The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Is gravekeeper a prereader? I feel like an idiot, but very few people have their email names as their author names. It took me forever to realize who Cereal was XD

Nay good sir, I haven't sat down to read TNTNE yet, I've taken a solemn vow to not read any long fics until I'm done writing mine. Part of it is because when I start reading, I don't stop (we're talking like, 20 open tabs at a time), and part of it is because I don't want to accidentally be influenced by what I read. In fact, I haven't even read any Twixie short fics since I began writing! *paranoid about that sort of stuff*

Speaking of which, how has your experience with pre-readers been? I just kinda throw the chapters out there as soon as they're done and let fate (and the first few readers) proof them.

Looks really really good,that's actually the closest image that I had for Miss Spelling(but in my conceptualizations she was a bit older, however the glasses are the same and the shape is the same, quite identical I must say).

Thanks, man! Glad to hear you were able to form a picture of her just by what you've read from her!
As far as her age, she's around the same age as the mane cast--she's just way too serious at times, which is why Holly rags on her so much. Then again, Holly likes to mess with everyone.

And confound you Gravekeeper! That's a damned nice drawing!

She said Pinkieeeee you gotta stand up tall!

Thanks, my Scooty friend!

Learn to face your fears, you'll see that they can't hurt you
Just laugh to make them disappear~!

Ha! Ha! Ha!
Speaking of which, how has your experience with pre-readers been? I just kinda throw the chapters out there as soon as they're done and let fate (and the first few readers) proof them.

Prereading is interesting, you learn a lot about what really is unique. Apparently, Twilight botching a teleportation spell is one of the most overused occurrences in fanfiction...something that happens in chapter 1 of TNTNE.

But we don't get chapter updates, Seth just throws them in the update queue as soon as he gets them. We only go through things that have never been put up before, and some of it is bad. The conversations surrounding those are awesome, however, and the people are cool :D

Plus, there's something gratifying about helping to run the site. I might write fanfiction for a show meant for six year old girls, but I also help to run the biggest community spotlight for said show on the net. feels good man.

Also, want to know a secret? When Seth posts a prereader quote next to a story, he just says "Prereader #16" or something. We don't actually have numbers, he just makes them up on the spot. That's why they are either in the teens or high twenties.
Prereading is interesting, you learn a lot about what really is unique. Apparently, Twilight botching a teleportation spell is one of the most overused occurrences in fanfiction...something that happens in chapter 1 of TNTNE.

But we don't get chapter updates, Seth just throws them in the update queue as soon as he gets them. We only go through things that have never been put up before, and some of it is bad. The conversations surrounding those are awesome, however, and the people are cool :D

Plus, there's something gratifying about helping to run the site. I might write fanfiction for a show meant for six year old girls, but I also help to run the biggest community spotlight for said show on the net. feels good man.

Also, want to know a secret? When Seth posts a prereader quote next to a story, he just says "Prereader #16" or something. We don't actually have numbers, he just makes them up on the spot. That's why they are either in the teens or high twenties.

Hah, man that sounds great-- and conversation with bronies is always good, that's why I love this fandom so much. Do you guys ask Seth to post one of your quotes, or does he just pick one of out everyone's discussion?

*Looks at the pages he's written about Twilight's teleportation on his next chapter* Hmmm....

Soooooo, Giggle at the griefer ghostie!


I've noticed a lot of botched teleportation spells myself. It would seem a simple, easy way to get the MLP characters where you want them to go, "Unintentionally." Only other popular way seems to involve a TARDIS and a brown earth pony with an hourglass cutie mark.

((By the by, I just saw David Tennant in the Reasonably Priced Car on YT. I now know that our dear Doctor'd be searching for third gear a lot. And would be beaten by Rarity, despite her penalties. ;p))

I might go a different route if I ever get to that point, (currently, third unrelated fic that builds upon canon,) and that's going with an older Twi discovering the phyisics of,and thus artificial, magic, and sending Equestria into the space conquest age...
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I'm inventing Electromagical Induction. I.e., electromagnetics, but when a current is passed through a coil of wire in MLP, it creates a magical field. Therefore this forms the basis for my scifi fic I may or may not get round to writing. (Trademark'd!)

Thanks, my Scooty friend!

Danke mein hard-hatted friend!

