The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Anyway, nice to see that T-Squared is reading The Sun is Tired as well, plus I've recently been thinking about what could happen later on in the story. I have 2 ideas about what might occur in future chapters, one has a fairly straight forward outcome, whereas the other is really quite complicated.

Here's the thing though, if either of my ideas are right, then the events in this story could possibly get really, REALLY bad, much worse than what happened to Snowflake:

Even worse than what happened to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash as well.
I have the terrible idea in my mind that Rocks Fall Everyone Dies is an entirely possible ending for the story.

I'm also still not sure what to make of the accidental Twilestia implications, because they are certainly going to be important and they are certainly going to be bad.

Which one?
Don't remember what its called. One of those older image post stories. That's a drawing for the ending, though.

I feel like this right now.

It's freezing here, dumb winter.
That means it's time to get into my snugily wugily bed.

I can't find the image I want. Toro have you considered making a sleep folder in the gallery i.e. just the going to bed images? Since they're used so often here it'd make sense.

Edit: And sorry about casing such a huge derail that's mostly my fault.
Well goodnight everypony.
I can't find the image I want. Toro have you considered making a sleep folder in the gallery i.e. just the going to bed images? Since they're used so often here it'd make sense.
I've been thinking about it, but I'm not sure how many we would actually have when you don't count the John Joseco ones.

Edit: And sorry about casing such a huge derail that's mostly my fault.
Well goodnight everypony.
Pfft. Derail a thread on GTP? This is how you derail a thread on GTP. Nearly 300 posts and I bet not even 20 of them are on topic.

What we've been doing barely counts as a side discussion.

Doing this right now.

First question? Didn't even have to think about it.

EDIT: Wow, Twilight and Rainbow Dash are currently tied.
I did not see that coming.
Currently doing it now. Some of those questions are much harder than one would think they should be. I would have thought that having most of the Mane Six sorted into a hierarchy anyways would make everything easier, but then questions like #10 come up.

Edit: No one loves Applejack. :(
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I feel like this right now.

It's freezing here, dumb winter.

*mumbles something about sweating my ass off and how much more I prefer cold to hot*

And it's not like I don't have experience with cold. I spent 4 weeks with my uncle in Mane(too easy) in the dead of winter. It was only supposed to be 1 week but a giant snow storm later and our van was going no where soon.
I'm alright with dry heat, but when the humidity is this high combined with the heat it sucks.

I can't find the image I want. Toro have you considered making a sleep folder in the gallery i.e. just the going to bed images? Since they're used so often here it'd make sense.

Edit: And sorry about casing such a huge derail that's mostly my fault.
Well goodnight everypony.

You missed an opportunity here:

I just created a book mark folder with all of the sleep images I liked.....which is almost all of them.
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*mumbles something about sweating his ass off*
Nice edit. :lol: But I'm cold.
Edit before post: Stop editing you're making this difficult. :lol:

I want that hot dry weather, hell humidity would even be better than the cold for me. I used to live in Queensland, it's always hot and humid there, but I've been south of there for the last five years and the one thing I hate is the cold. I thought I would like it, I was wrong.

I just created a book mark folder with all of the sleep images I liked.....which is almost all of them.

In hindsight that would have been a brilliant thing to do, but I didn't.
Edit: I'm going to sleep for real now, goodnight.
Doing this right now.

First question? Didn't even have to think about it.

Just finished it, I'm surprised that I didn't stall on any of the question. Even though I voted for Applejack a few times, she's still not that popular according to the results.

It's freezing here, dumb winter.

So it's 7°C in Melbourne right now (14°C Max) according to the website I just looked at, which is much colder than it is here (21°C). Oh, and it's cloudy here right now.

Confound my stereotypical British obsession with the weather :lol:
I abuse the Edit button almost all the time. I almost always think of what I wanted to say after I click post.

I think that one is kind of a stretch considering how weak the joke is anyways.

Since we're talking about the weather now (?), since the Celsius range is much more compact than the Fahrenheit one, what do you do for small changes in temperature? Decimal points? Always been curious about that.

Also, um... Ponies. Yes:

I love these things. Especially the Applebloom ones.


"Twilight, I want to be perfectly upfront and honest with you." Trixie's tone turned direct and serious. "I want to make out with you so direly that it is literally causing me physical pain for every second my lips are not pressed against yours."
And then I laughed uncontrollably until I couldn't breathe anymore.

Edit 2: And now Luna's gotten involved in this silliness.

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I think that one is kind of a stretch considering how weak the joke is anyways.

Trixie apparently has no concept of equality, so based on that, she probably isn't a Communist (I'm ignoring the design of her Cutie Mark by the way).

