The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
That looks really great:tup:

And yes, I am still up and it is 6:07AM.
At this point there'd be no reason to try to sleep even if I wanted to.

Anyway, this was on the article posted in the latest nightly roundup.

If you don't feel like checking for yourself it was 25 Easter Eggs (We Wish Were) Hidden in Movies.
Not entirely related, but I've recently decide to post as much pony as I could in the "Google Picture War" thread on the Minecraft forum.
Bascially you have to post a picture of something that destroys that last posters picture. Good for a laugh or two, even if you're not involved.


See if you can find the reason I posted this screen-cap.

Also, :lol:

Alright, when I have a kid, I will do this at some point.
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So, a few days ago MintBerryCrunch mentioned that Macintosh was his story. The story he felt a deep personal connection to above and beyond what the author could have intended. Well, as I sat down reading Feedback last night on my PSP (which is a really good story, by the way, but probably not one for everybody), I came to the conclusion that I had my own story to call "my own."

Of Mares and Magic.

Let me preface this by saying that I always recognized Trixie as the MLP version of me. Before I started liking her, before I took that silly personality test, before I was even done watching Boast Busters for the first time, I knew.
That's why I originally hated her so much (because those of you who have known me for really long, which in hindsight is maybe just Jim, know that self-loathing makes up a substantial portion of my personality), and that's why I didn't bat an eye when I took the thing and Trixie popped up as the result. And its why I really don't enjoy watching Boast Busters anymore, because it is all really uncomfortable watching something that plays out like only partially-exaggerated events from your life orchestrated by a not-at-all exaggerated equivalent of yourself.

Far more times than I care to admit, I felt that I was the absolute cream of the crop, hot 🤬 with no need to prove anything (but I would gladly do it anyways), a truly dependable and trustworthy person who would be there for you when the chips were down but was nonetheless such an inherently (and intentionally) unlikeable sardonic smartass that you would never find out. I've mellowed out considerably over the years (obviously), but I still feel pangs whenever something like Boast Busters pops out, because that is me not that many years ago.

And Of Mares and Magic, in a far better way than I did when I tried to do the same thing with my own story, perfectly captures my progression from intentionally antagonistic asshole to (in the latest chapter) blunt but ultimately friendly foil. The backstory crafted for Trixie in this story is similar (though ultimately quite a bit more tragic) to my younger life. The way Trixie acts in the first couple of chapters is similar to my first couple of years of high school (back on the scene with a chip on my shoulder and pissed at the world for dealing me such a crappy hand, ignoring that I gave myself 3 out of the 5 cards I was dealt), with the events of Boast Busters being a similar allegory to my Middle School years (being shown up spectacularly over something I claimed I could handle).

All the players are there, and I can transfer each role the Mane Six had to someone who played (mostly) the same role in real life, Pinkie Pie included. Even the role played by Princess Celestia can be assigned to someone in my real life, albeit somewhat more loosely. And the cooling effect that they all are having on Trixie is spooky.
I know Trixie is growing progressively as the story goes on, because I myself grew as a character in the same way. I know how the changes are causing her facade to chip away despite her attempts to build it back up in response, because I experienced them. I feel every feeling that she is going through, because I felt them in real life. I know what she is going through, the mixed emotions being caused by having people that she can truly depend on, because I've been there. I know that the build up of the story is realistic, because I've lived it.

And, more than Ballad, more than Dangerous Business, more than The Party Never Ended, even more than TNTNE, I feel this story. I connect with it. I'm personally attached to it. I can find it within myself to look at the proceedings and root for the best resolution, knowing that the best resolution and the happiest resolution are not mutually exclusive. Trixie basically started this story to find out a little bit about herself, about what she is capable of, about her destiny; but in the process she has helped me come to terms with a little bit about myself.
Ummm...I prefer the original. XD

Also the Gods of Shuffle smiled upon me today. Of the 315 songs on my Walkman, it put Pinkie's Gala Jam, New Lunar Republic and Winter Wrap Up straight after each other. These being the only pony songs I have. I was on a bus and had to fight down a laugh over it.

Then a bunch of my favourite ODST OST songs came on, and I was bacon.


And then Toro posted an applebucker of a post and I was shock'n'awed.
And yes, I am still up and it is 6:07AM.
At this point there'd be no reason to try to sleep even if I wanted to.

Try staying up until 6AM almost every night for 2 months, that's pretty much what I've been doing (I'm practically Nocturnal). Do I blame Ponies? Yes. Do I care? Hell no!

I guess it helps if you don't have to get up for work in the morning as well, although if I get a new job in the next few weeks, I won't be staying up all night for much longer.

So, a few days ago MintBerryCrunch mentioned that Macintosh was his story. The story he felt a deep personal connection to above and beyond what the author could have intended. Well, as I sat down reading Feedback last night on my PSP (which is a really good story, by the way, but probably not one for everybody), I came to the conclusion that I had my own story to call "my own."

Of Mares and Magic.

Wow, deep post is deep. I can't say I've had a personal connection to any of the fanfics I've read. I wouldn't be surprised if there was an MLP story out there that I can really relate to, but at this point I have yet to come across it.

And then I saw unit-one's drawing of Big Mac on Ponibooru, nice.
Wow, deep post is deep. I can't say I've had a personal connection to any of the fanfics I've read. I wouldn't be surprised if there was an MLP story out there that I can really relate to, but at this point I have yet to come across it.

I was going to say something along these lines, however not as quite as well as you put it.
I haven't found a story I can relate to as much as Toro can with Of Mares and Magic.
I started typing about how I could relate mostly to Macintosh however, that's wrong. It turns out I just like the story. :P
I have a feeling I can relate to Luna, but I can't thing of a good example. Oh well.

