The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

🤬 thing just fell over by itself.

🤬 thing just fell over by itself.

It's quite scary, out of nowhere an awful sound of stuff hitting the wall and the roof, when less expected.

Anyway, moving on, couple of things that deserve mention:

Finally a 20% cooler wallpaper:

Lyra :rolleyes: :

I'd be happy to help if you told me exactly what you want me to do. :-S

Also, no offense, but the idea of cracking out a shotgun to take down a tree is about as stereotypically American as I can imagine. XD

Also I shunted that Halo fic out to Sethisto. He already liked it after he read it himself, (pre-readers were backed up), so he asked I post an additional chapter with it.
Finally a 20% cooler wallpaper:


Anyway, that video:

The video quality is ass right now because it's only been up for a few seconds.

Also, looking for title suggestions. I like this, but I wanted to know if anyone else has a better suggestion.
I'd be happy to help if you told me exactly what you want me to do. :-S
The only thing I needed was for someone to help me figure out which ones in the list I hadn't written up stuff for yet. It used to be easy to keep track of, but I moved so much stuff around last week that when I went to look at it this morning to start typing something up my eyes glazed over.

Also, no offense, but the idea of cracking out a shotgun to take down a tree is about as stereotypically American as I can imagine. XD
Hey, I've seen that Top Ground Gear Force Something Something special. Clarkson was using a shotgun to pull weeds.

It's quite scary, out of nowhere an awful sound of stuff hitting the wall and the roof, when less expected.
Better for it to hit the house when I'm not expecting it than to hit the me when I'm not expecting it.

And it was leaning up against the house anyways, so the worst it could have done is rip the gutters off the roof.
@MintBerryCrunch, I can't think of any other names for that video at the moment, I reckon the current name is alright though.


This thread now contains 7000 posts!

Comic approved!


So you want my help with that? I can mail you some eye-drops or something...

Hey, I've seen that Top Ground Gear Force Something Something special. Clarkson was using a shotgun to pull weeds.

Yeh, but the irony is Clarkson himself is fairly "stereotypical American." He's obsessed with power in cars, whacks out military toys for anything, and is...overweight.
Thanks for the comments, but:

I re-uploaded it after I fixed the timing with Rainbow Dash. I had moved some clips around in the beginning and I forgot to move the RD segment back where it was. I think that moment is a lot funnier with the better lip syncing.
To me, that re-uploaded version seems much better in relation to the lip-syncing, plus the video's pretty good overall.

I should have mentioned earlier, but when I first saw it, I wasn't expecting to see Rainbow Dash as Dr Kelso, plus Scootaloo is "The Todd" :lol:
Thanks for the comments, but:

I re-uploaded it after I fixed the timing with Rainbow Dash. I had moved some clips around in the beginning and I forgot to move the RD segment back where it was. I think that moment is a lot funnier with the better lip syncing.


Its funnier with more lip sync.

And couple of things that got my attention:


( :lol:? I guess)


Oh my...
Cool video MintBerryCrunch.

So my slug through the thread was easier this morning, thankyou for the page of reposts. :lol:

That image was found... It took me a little bit to get... I've seen far worse on dA though.

@Toro, Y U no use saw?
That tree was like 3in thick, it would be down in 10 seconds flat with a saw.

That wallpaper. :drool:

And I nearly forgot, good morning. (Can't find an image)
@Toro, Y U no use saw?
That tree was like 3in thick, it would be down in 10 seconds flat with a saw.
That's what I was trying to use before I got mad and got the hammer. I could only find one saw in the garage, and it sucked. I have no idea where my hatchet is (which is what I used to cut it down last time), and I couldn't even find the chainsaw.

And your estimation for the thickness is about a third of what it actually was where I cut/bludgeoned it.
That's what I was trying to use before I got mad and got the hammer. I could only find one saw in the garage, and it sucked. I have no idea where my hatchet is (which is what I used to cut it down last time), and I couldn't even find the chainsaw.

And your estimation for the thickness is about a third of what it was where I actually cut it.

That's 9 inches thick? No way.
In any case wouldn't it have been easier to go and buy a new saw and finish the job with that, than it was to hit it with a hammer for 30 minutes? Probably quicker too.

And regarding the use (or thought of use, (I can't tell if you did)) of a shotgun on a tree... I agree with coffeegrunt, typical American. :lol:
I didn't shoot the damn tree.

I merely thought of doing it off-hand.

And okay, yes, 9 inches is a bit of an exaggeration. But it is closer to 9 than it is to 3.
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Time for pic before time for work:

Luna in the Mo..untain:

Shipping, give me a break:

And the pun, I guess:

I cant get enough of these pics.
Pinky humanized, and some baffling of the analysis I was trying to make.

That's it, for now.
(*Goes back to work*)
Blaaaaaaah why couldn't you have posted a minute earlier and saved me some time.

Anyways, holy god damn someone finally drew it. Three guesses what this is depicting.

And Wiegert can't guess.
This is yet another coincidence because I saw that MegaSweet drawing of Lyra on another site no more than 5 minutes ago.

Anyways, holy god damn someone finally drew it. Three guesses what this is depicting.

And Wiegert can't guess.


Seriously, where the 🤬 did you find that?
You get some pretty impressive acoustics singing into an empty beer bottle. I can almost match the high notes in Winter Wrap Up with the extra reverb.


Seriously, where the 🤬 did you find that?
Its the new preview image for it. I'm currently combing through Ponibooru to see if I can find it in a bigger size.

Kind of a shame, because the dissonance of the original image in comparison to the actual content of the story post-Chapter 4 made a really powerful statement by itself.

Anyways, holy god damn someone finally drew it. Three guesses what this is depicting.

And Wiegert can't guess.

Did Celestia either kill somepony or turn them to stone... then kill them?

After typing that I don't think I like this picture.

Here's something cute to counteract the sadness.

Why do I have a feeling that picture is from that fanfic, the one where Fluttershy destroys Twilight.

I'm just going to go and think about what I've done. And read Macintosh.