The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I just finished that Rarijack story a few minutes ago, actually. A question:

Was Rarity dead or something? Because the whole thing read to me as incredibly somber for what it was, particularly the ending.
I just finished that Rarijack story a few minutes ago, actually. A question:

Was Rarity dead or something? Because the whole thing read to me as incredibly somber for what it was, particularly the ending.


Its more like a problem on the delivery, since AJ is telling the story this causes some problems, there are no moments in which Rarity gets the necessary dialogue to be significant, and there is a point when they remember while telling the story, which makes some things more difficult to get, apart from that, the mentions and dialogue from Rarity comes mainly on letters, which makes her "live" dialogue even more reduced.

Trust me, that, and the "accent" took me out of the concept sometimes.
And with Chapter 9, Of Mares and Magic moves into my Top 5. Manly tears for real.

Edit: Pretty quiet in here. Ah well. Good night, all:

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I guess that I will have a got to Of Mares and Magic at some point, maybe tomorrow on my cellphone.

Also, time for pic:

Tonight we have the wonderbolts and A-10s:

Wonderbolts doing what they know:

Interesting, maybe next gen:

And Lyra, at the gala:

(Repost, I know, but its awesome)

Apart from that, comic(which was on topic a while ago, sorta).

And, that's it, seriously the only thing that I can mention about that podcast is that I'm stating to like Cereal a bit more (not gay), also the Ballad is more popular that I think it is, and maybe TNTNE is a bit underrated by global standards, in any case it was a good experiment, and I guess that I will probably like to hear them again soon.

(*Goes back to the thing*)
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^Yeah it was pretty good, plus it appears that Seth is actually Michael Cera :lol:

Huh, It does seem strangely quiet tonight. Anyway I'm tired, so g'night everypony:

This is fantastic.

I see you there viewing the thread, Toro.
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Also, my 2nd favorite from the latest Drawfriends.

I'll post my favorite later tonight. there a fan-fic explanation for why I just saw Twilight about to be publicly hung on KYM?

Alright, I'm going to bed now.
But first:

Anyway, G'night.

So.. Girl and I are dating, and she wants our first date to be watching MLP together. 🤬 yes.
^ Eyup, its quite nice, apart from that, time for the last pic round of the day:

I wonder how can you get more cute than that:

I wonder how can you get more cool than that:

I wonder who came across this idea (seriously,I expeted everything but not an after-gala Prince Blueblood):

And since tomorrow I'll be a bit busy, have some +pics:

So true:


Also comics:

Sort of funny.
Quite sad.

I'll be listening to "Le carnaval des Animaux" a bit more while reading some documentation before going to sleep (If you are interested, listen to "Le cygne", it's a great introduction and is pretty famous, however is not as good as Satie's "Gnossiennes" but is incredible).


Goodnight everyone.
^ That is awesome.

Am I posting this at 4:34 AM? Yes I am.
Am I planning on going to bed soon? Not really.
Oh, you know....wasting time.

I have no idea but I just don't feel like sleeping right now and I'm free for the next few days so I'll readjust over those few days.
I'm really not tired right now and I might see how it feels to stay up a full 1-1/2 days.

Anyway, how does this slogan maker always manage to be so accurate?
Monthly wages got paid in, Of Gods and Demons appears to be around 4.5 stars now, (I can't get the mouse to hover and give me the exact number still), and Of Mares and Magics...bugger that's a title similarity! But still, it's updated and I will happily read when I'm less busy.
Maybe just a little bit less of a blur, and I mean a very little bit. I like the extra depth, but that just feels a little strong.

Anyway, I watched this:

And thought "Trixie is my new 3rd favorite, sorry Rainbow"

But then I found this again:

And Rainbow Dash is now at my 2nd favorite below Twilight. Sorry Big Macintosh and Trixie. I kind of feel like the awesome for him is wearing off since I've been procrastinating with reading Macintosh. It just feels like after that moment in chapter 5 the rest of it couldn't like up to my expectations. I'll still read it, but I just haven't found the motivation yet.

Also, I could go back to Big Mac being my 2nd when I get some sleep, because being 5:36 my thoughts could be a little cloudy.
^ That is awesome.

Am I posting this at 4:34 AM? Yes I am.

Funny, I was actually also up till about 4 AM.
I have a perfect excuse though. I was on the brony movie night page...
They have a streaming every day now (only minor ones during the week) and I am doomed to not sleeping at night.
I slept till noon though, so no problem...
Who needs mornings? :lol:

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