The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

EDIT: I gotta go and I won't be back on my computer until 9, but I'll be able to use the mobile version once in a while.

Turns out the USCG Recruiter can't do much when the printer is broken, so that was cut really short, I've got a couple hours before work, though.

I came to the conclusion that everyone is as crazy as usual.
Looks good so far, but mind that plot hole regarding the two descriptions of the first scene.

Which plot hole in particular?

I've taken a minor break to start attempting to draw ponies. It's went...well. Found a nifty collage of random images that teach pony proportions and are really good for limb placement. Just that I have a bunch of pencils but no rubber. Also my left arm has went to sleep from lying on it while drawing, so forgive any derped typing here.
So, I'm sure you all have watched more than "one episode of the new My Little Pony", shouldn't the thread title be changed to the "My Little Pony Thread" now?

I'm thinking about it.

Should we go with: 'The General My Little Pony Thread', or 'GTP My Little Pony: FiM Thread'?

I was also liking the idea of having it as: 'The Official GTP Bronies Thread'?

Well guys?
I like The GreaT and Powerful Pony Thread.

Which plot hole in particular?
Plot hole isn't really the right word, my apologies. But:

After Velvet went Ichi The Killer on 615's face, in Trashed and Scattered she was also attacked almost immediately by 615's little prison gang. It was also portrayed as an outright brawl between the two where everyone knew what was going on but the guards didn't bother to intervene until Velvet had already screwed most of the gang up.

In this one, she gives 615 an ear to ear smile which isn't immediately picked up upon until all is said and done (because the guards think the two are making out after a little tussle or something), and the gang doesn't exist.
The Official GTP Bronies & Friends Thread?

Because I personally haven't posted on anything other than this thread on this forum, I just don't like racing games. :|

Also & Friends ties in with the show too.


Balls, I forgot about the gang. Well, it is a protodraft, I was planning on fully rewriting it later on anyway.
The Official GTP Bronies & Friends Thread?

Because I personally haven't posted on anything other than this thread on this forum, I just don't like racing games. :|

Also & Friends ties in with the show too.


Balls, I forgot about the gang. Well, it is a protodraft, I was planning on fully rewriting it later on anyway.

Winner. I'm liking how that sounds.

Let it be made!

Has anybody read Past Sins? I got reccomended it and wondered if it was worth a look.

Also I found out that drawing + Halo CE soundtrack is the most chilling situation to be in. A Walk in the Woods just came on, and I drew like, the best pony yet with that baby playing.


What?! This forum doesn't have Fluttershy tags? Bloody worthless...
Has anybody read Past Sins? I got reccomended it and wondered if it was worth a look.
It reached 6-stars faster than any other story I've ever seen, and has absolutely cleaned up in regards to fan art drawn for it (the only two stories I've seen with more art than it currently has are The Party Never Ended and Progress) and comments, but I haven't actually read it yet, no (lol irony).
Has anybody read Past Sins? I got reccomended it and wondered if it was worth a look.

I've heard of this fanfic, but I haven't read it. Also, after looking at the Past Sins page on ED, I now know that a fair amount of artwork I've seen over the past week is actually based on this story. I might take a look at it later if I remember to.
What was it?
I value my GTP membership far too much. I don't even know how I could describe it in AUP-friendly terms.

Are you talking about page 379 on Ponibooru? If so, I think I know what you're referring to.
Well, not exactly. 379 pages of the Rainbow Dash section on Ponibooru, only I started at the back and worked my way up (I was looking for a specific image that it doesn't look like I'm going to find).

Wait, what's on page 379 of the main index?

Page 379 of Ponibooru with and without Rainbow Dash tags, you say?

Uh, is there another Ponibooru I don't know about, or something? Because there's nothing remotely interesting on either of those pages.

Nevermind, I still had some filters on, going back now.

EDIT: Is that site painfully slow for anyone else?
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Wait, what's on page 379 of the main index?


Well, I seriously doubt that it's comparable to the image you're talking about, but what I thought you meant was an image showing the Anatomy of a Pony (Muscular and Skeletal Systems). I actually saw it a quite while ago, but I forgot how strange/interesting I thought that image was.

Now I want to know what picture you were really talking about, although I could just scroll through the Rainbow Dash images to find it (I'm probably going to regret this).
Hello everyone, it seems that I miss a couple of things like the "The Official GTP Bronies & Friends Thread" title, which sounds a bit more exclusive, and that's a good thing, apart from that, I'm stating to dream with ponies, something that I consider really really weird, but meh is just pony calling me back in my opinion.

having said that, time for pic:

Nice Fluttershy wallpaper:


Nice Applejack Wallpaper:

(I'm_not_good_at _quoting_Applejack_or_any_other_pony.jpg)

The great and powerful Tri... I mean Gummy:

(Chill out.png)

Comic about dreams and Rainbow Dash being awesome (coincidence, I dont think so).

And that's about it, I need to catch up with fanfics and stuff, pretty busy schedule lately.
MercilessOne was banned?

Page 379 of Ponibooru with and without Rainbow Dash tags, you say?
No. 379 pages working back from the end of the Rainbow Dash index (because that is the direction I was going in). Which means math is required to find the page number in normal terms. Though it was a set of 5 "images," and now they are divided over two pages rather than just one.

Well, I seriously doubt that it's comparable to the image you're talking about, but what I thought you meant was an image showing the Anatomy of a Pony (Muscular and Skeletal Systems). I actually saw it a quite while ago, but I forgot how strange/interesting I thought that image was.
That was pretty weird (it was on 380 when I went and checked), but not really disturbing.
Comic about dreams and Rainbow Dash being awesome


I though the thread was deleted... now it became at least 20% cooler!, an old joke, but it'll do.

I wonder... how many of us are daily visitors and contributors? A hand full? I am amazed that this thread grows so fast.

Toro, did it involve Rule 63 Appledash?
Oh....that's without the Rainbow_Dash tags, hold on.

Also, the amount of cute in that comic is outstanding.

Scoot is easily my favorite out of the CMC, but that was never really an issue, but I think she might just be in my top 10 now.

EDIT: Wait, MercilessOne was banned?
I don't know what happened, but I'm hoping it was either a mistake by a mod or at least a temp. ban.
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What happen?

He didn't posts anything inappropriate, or did he?
I dunno. He was banned just a few minutes after he posted his last post in this thread. No one freak out or anything. We'll probably get an explanation for it before too long.

Scoot is easily my favorite out of the CMC, but that was never really an issue, but I think she might just be in my top 10 now.
Can't say I agree. Applebloom is my Number 6.
...Waiting for his reply on DA.

Oh hay no...

I posted a somewhat inappropriate image in the 'Funny Pics' Thread. I got another infraction, but this time, looks like I went overboard and now it's permanent. I was going to change it, but I got distracted with something else.

It looks like my run at GTP is over...

...unless something can be done, or the moderation can drop to a lesser punishment.