The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I feel like posting this again because it's really badass.

Also, this one more time;

Not much going on at the moment so I figure why not post my favorite PMVs?

Oh, and I just found this:


'night everpony.
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Anypony else notice Applejacks shoes keep disappearing and reappearing while she's at the gala?
I only noticed because CrazyWolf posted that video that only has vocals of "At the Gala".

Anypony else notice Applejacks shoes keep disappearing and reappearing while she's at the gala?
I only noticed because CrazyWolf posted that video that only has vocals of "At the Gala".

Yep, I noticed that too, one of several graphical errors present in that episode, maybe the artistic charge on that episode was too heavy for the animation staff, who knows?

Also, time for pic:

Awesome Lyra is awesome:

Cute Twist (or Tornado) art:

And not this again:

(I was there, and there was shipping).

That's it, for now.
Well time for last pic:

I don't have more pics to post today and I need to complete the thing from previous days, apart from that, the whole issue from a couple of days back remind me of a certain situation I experienced not long ago.

Off topic:
After seeing Luna's banishment, and after tweak some things on my profile I noticed something apart from the usual "don't write like a dork" warn from mods, I almost got ban about a year ago, something that I was kind of forgetting, back at the time moderators seemed a bit more flexible (well they didn't ban me after all), but I guess that I was quite lucky back then.

Apart from that, and after all the events from last year (including non internet related events), I cant stop noticing that I was acting like a complete idiot, I wonder if I'm still acting like that, maybe realizing of my idiotic behaviour is prof that I moved a step forward, or maybe I just needed to learn something back then, or maybe I just needed to know the infamous phrase: The cake is a lie...


(For some reason someone took out Rarity sleeping pictures, I guess that she was too awesome for the internets)

Goodnight everyone.
Yep, I noticed that too, one of several graphical errors present in that episode, maybe the artistic charge on that episode was too heavy for the animation staff, who knows?

Also, time for pic:

Cute Twist (or Tornado) art:

Don't you mean Toronado? :lol:

I am now one of your kind now. Ponys are awesome!!


Well time for last pic:
Why are you posting sad things, are you trying to make me cry?

And Tesla, how's the story coming?
I suspected chapter 1 was finished. Good luck with your school work, those final years can be a pain.
An anthology of poems. Man your school must have some high standards.
When I was in year 8 the work load for English consisted of reading a book (over the whole term, in class ) and answering questions about said book, while reading it.

That said, it sounds like your school will give you a short story writing task, you should take that opportunity to write about the magic that is friendship. 💡
CoffeeGrunt, who drew the art for I Won't See You Tonight?

Eddie Perkins, although he appears to have gone incognito lately. Can't raise him up to get another piece drawn on DA for my Halo fic, so had to use a surrogate until another guy I found does it for free.

I simply cannot express in words how much I love the IWSYT cover though. I feel it's just...exactly what I was looking for.

I didn't shoot the damn tree. I merely thought of doing it off-hand.

*Sigh.* So American. :P


Very sad Derpy:

I genuinely enjoyed Math because I found it easy. I did my GCSE for it a year early and got an A, so the whole final year of high school I spent my maths lessons basically semi-conscious, it was great!
We always have to write about a set topic though :( Like 'teenage issues' or something that tries to make us think. Note the italics.

We do get to construct a magazine later in the term about a topic of our own choosing, although I plan to do cars/motorsport. With nobody in my class being the internet know-it-all that I am (most have no idea what I mean when I say meme :indiff:) they also have the idea that MLP is the pre-G4 stuff :yuck:

EDIT: For the record, I'm in a selective high school. Not a particularly smart one either.

When you say "construct a magazine" do you mean by yourself or in a group? A whole magazine is something a group of 20 people do as a full time job on a monthly basis. Too much work I say. :lol:

@Coffeegrunt, we did a similar thing in year 9 here (I'm not sure what you call that over there, but it's the 9 of 12 years). I remember in year 11 we watched Gattaca and had to make a brochure about genetics, mine had the slogan "we fix your mistakes" or something like that. We also studied Macbeth, I can't remember what we did with it though.

We didn't start Shakespeare till year 10 and I stopped "normal English" after year 11. Year 12 involved English language which was basically analysis of the language.

Wow that was off topic.

Has anyone started reading "The Last Quest"? I'm looking at it, is it worth reading?

Edit like a boss: Japanese was my favorite class.
You should interview our feared loved leader Toro. His signature suggests he knows a lot about racing (well going fast at least). :lol:

Edit: You don't have to do what I say though, no pressure.
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Yeh...we never actually see Pinkie sleep in the whole series... D:


We have 11 years, working towards our GCSEs. Although we don't actually start GCSE work until years 10 and 11, then have our exams afterwards.


Also am I the only person amazed at the amount of passion this show evokes? Returning to the small battle on my "home" forum, my bronies were pretty fiercely defending the show while haters were damning it as a plague. I tried the impartial mediator route and was still hated because I liked the show. It's like a Marmite frag grenade.
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One of the reasons I started watching it was because I was amazed by how much it seemed to piss people off.

I read that story. Rather powerful little ditty.

Anypony else notice Applejacks shoes keep disappearing and reappearing while she's at the gala?
I only noticed because CrazyWolf posted that video that only has vocals of "At the Gala".

Her hat disappears a lot in basically every episode she's in. Usually only one or two frames, but once you see it...

I haven't worked that much with Flash, but I have done so enough to have the opinion that a lot of the time it happens seems to be because the program is freaking out rather than a mistake on the animators' parts.

Eddie Perkins, although he appears to have gone incognito lately. Can't raise him up to get another piece drawn on DA for my Halo fic, so had to use a surrogate until another guy I found does it for free.

I simply cannot express in words how much I love the IWSYT cover though. I feel it's just...exactly what I was looking for.
Seeing all of those off topic posts about various school related stuff has given me an excuse to use this image:


(By the way, the highest GCSE level I got in year 11 was for Art. Perhaps I should start drawing ponies)

Anyway, nice to see that T-Squared is reading The Sun is Tired as well, plus I've recently been thinking about what could happen later on in the story. I have 2 ideas about what might occur in future chapters, one has a fairly straight forward outcome, whereas the other is really quite complicated.

Here's the thing though, if either of my ideas are right, then the events in this story could possibly get really, REALLY bad, much worse than what happened to Snowflake:

Even worse than what happened to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash as well.
Well, good morning everypony!

This page is pretty sad and incredibly off topic. Time to fix that.




And this....combining my favorite 3 dragons? So much win.
EDIT: Aha, I found a larger size. Thank you Google reverse image search.

You want to hear something that sounds allot more like the stereotypical American now that I think about it?

I dropped college because even though I'm perfectly capable, I just loathed having to sit and write a 5 page analysis on the political implications made by a 3 line poem when I knew I would never us that skill later in life. It just felt like a waste of time to me. Mainly because I was going into a computer science major...not sure when the ability to analyse a poem would come into play while working with computers.

Anyway, the reason that's more like that stereotypical American is because I decided to join the USCG because I figure riding on a big boat manning a large caliber machine gun would be more to my tastes.
That's not the sole reason, but it's definitely one of the reasons.