But we don't get chapter updates, Seth just throws them in the update queue as soon as he gets them. We only go through things that have never been put up before, and some of it is bad. The conversations surrounding those are awesome, however, and the people are cool

I noticed this, it surprised me that Seth didn't check over my sequels to my original fanfic.

You're lucky you didn't read my first two fics, they were bad. One was called A Little Piece of Heaven, the other I Won't See You Tonight, although I reworked the former into something fairly good, (IMO.)

Also I met the pre-reader on my GDocs page after he said he was happy I removed the crappy segments of my story. He denied being the pre-reader, but I pointed out him and me were the only people who'd read that version, so he just admitted it. Was kinda funny.

Plus, there's something gratifying about helping to run the site. I might write fanfiction for a show meant for six year old girls, but I also help to run the biggest community spotlight for said show on the net. feels good man.

I haven't really come across a fandom so prolithic as the brony one. I just enjoy the opportunity to write a story and vent these ideas I form in my head.


Guffaw at the grossly!


Just read the first three chapters of TNTNE. I get the impression I should take this one slowly...
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Just read the first three chapters of TNTNE. I get the impression I should take this one slowly...
Very slowly. Chapter a day at most once the story kicks into high gear (around Chapter 5 IIRC).

In other news, I really wish most of my knowledge about how to use Sony Vegas hadn't slipped away in the intervening years.
^At least you started with a little bit of knowledge.
I went into it with not idea what I was doing.

This brings me to the next point which I think I made in the last trolling parade, why is people still paying attention to this jerk?[/SIZE]

I'm not sure why, but every once in a while I just find it amusing to reply back. I never take what they say seriously, but a lot of times on YouTube or Cheezburger I'll get responses the pretty clearly indicate they're more pissed off than they meant for me to get.

I would hide under my pillow from what I thought I saw

And BronyCray out of 🤬 nowhere!

Seriously though, welcome back, it's been a while.

Just read the first three chapters of TNTNE. I get the impression I should take this one slowly...

What Toro said.

♫Crack up at the creepy♫
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And now, for something completely different, have some OC pony- the finished version of that sketch I posted a few days ago, but is probably 3000 comments back because of the speed of this thread.

Really nice work on that drawing, it looks great. That's pretty much how I pictured what Miss Spelling would look like (I thought she would be a deeper shade of Orange though, but hey).

Just read the first three chapters of TNTNE. I get the impression I should take this one slowly...

So you read them in quick succession? I read the first 3 or 4 chapters in one evening, but I thought afterwards that it would be best if I reduced it to one chapter at a time. You would be well advised to take this story slowly.


Whoop it up with the weepy
So you read them in quick succession? I read the first 3 or 4 chapters in one evening, but I thought afterwards that it would be best if I reduced it to one chapter at a time. You would be well advised to take this story slowly.

Eyyup. I always end up reading fanfics in rapid succession. Like TBoTS, read it 5 chapters a night until the 12th one. (The final night of course only being two chapters.)

A story has to grab me though. I'm still waiting on a Tubluna Rasa update. :|

but a lot of times on YouTube or Cheezburger I'll get responses the pretty clearly indicate they're more pissed off than they meant for me to get.

Best way, post positive comments about bronies and their superiority to the MenloMarseilles upload of the first pilot on YouTube.

Then prepare for an inbox full of butthurt, (laced with brony love.)

Chortle at the kooky, (cookie?).

A few weeks ago I passed this off as just another Nyan cat video where some replaced the Cat and added Dash, but this music is actually pretty awesome.
And now I go through and actually read the posts that happened since I went to bed (and one that was before I went to bed).

And Comic(which made me laugh a bit more than the ones on ED).
Actually Part 3 of a pentalogy (or, rather, a tetralogy and a bonus chapter).


*totally ganked*

Also, what you did there. I see it.

Dat Sonic font.

Also, want to know a secret? When Seth posts a prereader quote next to a story, he just says "Prereader #16" or something. We don't actually have numbers, he just makes them up on the spot. That's why they are either in the teens or high twenties.
I figured as much when he threw out a PreReader number that went into the decimals that one time.

I might go a different route if I ever get to that point, (currently, third unrelated fic that builds upon canon,) and that's going with an older Twi discovering the phyisics of,and thus artificial, magic, and sending Equestria into the space conquest age...
How did I miss this? I have been looking for a pretext to ask you how that first story of yours was coming along/ended up.

