The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Serious gallery question: Make a MegaSweet album? I'm uncomfortable posting so much of his art in the gallery without noting it is his.

I would make an album specifically for artwork created by MegaSweet, although it depends on how many images you plan on adding to it. If it isn't many, then I'd probably leave it for now.

And, I lol'd:
I would make an album specifically for artwork created by MegaSweet, although it depends on how many images you plan on adding to it. If it isn't many, then I'd probably leave it for now.
A cursory glance over the albums tells me that there about 40 images of his currently up. There are probably more that I'm not seeing (for example, I'm still finding Madmax images that I haven't moved yet), but that's about the size of it.

That one.

Its so drastically far away from AUP-appropriate that it would be a one-strike permaban. About 95% of the funny of it comes from how amazingly badong it is. Its like the thing I found yesterday that we spent all that time waffling over, except it crosses the line three or four more times rather than just once. The deadest of Dead Baby Comedies. In fact, that reminds me that I should probably gank that borderline image from the gallery.

However, for the purposes of not Derelle-ing this thread again:


And I give you that with all of the warnings I gave above.
I....I actually saw that on KYM a while ago. Yeah....that was on Know Your Meme and never got pulled.

Wow, that comments

I just found out I'm missing episodes 24, 25, and 26.....the 🤬?
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I told you.

I went to bed with it on that index page back when it was still up on IMDB (because I wasn't quite sure what it was based on the thumbnail, but I didn't have the balls to actually look). When I woke up it had already been pulled.

So I just randomly decided that I needed to find it on Sunday. Then I spent about 4 hours Sunday night and 7 hours on Monday looking for it on Ponibooru (because I had to see if it was what I thought it was). Then I stumbled across that image I was talking about yesterday, and the rest was history.

Its one of the funniest damn things I've ever seen because of the sheer insanity of it, but now you can understand my reservations of making a MegaSweet album when things like that exist.
I don't remember seeing that MegaSweet image before. It clearly isn't AUP-appropriate, although it's nothing compared what I saw yesterday :crazy:

Yeah...I better move on:

Spike as Shaun Ryder, now I've seen everything!

There has to be a place I can still talk to you guys. I really want to get back on GTP too.

I wish I had time travel.

I see this huge rainbow from my window... camera's battery is charging...
EDIT: colors are too dim on the photos.

Reposts? What the ... I don't even... uh, nevermind.
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I still don't quite understand what this meme is about, but I found this funny anyways:

And I reassert that Tim Curry needs to be in an episode of Season 2.


Whoever uploaded this better be willing to pay to have my carpet cleaned from when I dropped my Pepsi from laughing so hard.


Whoever uploaded this better be willing to pay to have my carpet cleaned from when I dropped my Pepsi from laughing so hard.

Wait, lemme just get my wallet...oh, I need to find the nearest Bureau de change as well. So how much do I owe you? :lol:
Please help me find this music - Prance. It's written by Zorg as a battle music for Vinyl Scratch. I know there's a remix with Pinkie Pie singing, I'd love to have the original.

EDIT: I think I found it. It's only 59 seconds long.??
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Well, on the other forum I mentioned, ponies have been banned from all threads but the one I made for them. The irony being this was exactly what I was leveeing, (is that how it's spelt?), for anyway. So the pony has been haltered for now there, although so many supposed non-bronies revealed pony wallpapers in the "Post Your Desktop" thread that it's pretty funny.

I think we're winning through sublimation. Soon I'll have yet another converted forum under my belt!

Can I get some help from somebody? I'd like to finish today all caught up with everything (well, except my reading, but of course that isn't going to happen), but I'm having trouble discerning what stories on the Recommendation list I haven't written things up for and which ones I have.
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I guess that I own you some pics guys, and here they are:

Nice (but sad) :

Not sure if repost, I don't remember that I have seen something similar (but maybe, just maybe):

And this is kind of cool (the design I mean):


Something inappropriate
Something funny

That's it, for now.
(*Goes back to work*)

I still have regular access to GTPlanet. I can still log on my account, but I just can't post any messages anymore. All I can do is view the forums.

I'm aware of Toronado taking my place. Tell him to keep it nice and warm. And that in the meantime, he needs to appoint someone else to raise the moon while he raises DAT SUN.

Look at it this way. I have literally become the next Nightmare Moon. Except I'm not bitter. Just regretting it.

I might return. After all, GTP is such a great community. I've got trades and photo-ops I was in the middle of before my banishment.

Now is not the time, however, as I've got other matters I want to take care of first. I'll be back later...





...that is, uhhh... if you guys don't mind... m-me joking like tha... *squeak*

'til then, keep in touch unit. You're areal pal. And so are the rest of you GTP bronies. Love and tolerate, always.

Toronado, keep this thread nice and warm.
Star Fighter will bring news from NightmareOne at "night". And since it's "day" now, he needs some sleep.

Good night day.

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It's nice to see that he's taking it well enough to joke about it.

Only hopefully his return comes a little quicker than 100 years.
Guys. I just spent an hour and a half (unsuccessfully) trying to cut down a tree with the claw side of a hammer. I'm tired. I'm hot (Though today is really nice out considering it hailed this morning. I probably should have gone golfing instead). My arm hurts, and I accidentally poured boiling soup all over my right hand (the same hand which is still healing from when I stabbed myself a couple of weeks ago). I'm nursing a cold Sam Adams and singing along to At the Winter Gala on a loop, but its not enough by itself.


And not soul-crushing Trixie pictures, either.
Umm, how would we actually help you?
Can I get some help from somebody? I'd like to finish today all caught up with everything (well, except my reading, but of course that isn't going to happen), but I'm having trouble discerning what stories on the Recommendation list I haven't written things up for and which ones I have.
Good point, in which area do you need help, in the revision of the recommendations, or in the making of the recommendations, or in something else?

Also, the recommendations were ever conceived as a joint contribution?


And not soul-crushing Trixie pictures, either.

I'm 30 minutes from finishing my video, if that, so just give me a little time. This is going to be funny even if the syncing is horrible.
Good point, in which area do you need help, in the revision of the recommendations, or in the making of the recommendations, or in something else?
Never mind that post.

As sat down in front of the tree, contemplating going into my house and getting my shotgun to shoot slugs at the damn thing in an attempt to knock it down, I decided that since I made that bed I'll sleep in it.

Also, the recommendations were ever conceived as a joint contribution?
It was always intended to be, but since I was the one who read the most anyways it more or less became "Toronado's Fan Fic Recommendation list" as time went on.