The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Okay, unit-one got an explanation. Let's just wait it out for a day or so and see what happens. Going into a frothing rage and pestering the moderation staff isn't going to make anything better.
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I'll repost his message on this page just in case.

I posted a somewhat inappropriate image in the 'Funny Pics' Thread. I got another infraction, but this time, looks like I went overboard and now it's permanent. I was going to change it, but I got distracted with something else.

It looks like my run at GTP is over...

...unless something can be done, or the moderation can drop to a lesser punishment.
Going into a frothing rage and pestering the moderation staff isn't going to make anything better.

That's the last thing I would do.

Still, it is a shame. I guess all we can do is see what happens over the next few days in relation to this matter.

EDIT: Toro, about that Ponibooru image....uh....yeah....I think I found it :ill:

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That's a shame about MercilessOne. Perhaps something can be done about it, but I haven't got much hope for that.

To lighten the mood here's a drawing of fluttershy I drew on my vacation.

Bad news EveryBrony...

I want to know if MercilessOne is banned forever or for a different time span?

He has had temporary bans in the past. This one, however, is for good.

I know he broke the rules, and I would have punished him too. But he was the one, who united us together, It's a big loss for our community.

Regardless of stature in the community, breaking the rules is breaking the rules. He's received plenty of chances and not learned from them. Hence, banned.

I'm sure someone will step forward as the new head of the Bronies, should that really even be necessary.

The person who started the thread and ran the GTP Bronies social group got permabanned.

Edit: Hnnnnnng! Hasbro, make this happen!

I don't even care the logistics how. Just do it.
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Bad news EveryBrony...

Such a shame, I wonder how much he went off, but by the looks of it I guess that there is nothing that can be done (specially if he was warned beforehand) .

Still, he probably will be back again, one way or another, if he is interested.

Moving on, pic:


Kind of cool, but a bit anime-ish.

(*keeps intrigued about those Ponibooru pics*)

Who's the one of the left, is it an OC pony or a random backgrounder? :S

That's Rainbow Dash initial design (a bit silly if you ask me).
That's Rainbow Dash initial design (a bit silly if you ask me).

That's actually Dash's inspiration, Firefly, who was a G1 Pony. Unfortunately...Hasbro sold her license. >:

EDIT: Damn, I need to be quicker on the lights, I'm being left every time.
Ah. So the picture I found just before I left was the wrong one.

That one you're talking about didnt involve "heads or tails?", did it?

Sucks, what happened to Merciless, but like TB said, he had multiple warnings and they cant bend the rules just because we want them to. I'll miss him and it won't be the same without him, though.
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If you are referring to it as one image, than I'm not so sure you have. What was the ID number?

Well in that case, I really don't think you should see the one I found, seriously. All I'll say is that one of tags is "Human", and it obviously involves Rainbow Dash. I'm not sure if it's anything like the image you found, but if it's anywhere near as messed up as the one I saw earlier, then it must be pretty bad. By the way, when I said I'd regret trying to look for that pic you found, well, I was right, so I'll discontinue my search.

Also, MercilessOne, you will be missed.

Moving on, Big Boss Shrugpony:
Wow lots happened last night.
Firstly MercilessOne, you will be missed.
What happens with the thread now? MercilessOne used to change the first post to accommodate more bronies, now what? Can someone get control over it?
It's a good thing that the name was changed before he was banned banished.

Onto todays other news... That picture you're trying to find, it sounds bad, not friendship-y at all. (Or a different type of friendship altogether.:lol:)

There's not much more for me to say other than good morning, thought it doesn't seem all that good. :(

@Toro, that third video's great...

Oh you want us to know that yours is there too... Good work. :)
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Wow lots happened last night.
Firstly MercilessOne, you will be missed.
What happens with the thread now? MercilessOne used to change the first post to accommodate more bronies, now what? Can someone get control over it?
Yeah. All that needs to be done is PMing a moderator about it and they can transfer the content of the OP to someone else. Its happened several times for the GTP Cool Wall.

I'm pretty sure that the same thing can be done for the GTP Bronies space.

Onto todays other news... That picture you're trying to find, it sounds bad, not friendship-y at all. (Or a different type of friendship altogether.:lol:)
Yeah. The latter.
^ I'm guessing Toronado. He's the most involved as for this moment.

Same here, he is the premier contributor of the group.

Also, Mass Effect will let you choose female sheppard, so here is my idea:


(This made my day)



(Not repost, hopefully)
Yeah, Toro you should take over.
You deserve it, you're always involved and your... umm... awesome. :lol:
EDIT: The greatest contributor to this thread should gain leadership of it (we all know who that is).

I'm flattered but I won't be taking you up on that offer, I'm sorry to disappoint everypony. :lol:

I'm curious what picture got him banned, was it pony related?
What could possibly be "Questionable" about Rainbow Dash punching some dude in the face until there was a grievous lack of a face to punch? That sounds more like "Awesome" to me.

A.K.A. I just saw unit-one's picture on Ponibooru.