So, how is that first story of yours coming along/ending up?
Eyyup. I always end up reading fanfics in rapid succession. Like TBoTS, read it 5 chapters a night until the 12th one. (The final night of course only being two chapters.)

A story has to grab me though. I'm still waiting on a Tubluna Rasa update. :|

I read the first 2 part of TBoTS in one evening and I really liked it, but I couldn't get round to reading the rest as I was preoccupied with various other activities. A week later, I decided to read part 3, then I decided that I should read parts 4 to 7 the next evening as I was really enjoying the story (7 was the latest part at the time). Obviously the parts to this story aren't as long as each chapter of TNTNE. I found it easy to read multiple chapters of TBoTS in one evening, whereas I'd struggle to read more that one part of TNTNE in the same amount of time.

Also, when I came across the first part of Tabluna Rasa on ED last month (the name alone caught my attention), I was thinking about giving it a look, but I haven't gotten around to doing so. I'm guessing you'd recommend it seeing as you're waiting for the next part to be uploaded.

This is epic!


Snortle at the spooky
@Gravekeeper, Miss Spelling is awesome, now I know what I'm meant to be thinking of as I read. (I always thought her mane was crimson red)

That comic has a messed up ending. Actually the whole thing is weird.

I ended up doing more than I thought I would today, I only managed to start Macintosh, it's good so far.

^^Haylo, I see what you did there. :lol:

Umm pictures.

Umm, not sure about the AUP on this one, should be okay though. Someone else can post it if they want, I'm off to bed.

This isn't directed at you, Brando, but I still find the "Ponies without clothes = A Okay!/Ponies with suggestive clothes = Clopping Material" clarification to be a fascinating thing.

I feel the same way.

Don't get me wrong. I know exactly why that viewpoint is so widespread. It is basically just a fandom representation of the most extreme situation caused by the Theiss Titillation Theory (er, Google it. It is on TV Tropes, but I'm still not gonna link it directly). Namely, the corollary where outright nudity is "less sexy" than certain types of skimpy clothing. In fact, it almost makes perfect sense.

I just find it, for lack of a better word, odd that the concept is applied wholesale by the fanbase to what are basically not-particularly-anthropomorphized-in-the-slightest cartoon ponies. The anatomy isn't even close to being right, for starters. Which is what tells me that the "Ponies in French Maid Attire" are basically just images he drew to screw with people (especially the Trollestia/Twilight one) rather than the SRS BUSINESS stuff that so many keep acting like they are.
I'm guessing you'd recommend it seeing as you're waiting for the next part to be uploaded.

I liked it, it's got a good premise and is pretty damn funny at times.

Also Haylo day that will become a game. And that Vinyl Scratch pic is just so...sweet!

I also don't understand the whole clothing/clopping thing. Maybe the clothing anthropomorphises them?


I like how this thread is still titled "I just watched an episode of the new MLP, despite pretty much evverybrony here having evolved far beyond this point.

So, how is that first story of yours coming along/ending up?
Also sorry I missed this, I'd love to hear about a new fanfic. What's it about?
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Episode-style ditty where Rainbow Dash spends a while in the Equestrian equivalent of the US Navy to try to build up her skills/behavior to be better at cloud control.

It was a fun read (and Jim wrote it well before I wrote mine, so he was probably the first one here to actually contribute into the community to such an extent), but I haven't seen anything from it since early June when Jim asked us to look it over. I'll see if I can dig up a link.
^Did it for you.

Right here

I couldn't find the shortcut, so I went into the group, found the date, then went back in the thread and found it.

And after all this, I just remembered that I just hadn't transferred the bookmark from Chrome, and I just wasted a lot of time.
I'd like a look, sounds like an interesting premise.

Also I'm finding concentration to be a tricky feat lately. I have three ideas I want to write, and I can't decide which one I want to write first. Sine one's a sequel of the other, I obviously should write it last, but I want to write it first.
I feel like you guys might get a kick out of this little story.

So part of the reason that I've had so little time to write is that I'm still settling into my new house. This is important because I OWN this house (well, I pay rent, but w/e) and I have to be one of two guys that are taking care of it and stuff. Anyway, the last month has been taking care of one thing after another and watching all my money disappear from food, gas, furniture, and other miscellaneous supplies. Stress stress stress.

