there is stuff like TrixieShy and TwiDash. I almost feel like I have to assume that it is because it is so obvious (apparently) that people just don't want to do it.

As far as the pairing name, why don't you come up with one Pokemon-fandom style, where they take a commonality or relation between the characters as a shipping name? Fangirlshipping?
I would never remember that, though.

I think I'll just call it SpitDash instead. Or... RainbowSpit!
RainbowSpit :lol: I was going to say that earlier, but that was when I misread one of your posts.
I've actually seen a few pictures of RainbowSpit. :odd: It's actually more like rainbow vomit.

I'm also thinking of using DarkOrange as my colour now.

Y'know, Gilda X Spitfire would result in GriffonSpit...


((Rolls-Royce Griffon-Engined Supermarine Spitfire :P ))