The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
You know, when I first saw this I thought it was pretty awesome:

But now that I think about it, how would that even work?
That was really entertaining.

The writer is amazing, half the time it felt like I was really there.....unfortunately.
If the guy didn't say so him self I wouldn't believe that he isn't a native English speaker.

Seriously though, that is a hilarious story.

I....I'm not sure whether I should feel proud that I picked out the grammar mistakes before they pointed them out themselves.

Although, this "it’s not dexosirribonucleic, it’s deoxyribonucleic!" I still haven't even read either of those. They could be spelled the same for all I know right now. I'm too tired for any words with more than 10 letters.

But now that I think about it, how would that even work?


Anyway, for Celestia's final troll attempt, she will refuse to use her wings even if it means saving her own life. Just to mess with Twilight.
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Well its not punctual hour, but is still time for pic:


(Not sure if its is a Coseco's job)


(I don't want to use this as a reference of MercilessOne's situation)

Moving on, wall of text filled with grammatical and spelling mistakes (maybe writers might be slightly interested):

After seeing Boast Busters in a more "analytically" way I can finally see the appeal that Trixie earns among her followers, well actually I can recall a couple of things that maybe plenty of people hasn't recalled yet, starting from the generic personality that she has, there are also some details that I couldn't stop noticing after a couple of actions that were done during the showing off segments, the detail on the animation also describe some of her approaches to certain situations, which I found quite aside in relation to the actions that Trixie portraits in fanfics based on her.

While generic, Trixie's personality shows more complexity when she deals with different kinds of people, most importantly the actions and expressions that she does when facing Rainbow Dash, this is a very critical aspect of her persona because it shows both empathy and rivalry, not with Twilight as is commonly associated, but with RD, both narcissist actions from RD and Trixie can be associated with the main purpose of showing-off, something that hasn't been exploited and has been misunderstood by Fanfic writers.

Just to share that thought, I can elaborate a bit more about her personality specially the doubts about herself and potential implications of her doubt, there is also similar stuff that I can elaborate from Gilda, but I don't have time for that right now.

Just thoughts, nothing significantly relevant.
One thing I noted when I was making the Sunny video that I hadn't caught before was Dash's role in that mess. Dash actually said that her specific beef with Trixie was that Trixie was taking Dash's spot in the town hierarchy as the braggart, actually saying "that's my job" before she started her heckling. Of Mares and Magic has touched on it a few times, but I don't think I've seen it brought up in any other story. And it basically blows apart at least one scene (probably two, if I was to check) in You Bet Your Flank.

Edit: Now that I think about it, the thing with Dash was a major plot point early on in Kindness' Reward as well, but Dash accidentally hurting Trixie snapped her out of it.

Time for some early sleep. Good night:

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I feel really, really stupid for not thinking of this sooner.

I was trying to come up with an idea for a show to use in a crossover video with MLP, when I noticed this. One of my friends recently favorited it and it got me thinking. I'm really considering using something from Scrubs. I'm just not sure what.

Should we build a statue in your honor, master? I mean, you know....if that's ok with you.....
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He shall now be known as The Great and Powerful Toro! Ruler of Equestria this thread.

I was trying to come up with an idea for a show to use in a crossover video with MLP, when I noticed this. One of my friends recently favorited it and it got me thinking. I'm really considering using something from Scrubs. I'm just not sure what.

Somepony really needs to make another MLP/Scrubs crossover video soon. I just had a look and this is the only decent crossover video I could find:

Also, I added this to the gallery earlier:

I didn't react like this after reading Cupcakes to be honest :lol:

Okay, it's late, so g'night everypony:
One thing I noted when I was making the Sunny video that I hadn't caught before was Dash's role in that mess. Dash actually said that her specific beef with Trixie was that Trixie was taking Dash's spot in the town hierarchy as the braggart, actually saying "that's my job" before she started her heckling.

I got a commenter that said I was making RD too boastful in The Ballad, and I actually quoted that same line to him--it gives you nice insight into how Dash views herself; she was placed on Equestria to be better than everypony else!

Pretty much the best Scootaloo image I have ever seen, period.

Just noticed that the thread changed owners. Congrats Toronado, take good care of us.

Hail to the King, baby!
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Somepony really needs to make another MLP/Scrubs crossover video soon. I just had a look and this is the only decent crossover video I could find:

You know. I feel really stupid and lucky at the same time.
I didn't even search for some before I started mine. I downloaded the mp3 version of that for the audio, and then I just changed my mind for no real reason and I'm so glad I did.
One thing I noted when I was making the Sunny video that I hadn't caught before was Dash's role in that mess. Dash actually said that her specific beef with Trixie was that Trixie was taking Dash's spot in the town hierarchy as the braggart, actually saying "that's my job" before she started her heckling.

Exactly, there are other elements that completes the spectrum for Trixie's personality, two elements to be precise:

At first glance, there are several associations with Trixie being the antithesis for Twilight's personality, but this is incorrect, why?, Trixie's personality is more closely related with RD's, and most of her characteristics are actually associated with RD, but what makes Trixie stand out from RD in that episode is the usage of Snip and Snails, which can be consider the antithesis of Trixie's personality, why?, because they are the opposite of her characteristics (from RD, to be more precise), Trixie has to use cleverness to stand out (clever use of magic, instead of the actual power that she claim she has), while Snails is clearly not very clever, this is reinforced when Snip and Snails get a scene with Trixie, this scene is not only use with the purpose of linking the episode storyline, but it also serves to ensure a clear differentiation between RD's and Trixies personalities and characteristics.