Since we're talking about the weather now (?), since the Celsius range is much more compact than the Fahrenheit one, what do you do for small changes in temperature? Decimal points? Always been curious about that.

I'm pretty sure that decimal points are used.

Right, back to the ponies:
This is how it should have happened.

And then I laughed uncontrollably until I couldn't breathe anymore.

Edit 2: And now Luna's gotten involved in this silliness.

What story is this?

Anyway, gotta go evict some people now. Be back in a few hours....hopefully with pictures of my shirt.
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Male-to-male shipping? Don't mindy ebho!

Also I have to read that other fic, that quote you posted made me laugh so hard I dropped my Netbook. This baby's durable though, so no worries.
The only thing that annoys me about The Romancing Quest is that I completely missed it when it first got posted and didn't catch it until later.

I still get a laugh out of how the various Ponies around town were describing what love was to Twilight in the first chapter. Rainbow Dash's response in particular is so brutally blunt that it carries absolutely perfectly.
I'll definitely have to have a look. I want to write shipping into my new fic, or an undercurrent of it, involving Pinkie and Dash. Two problems are, they don't meet together in the present until the end of Dash's story thread, and even then, they don't get to be together. So I want to imply the filly gets the filly then snatch it away, but obviously I want a buildup on the way.

I'm planning on revealing that the reason Dash joined the military is to keep Pinkie safe, though she tells everyone it's because she wanted to kick the insurrectionists ass. (I'm also having homosexual coupling being taboo in the culture, given that ponykind is teetering on extinction.)

All these things I want to do, but I need to do them well.
Also I have to read that other fic, that quote you posted made me laugh so hard I dropped my Netbook. This baby's durable though, so no worries.

I might follow suit and read it later, although I'll probably end up doing what I normally do and simply forget about it.

And after looking at the comments for that story on ED, I noticed that somepony thought it was "fantastic".
As an FYI, its 7 chapters in, but the typical chapter is only around 7-8 pages long, with a couple closer to 5-6. Its also written in a breezy style that makes for quick reading.

And after looking at the comments for that story on ED, I noticed that somepony thought it was "fantastic".
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Oh good. No offense, I'm slowly getting into other, longer fics. But the problem being, A, they're long, B, they've got 9001 chapters, and C, reading them feels like a chore because of complex, convulated language, etc.
I was reading 3 new pages... and i forgot what I wanted to say...

EDIT: Oh, yeah. I added more stuff to my fan-fic. I have huge plans for the plot. It will feature the mane 6, some side characters and a main villain. I will not post the new versions. They have megatons of spelling errors.
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I'd love to see them once you'e cleared it up a little.

Also Sethisto posted a great Trixie comic!

Then he posted a saucy DashiePie one that made me feel worried. XD
Yeh, I'm glad he moon'd it.

I looked up the apparently worse version...and it's alot worse. Do not look, seriously, mental, frikkin', scars.
Oh, this is the funnest comment war I've seen in a long time. Regardless of your opinion of the comic itself, I do think it funny that some of the anons seem to think eminent domain applies to a fan-run private website.
I looked up the apparently worse version...and it's alot worse. Do not look, seriously, mental, frikkin', scars.

Too late, I found the non-ED safe version on Ponibooru. It's...uh...quite something.

That site will never cease to amaze/disturb me.

Oh, this is the funnest comment war I've seen in a long time.

And now Seth has removed that comic. I can't help but laugh after seeing most of those comments complaining about it though :lol:
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Yeh, I recognised the artist's name as someone who posts regularly on ButterScotch Sundae's DA...I feel all that was required to be said was said there.

However the comment war is frikking funny. I added it to my reply about my fic from Sethisto, not sure if I'll get a reply now. XD
Well, I wanted a comment war today, so I'm glad I got one. Not what I was expecting it to be about (in fact, I'm glad one didn't break out over that story), but I got one nonetheless.
Wow, DeviantArt is really slow tonight... I wanted to upload a simple picture, but it takes forever to precess...

Here it is! It's a simple one...

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Me likey. Me jelly. :P


Woot! My Halo fic is up, and I'm worried. Apparently people aren't happy with me labelling Equestria as a planet as opposed to a country. I never saw this elaborated nor is there a hint of other countries mentioned, so I took it as is.

Besides ponyworld, was retarded.

Also I can't reply to bloody comments because comments boxes have broken on this browser for unknown reasons, same as on DA. ¬¬
Oh crap, that one was yours? I've been refreshing the main page for the past 30 minutes (The hilarity never ceases! Now there are people calling for Seth to treat it as the ED equivalent of the Exxon-Valdez oil spill, public apology and all) and I never made the connection.

I think the way it has been referred to in show alludes to it being more analogous to a country/continent than the entire planet.