Anyway, it's kinda plateaued off now, but there's a daily element of responsibility that I never had before. But last night, I was at the grocery store with a couple friends and we passed by a section with coconuts, which I noticed were much smaller than what I imagined coconuts to be. Long story short, we had a long debate about the anatomy of a coconut and ended up buying it to test out what the truth was.

And that's when I kind of realized it. I could go to the store in my car, use my money to buy whatever the hel I wanted, and bring it back to my house to enjoy. I just spent two dollars on a COCONUT, and I didn't even know how to open it. There's an upside to being self sufficient, because for every one thing that you have to do (buy your own food, cook your own meals, lock your own door, etc) there's a million more things that you can try out and experiment with (I drew a target board on my wall in pencil so that I can shoot nerf guns from my computer.) I don't even LIKE coconuts, but I'm gonna go grab a hammer, nail, and towel, crack it open, and drink the sweet juices of maturity.

Well, maturity is probably the wrong word. Within arms reach right now I have a 20 pack of Mentos, a DS, nerf guns, nerf darts, a nerf battle axe, an ipod, a candle, a cigar cutter, a notepad with WoW data scribbled down, and a set of panpipes. Instead of maturity, lets just settle for responsibility and work our way up.

The moral of the story is, it's the little things that matter. Brb, I'm gonna go open my coconut.
Oh man. Time warp! Some of my old posts in this thread (which I stumbled across while trying to find Jim's story. Which was on Page 154, for the record.) were weird.
That story about Dash and the Navy was actually pretty cool. Apart from the slight mentions towards hurricanes being used as weapons, it does feel like a plausible episode.

Also BronyCray, that was a riveting tale. I don't fully understand the moral, but bravo for coconuts and it made me laugh for unknown reasons anyway.
I feel like you guys might get a kick out of this little story.

So part of the reason that I've had so little time to write is that I'm still settling into my new house. This is important because I OWN this house (well, I pay rent, but w/e) and I have to be one of two guys that are taking care of it and stuff. Anyway, the last month has been taking care of one thing after another and watching all my money disappear from food, gas, furniture, and other miscellaneous supplies. Stress stress stress.

Anyway, it's kinda plateaued off now, but there's a daily element of responsibility that I never had before. But last night, I was at the grocery store with a couple friends and we passed by a section with coconuts, which I noticed were much smaller than what I imagined coconuts to be. Long story short, we had a long debate about the anatomy of a coconut and ended up buying it to test out what the truth was.

And that's when I kind of realized it. I could go to the store in my car, use my money to buy whatever the hel I wanted, and bring it back to my house to enjoy. I just spent two dollars on a COCONUT, and I didn't even know how to open it. There's an upside to being self sufficient, because for every one thing that you have to do (buy your own food, cook your own meals, lock your own door, etc) there's a million more things that you can try out and experiment with (I drew a target board on my wall in pencil so that I can shoot nerf guns from my computer.) I don't even LIKE coconuts, but I'm gonna go grab a hammer, nail, and towel, crack it open, and drink the sweet juices of maturity.

Well, maturity is probably the wrong word. Within arms reach right now I have a 20 pack of Mentos, a DS, nerf guns, nerf darts, a nerf battle axe, an ipod, a candle, a cigar cutter, a notepad with WoW data scribbled down, and a set of panpipes. Instead of maturity, lets just settle for responsibility and work our way up.

The moral of the story is, it's the little things that matter. Brb, I'm gonna go open my coconut.

I feel the same way sometimes, but buying things is actually a bit more fun when you're on your own, the same can be said about cooking, there is nothing like cooking, specially when you have your very own electric oven, a sound set playing Pink Floyd's Dogs in the background and maybe a glass of very good wine, and your ingredients to mess around with.

Little things matter, yeah I agree, enjoying a pretty old PS1 game in the middle of the night or looking at the the sky in the middle of your lunch break always brings you some sort of peace.

Also, good luck with that coconut, its a pain to get it open, last time I tried to open one of those things I throw it from a 12th floor :P (ironically it didn't break,dumb coconut).

Apart from that, I haven't seen another relation between Twilight and Trixie apart from the traditional shipping, there is another aspect between them that needs to be explored, and if no one have the guts to make it happen, I'll have do it.
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Friendship? Mutual hatred has also been done.

