The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Also, the Halo 3 soundtrack makes for great reading music.

This is the Hour/One Final Effort.

Although nowadays I use the ODST album as my writing music. It's alot more sombre, but has some simply awesome action segments. Game's underrated as hell.


Each day is 20 minutes long in that game.
Is that Terraria?

I believe it is, and yeah, it takes alot of dedication to make something like that.

Right, the attention to detail in this video is brilliant, plus I laughed pretty hard through the whole thing:

Oh god, "Mac" Tyson :lol:
^Yeah it is.

Anyway, because I can't think of anything else to do right now;



That....that is adorable.


Do want.

I've seen both Hangovers, that trailer, lip synching is amazing, the shots they chose fit in, and Big Mac Tyson...oh God that needs to be an episode!
And now to read Macintosh.

🤬 just got real.

EDIT: I. Love. This .Story.
Also, the Halo 3 soundtrack makes for great reading music.

Anyway, on to part 3.

This is by far the most uplifting story I've ever read.
That part where Big Mac saved the little filly....I had to wipe the tears of joy from my eyes.
Wasn't that race in Chapter 2 crazy epic awesome? He almost freaking won, and it was perfectly justified in-story both why he was so good in the first place and why he didn't win!

And in Chapter 5, he does something that broke my D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw meter. How much I enjoy it now actually makes me feel bad about how much I didn't care for it when I first started reading it.

Edit: And then (and I swear I did not know when I made this post), 3 more chapters are up.
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^Thats the same .gif I used months ago when I started the whole "Sleeping picture" thing.
I used that one for a long time.
It's good to see someone else getting some use out of it.

Wasn't that race in Chapter 2 crazy epic awesome? He almost freaking won, and it was perfectly justified in-story both why he was so good in the first place and why he didn't win!

That was really awesome.
I feel like I should say more, but I'm not sure how to put into words how awesome I thought that was.

And in Chapter 5, he does something that broke my D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw meter. How much I enjoy it now actually makes me feel bad about how much I didn't care for it when I first started reading it.
I am really looking forward to finding out what happened.

Edit: And then (and I swear I did not know when I made this post), 3 more chapters are up.

He has to have had a backlog of these or something, because there is no way he's writing these things this fast.

Also, I didn't notice that Hayngover video before. That might just be the most well thought out, and put together trailer I've ever seen.

EDIT: I'm just going to part 4 now, because I think 7 chapters is a little too far behind.

‘The Adventures of Captain Sethisto;’

EDIT: I can't help but feel Big Mac would have won the race with RD had he not been wearing his harness.

EDIT: Just got to the part where Big Mac was remembering the time he got the B on the test and his father didn't believe him.
It's so sad....I...:(
I just got to the part where he got the A+. I haven't cried like this in a very long time.

EDIT: Well now I have to read part 5 because I don't want to stop after something so soul crushingly depressing.
EDIT: Alright, I'm not going on to Chapter 5 yet, because based on what you said, Toro, I feel like I'll need it to lift my spirirts after they are crushed even more(If that's possible) by TNTNE.
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EDIT: I can't help but feel Big Mac would have won the race with RD had he not been wearing his harness.
That's what I thought as well in the original version of Chapter 2. The revised version that is up now hints a bit more towards that being the case,

and Chapter 5 basically confirmed it, albeit indirectly.

And when you read Chapter 5, make sure you load up the music that the author composed for the DJ scene in the story. It really adds to the atmosphere.

I was watching Johnny Bravo and I had a fantastic idea for a Pony mashup (or whatever you call the non-music versions of PMVs). I go!
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I was taking an easy day with almost no internet relation/connection,when this happened:

Write an episode

Then I concluded that a good season 3 script for an episode will consist in a face-off between Twilight and Trixie,then some shipping between them and then Rarity gets named as the most amazing pony in all of Equestria's history,best episode ever.

Also,no pics because drawfriends is already up.
Also,no pics because drawfriends is already up.

It's interesting to see that two different artists created drawings of Vinyl Scratch without her glasses on, yet they both decided to give her red eyes. If I'm honest, I think she looks quite cool with red eyes.
It's interesting to see that two different artists created drawings of Vinyl Scratch without her glasses on, yet they both decided to give her red eyes. If I'm honest, I think she looks quite cool with red eyes.

I was thinking the same,and Ponychan was sort of thinking the same as well,specially when the put this pic,which is in drawfriends:


I thought the weren't going to publish it,since it isn't(or wasn't) on KYM,but everyone in Ponychan said that the eyes make it looks rather awesome.
Sony Vegas is mocking me. I know exactly why it won't import the 720p set I use on my PS3, and why it will import the 1080p set when I gank them off of YouTube.

But it still annoys me.
I still might try another PMV or other kind of video. I'm not going to go looking for something to do though, because when I do that I usually end up with garbage, or giving up halfway through. When I wait for an idea to just come to me randomly I usually make better stuff.

Also, Sony Vegas crashed like hell on me all the time when I was loading up the 1080p episodes.

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Well,too busy to make videos,however not too busy for dig some pics up:

Well single pic,after reading the comments on drawfriends,which makes me think that some small percentage of Bronies are Zoophilic because of certain .gif that I will not mention, fortunately I have seen real ponies and thankfully those thoughts get out of my head as soon as they get in,so take that internet,you cannot corrupt me thanks to real life.(I luz at the comments though).

which brings me to pic:

(*I sing,stat!*)

And Comic(which made me laugh a bit more than the ones on ED).