In other news...
I've been out all day, and didn't get a chance to read anything. I might get a chapter of Macintosh in before bed. Or maybe start Tabluna Rasa, Of mares and magic or read that new chapter of Progress.

Actually that's what I'll do. Time to read Progress.

And Unit-One, nice work as always. This last version is definitely the best.

Edit: Seths latest post here.
The only fics I've really had a connection to are my own ones, sadly I just haven't found a fic that speaks to me on that level, although there are several that make me feel emotions, none do on the level tha Toro is talking about.

That being said, I just read of Mares and Magic 9, and it is powerful.

So much happens and Trixie's secret that I mildly suspected gets revealed, but then gets turned on it's head too. To find that she killed Paragon, then a few pages later find that Paragon actually was dying of a magic-degenerative disease that sapped his ability to fight her was pretty rocky in emotional terms. The interesting thing is Trixie at this time still doesn't seem to love Twilight, and I'm curious whether it'll turn out as expected.

It also ends on an applebucker of a cliffhanger.



I reccomend Tabluna Rasa, it's pretty funny and cleverly written. It also reads fairly easily and is short enough to get it done in an hour or two, so it's not exactly short...but...just the right length IMO.
Tabluna Rasa's currently on my e-reader ready to go, I'll do my best to read it tomorrow. Unfortunately I usually get stopped by my parents before I can read, that's one of the reason's I'm so far behind you guys on the stories. (I also get distracted by the internet. :lol:)

But as I said I need to read Progress now.
Until Chapter 9, I had never seen a Trixie scenario where she got honest to goodness, willing-throw-her-life-away, fire and brimstone pissed off, nor did I ever really ever consider the possibility that such a scenario would exist.
Well.....there's the motivation I need to get back into Macintosh.
I'll definitely read that whole thing when I get home later today.

I was never thinking of stopping, but I was just slowly losing interest(EDIT: well, I wasn't losing interest so much as I was starting to lose that feeling I had while reading it) as I kept missing out on a chance to read it, but that post pretty much made me feel the way I did when I started Macintosh, and I'd kick myself if I didn't get back to it tonight.

Glad to see you found a fan-fic that you can connect with on such a personal level.
And that, that right there is something I would never have thought I would say even a day before starting Macintosh.

And yeah, I'm ready with a couple energy drinks to fight through the tired that comes with staying up for 22(Probably 28 by the time I get to reading)+ hours straight.
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That ending to the latest chapter of Progress, I wasn't expecting it.
Nin-ponies, cucumber swords, what more do you want? A fight scene? It's there too.
The ending though makes Rarity appear to be a lespony. I'm not sure how to take it, I guess I'll decide after the next chapter is posted and we find out what happens.

Now it's sleep time.

My favourite is Fluttershy's, because of Luna's reaction and the "third time this week" part.

Rarity's was okay, Pinkie's was pure win. :D

I like how Angel treats Fluttershy, and also Appleblooms reaction to seeing it, "Ah think there’s something downright peculiar about this here relationship."
It's gold.

Curse my memory, I had to go back through those stories to find what you were talking about Coffeegrunt.

Now, I need to sleep. :lol:
My favourite is Fluttershy's, because of Luna's reaction and the "third time this week" part.

Rarity's was okay, Pinkie's was pure win. :D


Fluttershy's part was definitely the funniest in my opinion. Rarity's was alright, but it's not my favourite (it's also the longest chapter by quite a stretch). I thought that Applejack's dream was pretty good, although Rainbow dash's was probably the weakest so far (it's also the shortest dream chapter).

I have to say that Pinkie Pie's chapter is my favourite though:
what with Luna collaborating with her to prank everpony, which results in a Lynch Mob chasing them out of town.

And Pinkie Pie knows when somepony is watching her dreams.
Also, I've only just remembered that something from AJ's dream crossed over into Pinkie's dream.
Yeh I like Pinkie's 4th-wall abilities in her dreams, because they make sense...kinda.

Also after many reccomendations I started reading Past Sins...and I dunno if I want to stop. XD
Yeh I like Pinkie's 4th-wall abilities in her dreams, because they make sense...kinda.

Also after many reccomendations I started reading Past Sins...and I dunno if I want to stop. XD

What story are you talking about? You aren't talking about Progress are you.

I'll discover the results after waking up in 7 hours.
Since everyone's talking about fan-fics I don't know anything about, I guess I'll drop this here.
Yeh, sorry. But occasionally there's a time when I read a fic and go, "this might make a good book."

But reading Past Sins, it actually should be a book.
And then I (finally) found out how to listen to music while reading stories on my PSP.

I'm gonna burn through this 🤬 so fast now.

Edit: Oh boy! The link Brando put up has Macintosh on it too!

Edit 2: OMG! Its got Dangerous Business too!

Edit of Amazingness: And Progress. And TNTNE. And Spark. And Sunset. And Out in the Cold. And Ballad. And Frigid Winds. And Nocturne. And Pony Psychological. And The Sun is Tired. And Tales. And Vengeance and Fashion. And Common Sky. And With a Heavy Heart. And My Little Muffin. And On a Cross and Arrow. And Sound of Sunlight. And The Romancing Quest. And The Vinyl Scratch Tapes. And even 🤬 Of Mares and Magic.

Maximillian Veers is my hero. I'm speechless.
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Just checked it out myself, it even has The Party Never Ended and Tabluna Rasa, as well as a whole load of others that I haven't read yet.

Also, don't get on the bad side of Darth Fluttershy:
Brando put up a link to what? :S

Also Out in the Cold has just been replaced by Past Sins. I'm on chapter 7 now, it's very good. Very, very good.

I mean, I could barely read a chapter of Fallout Equestria by comparison.