The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

So this is just awesome.

I don't care if you liked the show itself or not, that's a samurai pony with a katana in it's mouth. Doesn't get too much cooler than that.
Also, I'm driving alone to Ocean City at the end of the month, I need to put together 2 hours worth of pony that I think about it....that shouldn't be a problem.

Remember this post? This post is garbage. 2 Hours is nothing....nothing at all. I can't believe I underestimated this fandom's ability by that much.

And no, I didn't search for hours back into the thread. I did this.
Turns out searching on Google is faster than using the search built into the site.

Also, completely unrelated, but I just found out Castle Crashers, a game that I was dangerously addicted to for weeks, has an insanely badass soundtrack.
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It is very good.

It's probably the best part yet:
Pinkie Pie can control her own dreams, why am I not surprised.
Also, "Fashion advice. Should I try wearing socks?"

I'm surprised no one made a comment about that on ED. So far, this is the second fanfic I've read which contains a "Luna wearing socks" reference.
Aha! I knew it!

The first video is the whole reason I started checking all of the Castle Crashers' BGM in the first place. I just wasn't sure, but every time I hear it all I could think about was Castle Crashers.
By Celestia's Beard we did too many races on Saturday. I've been doing pictures for nearly 2 hours now and I still got 3 more to go.


I found it. I finally 🤬 found it. I found where this came from.

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By Celestia's Beard we did too many races on Saturday. I've been doing pictures for nearly 2 hours now and I still got 3 more to go.

I thought that after all those races you'd have your work cut out to get a bunch of pictures uploaded. How many do you plan on taking in total?

I'm liking Scoot more and more every day.
EDIT: And suddenly, I want to read Macintosh right now but I need to get to bed soon because I've got a lot to do tomorrow.


I have a feeling socks are going to spread through this fandom faster than "20% Cooler" or Cupcakes references.
EDIT: Sorry, there's no image that says that.

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I find if funny just how many of the images labeled "Objectionable" are raw, unedited screencaps ripped right from the show.

I thought that after all those races you'd have your work cut out to get a bunch of pictures uploaded. How many do you plan on taking in total?

Dunno. Probably 6+ per race, except for the first two when there were only two people in the room. Currently taking a break from it, though.

Oh man, this one:
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Alright, I already needed to get some sleep for tomorrow, but now I've also got a headache to sleep off.

G'night everypony.
*goes on Ponibooru, searches "Spitfire", sees the first image....holy crap!*

Reading these MLP fanfics really does alter the way I react to certain images, the one of Spitfire that I just found is just the latest example.


I'm busy tomorrow, plus I need to sort some stuff out for a job interview (well, 3 interviews actually).
G'night everpony:
*goes on Ponibooru, searches "Spitfire", sees the first image....holy crap!*

Reading these MLP fanfics really does alter the way I react to certain images, the one of Spitfire that I just found is just the latest example.



Why does that exist!? To taunt me?

Well, now I probably won't sleep tonight, but I'll repost this anyways:

Midnight, time for ponies:


Amazing, as always.


Cute, as always.


Skilful guy modelling Rarity properly, as always (Actually, whoever did that rendition got so many things right that I might call this an epic win, the only thing that slightly bothers me is the Eye proportion, but the rest is just perfect execution of the design with 3Dmax).

[off-topic]I been busy today with the arrangements for the gas instillation in the place where I'm currently living, and the installation of the stove, now its time to make some cupcakes Anthony Hopkins Pinkie Pie style (JK of course, about the cupcakes bit, but I do really install my own oven, and its going to be So Awesome!!! /)^ɛ^(\ ) .[/off-topic]
Right, I'm back after 2 weeks. Anyone care to fill me in on the important stuff that happened?
Right, I'm back after 2 weeks. Anyone care to fill me in on the important stuff that happened?

You were away? :confused:

Kidding. :lol:

Lets see...
We got pony music, 3 gigs of the stuff.
Now everypony and his dog writes fanfics. (No offense to anyone it just seems that everyone is now writing or drawing but me.)
There's lots of other stuff but I can't think of it at the moment.

Actually I started using dark orange text and Unit-One now has a red letter and then black for his posts.
Pretty impressive considering they've been around since 03 and we've been around since April. (Just doing my bit. :sly:)

@Tesla, are you updating your story again or are you moving onto chapter 2?
I'm cleaning up the location changes now, I'll do a read through for grammar and spelling then move on. I have alot planned for this....

That's good to know. Sorry I don't have much more to say, I just wanted to say I approve. :lol:
Have a video.