Alright, the lack of sleep over the past few days is getting to me, so I'm going to bed now.
Hopefully TNTNE updates tomorrow.

Oh, Because who didn't see this coming?
EDIT: I will be reading this at some point.

Anyway, G'night everypony.

I have this strange feeling someone is going to be using a certain picture from a certain Drawfriends tonight.
I said that someone would end up making a "Krastos the Gluemaker" fanfic, looks like now we finally have it. I'm not sure if I'll read it though, plus it's late, so g'night.
Well single pic,after reading the comments on drawfriends,which makes me think that some small percentage of Bronies are Zoophilic
  1. Zoophilia isn't even the right word, and it never was the right word, regardless of how many times Dave Mustang throws it around as if he knows what he is talking about.
  2. That idiot derailed his own argument the second he tried to explain it more thoroughly. And when called on how painfully obvious the implications of his explanation were, he backtracked in a way that basically completely undermined his entire point. To the extent that I would have commented on it, but MintBerryCrunch already did so in a much cleaner way than I would have.
And in the grand scheme of things, the image in question that started this fracas in the first place was so tame (You can find unaltered images straight from the show that are far more suggestive than that, with practically no difficulty. There are dozens in the gallery, most of them being in the Reaction Pics folder. Hell, I don't really understand why #21 has the Saucy tag to it.), and the Fluttershy one is such an obvious joke image that you don't even have to know the story behind it to understand why John Joseco drew it, that I again have to wonder if it is possible for Dave to truly be that stupid when he refers to such things as "clop related."

Are there Zoophiliac Bronies? Absolutely. Accidentally stumbling into a FA gallery with Pony art (which I have unfortunately done more times than I would ever have wished for one lifetime) will tell you that in seconds. Does any of the stuff (stories, images, what have you) that is posted on ED prove that they exist (and therefore warrant constant wars about them)? No. And everyone who thinks that they do is a moron.

Time for bed for me too, I think:

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  • Zoophilia isn't even the right word, and it never was the right word, regardless of how many times Dave Mustang throws it around as if he knows what he is talking about.

That explains why the speller checker didn't catch it, but there was another definition for it, however I cannot remember it right now.

  • That idiot derailed his own argument the second he tried to explain it more thoroughly. And when called on how painfully obvious the implications of his explanation were, he backtracked in a way that basically completely undermined his entire point. To the extent that I would have commented on it, but MintBerryCrunch already did so in a much cleaner way than I would have.

This brings me to the next point which I think I made in the last trolling parade, why is people still paying attention to this jerk?, seriously. After last's time discussion(rather trolling) , I find the guy in almost all posts commenting(non-fanfiction posts) and making silly statements for the sake of trolling, people should overlook the damn post and use the anti-trolling strategy established by the Brony community(which consist in ridicule him by using pony references) .

But in second thoughts its rather pointless, people will not be willing to do that, I know is rather enraging but following the game to this trolls is just a waste of time.

Apart from that, I think that the image on itself(rather animation) is more suggestive that most of the pics or bits of the show, in fact pretty suggestive, not the image in itself but its context(suggestive animation which included drunk subject in the night, its a pretty concise idea) ,however I don't consider that image "clop"(by a little margin).

Also,this made me laugh a bit:


(Confound these ponies, they drive me to deviate from work)

[off-topic]And I think I should start to use the spaces, I just discovered that big companies requires the spaces as official regulation for instructive documentation, which struck me a bit, since no language that I know(SP and JP) does this and this was never refered to me until now, damn you secondary school education, now I'm correcting a massive document just for this silly mistake, so, apologies for not using this rule properly in previous occasions.[/off topic]
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And you know what we haven't done in a while?



When I was a little filly and the sun was going down.
Well, I'm slowly but surely converting all of my friends over to being Bronies. The hook is usually Lauren Faust, because Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends are awesome shows.


The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown.

And there are neighsayers that don't believe me when I say that MLP is the western version of K-ON!.

^^ Glad to heard it, I almost convert all my co-workers into bronies(including the guys from accountancy, no JK).

^ *Wonders about the unexpected visit*


Writers reunion at 2AM ?

But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way, to deal with fears at all
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And Comic(which made me laugh a bit more than the ones on ED).

That comic is great and you should feel great for linking it :D

And now, for something completely different, have some OC pony- the finished version of that sketch I posted a few days ago, but is probably 3000 comments back because of the speed of this thread.


And yes, I know I'm supposed to be finishing the next chapter, not drawing XD

Looks really really good,that's actually the closest image that I had for Miss Spelling(but in my conceptualizations she was a bit older, however the glasses are the same and the shape is the same, quite identical I must say).

I just hope that she isn't "spoilers".

Glad to see you around, BronyCray was also present, maybe pre-readers meeting on GTP :sly: .

And I guess is time to sleep, difficult day tomorrow, lots of stuff to do and very little time openings for ponies.


Goodnight everyone.
Is gravekeeper a prereader? I feel like an idiot, but very few people have their email names as their author names. It took me forever to realize who Cereal was XD
And Comic(which made me laugh a bit more than the ones on ED).

I think I've seen it before, but the expression at the end made me laugh.

And confound you Gravekeeper! That's a damned nice drawing!


I don't think he is, BronyCray.


She said Pinkieeeee you gotta stand up tall!