Also does anyone know what the music that plays in the background here is:

I heard it on Celestia Radio on TF2 and suddenly need it as a ringtone. :3


Seriously...a song about both fashion shows and ponies is so...catchy:

I've always overlooked the background music, but I'm suddenly realising that it's just as awesome as the voice acting, animation, art and everything else I bang on about.
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I feel the same way sometimes, but buying things is actually a bit more fun when you're on your own, the same can be said about cocking, there is nothing like cocking, specially when you have your very own electric oven,
I hope you mean "cooking."

Apart from that, I haven't seen another relation between Twilight and Trixie apart from the traditional shipping, there is another aspect between them that needs to be explored, and if no one have the guts to make it happen, I'll have do it.
I've seen several "let's be friends" stories, and quite a few "Trixie returns and is still quite a massive bitch" stories. Granted, most of them treat it as a B-Plot that drives some more major storyline rather than the ends in and of itself, so if that isn't what you are talking about never mind.
I hope you mean "cooking."

Oh cook! (*slaps*), :lol:

I've seen several "let's be friends" stories, and quite a few more "Trixie returns and is still quite a massive bitch" stories. Granted, most of them treat it as a B-Plot that drives some more major storyline rather than the ends itself, so if that isn't what you are talking about never mind.

Still, it isn't the relationship I was talking about, think a little bit about the things that both characters have in common, and then you will have the answer(maybe the perfect non-shipping plot line) .
Of Mares and Magic is damn close to what you are suggesting (Trixie learns that the only functional difference between her and Twilight in terms of schooling and skill is that Twilight caught the eye of the Princess and Trixie did not, so she returns and challenges Twilight to a magic duel to settle the matter), but that is a Twixie story anyways so I suppose it doesn't count. If it wasn't, though, I would say it would be almost exactly like what you are talking about.

I know I've read a couple where they've tried to learn from each other, but I can't recall exactly what they were about (so it may have been the B-Plot of the story).

Also, what you did there. I see it.
Dat Sonic font.

And Gunstar Heroes font and Sega Saturn font and yes, I may be somewhat of a Sega slut.

@Gravekeeper, Miss Spelling is awesome, now I know what I'm meant to be thinking of as I read. (I always thought her mane was crimson red)

Actually, the crimson red-maned one would be Rafale! She's a few freckles short of being a ginger pony (and thus soulless and shunned by society)

Umm pictures.

Such a great picture--and great fanfic material: Beneath the Mask, Scratch is a sweet, soft-spoken pony; insecure, even. Once she dons her shades however, music becomes her domain; she becomes cool, confident, outrageous...

I feel like you guys might get a kick out of this little story.

So part of the reason that I've had so little time to write is that I'm still settling into my new house. This is important because I OWN this house (well, I pay rent, but w/e) and I have to be one of two guys that are taking care of it and stuff. Anyway, the last month has been taking care of one thing after another and watching all my money disappear from food, gas, furniture, and other miscellaneous supplies. Stress stress stress.

Anyway, it's kinda plateaued off now, but there's a daily element of responsibility that I never had before. But last night, I was at the grocery store with a couple friends and we passed by a section with coconuts, which I noticed were much smaller than what I imagined coconuts to be. Long story short, we had a long debate about the anatomy of a coconut and ended up buying it to test out what the truth was.

And that's when I kind of realized it. I could go to the store in my car, use my money to buy whatever the hel I wanted, and bring it back to my house to enjoy. I just spent two dollars on a COCONUT, and I didn't even know how to open it. There's an upside to being self sufficient, because for every one thing that you have to do (buy your own food, cook your own meals, lock your own door, etc) there's a million more things that you can try out and experiment with (I drew a target board on my wall in pencil so that I can shoot nerf guns from my computer.) I don't even LIKE coconuts, but I'm gonna go grab a hammer, nail, and towel, crack it open, and drink the sweet juices of maturity.

Well, maturity is probably the wrong word. Within arms reach right now I have a 20 pack of Mentos, a DS, nerf guns, nerf darts, a nerf battle axe, an ipod, a candle, a cigar cutter, a notepad with WoW data scribbled down, and a set of panpipes. Instead of maturity, lets just settle for responsibility and work our way up.

The moral of the story is, it's the little things that matter. Brb, I'm gonna go open my coconut.

Around here we use machetes for them things. Alternatively, you can take an ice pick to one of the spots and stick a straw in there. The white pulp is edible and tastes great if you make ice cream out of it.