And then there's also the ending of Boast Busters, the final actions of Trixie also show evidence of her desperate desired of maintain her image , something critical to be consider, specially when the the lack of any mention to Twilight is noticed, that's right, Trixie actually never refers to Twilight, the only moment when she directs directly to Twilight is when she sees a threat coming from her (seeing in her an actual prof of being more powerful than her) , apart from that, there is also the very response from Rainbow Dash at the end of the episode, this is easily noticed with RD ready to give chase to Trixie, the reason for this is simple and surprisingly very deep, the reason is that RD needs to reinforce her position of the mayor showing-off and the need to re-integrate some of her self-assurance lost when she was ridiculed in the segment pointed by Toronado.

My conclusion with this is that the relation between RD and Trixie is actually more relevant than the relation between Trixie and Twilight, this might have an application for a shipping story (*blushes*) or a more serious one.

Nevermind the wall of text, I usually think about stupidities while playing long bombing missions in Ace combat, or while taking a long bombing mission in Lock-On (which is hideously complicated) .

Sony Vegas is being a bitch right now, so I'll go back to that PMV tomorrow.
I've got 2 other free editors downloading right now, so I'll try those out and see what I can do.

My conclusion with this is that the relation between RD and Trixie is actually more relevant than the relation between Trixie and Twilight, this might have an application for a shipping story (*blushes*) or a more serious one.

That's a good line of reasoning for a fic indeed--you can play up a huge rivalry between who puts on the greatest show, since they are both performers at heart. Make it an escalating war, each show more amazing and over-the-top than the last. In the end, they can both make fools of themselves and learn a lesson in Friendship, or you can go the ship route and have them do a show together :D
That's a good line of reasoning for a fic indeed--you can play up a huge rivalry between who puts on the greatest show, since they are both performers at heart. Make it an escalating war, each show more amazing and over-the-top than the last. In the end, they can both make fools of themselves and learn a lesson in Friendship, or you can go the ship route and have them do a show together :D


That's a good Idea, you can put them in a show together (non-shipping), or you can have them fighting for dominance(shipping, gay joke is just gay).
Remember when I said I bought a wooden alicorn?

Now I need some paints...

Also, found this at a store in Mexico City...


(Taken from crappy cellphone, please don't kill me.)

Nice alicorn, who will it be? Nightmare moon, Luna or our benevolent loved ruler Princess Celestia?

And about the bag, Hasbro why you so crazy with your distribution? :lol:

Also I can see this thread reaching 7000 by tomorrow morning (15 hours from now).

Nice, actually I quite like the shape of it, I always wanted to go on holiday to Mexico (specially Acapulco), maybe in the future, and is also nice to see you posting back from vacations (I just remembered, after a short while).

That's all for today, I own you guys the pics for today, apart from that, I waste plenty of time today (the last 2-3 hours) and now I need to catch up that time tomorrow, that means that I might be more active here, but a bit busier than usual.


Goodnight everyone.
Rarity? :lol:

That didn't even occur to me to look.
So Luna then, cool. (It'll be easier than Celestia, that's for sure)

Actually, I chose Luna for being the easiest one. She being my favorite alicorn was a bonus.



Good night, bronies.
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I spent hours doing this over the last few nights, oh well it'll be useful for some of the longer stories that I haven't downloaded yet.

PDF versions of stories.

@Toro's comic. Story of my life... Well not the being a lesbian part but the part about not getting kissed by them. :lol:

Edit: Better link.
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I spent hours doing this over the last few nights, oh well it'll be useful for some of the longer stories that I haven't downloaded yet.

PDF versions of stories.

*Downloads The Party Never Ended Like a Boss*

Thanks for the link, though. I'll throw most of them on the PSP.

@Toro's comic. Story of my life... Well not the being a lesbian part but the part about not getting kissed by them. :lol:
Why are you actively trying to kiss lesbians?
Much better thread title. 👍 Great to see the bronies still churning out the OC so much with quality. Not many fanbases have this commitment. :D
What is that, Need for Speed II?

Capt. Obvious is always obvious.
[offtopic]And this part is one of three (and strangest - it was three first parts) that has simulation mode. Firstly the PC version of HP lacked sim mode (PSX version still had it), then both versions of HS (PSX version was closer to the sim-style driving (but it's still arcade), while PC version is TOTALLY arcade-ish: that was like driving on soap... :yuck:). Then sim-style driving is back in ProStreet, Shift... but if I would like to play in the legal-racing sim, I'd prefer GT.[/offtopic]

\\Oh, wait, what I'm talking about!? :derp: Offtopic tags added.

[offtopic]PS: NFS2's soundtrack is best to listen with drugs.
Just listen to "Jeff van Dyck & Saki Kaskas - Gore" as example.[/offtopic]
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Sim mode in NFS II was crap compared to the first game and Porsche Unleashed.

Though the best game in the series was/is the PSX version of Hot Pursuit.

Its a sad day that jokes like these:

Are now obscure. It makes me feel old.