The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
And you were so close to beating my time of 38 hours without sleep (I felt like absolute 🤬 by the end of it though).


So add another 2 hours to that. So I beat you by 40 minutes. I feel bad right now, but I could keep going if I didn't have to go on a tour of some USCG Amories(I use the term "have to" lightly) at around 9:30 tomorrow. I'd seriously go for the big 48 if I had absolutely nothing to do tomorrow. I'd only have slightly more than 8-1/2 hours to go.
Anyway, Instead of going to bed I decided I'd check KYM really quick. I don't remember what, but something triggered the memory of this. So went and installed that before wondering "Hmmm, I wonder if it's possible to change the image that shows up on the log in screen, and then I found this..

So now, when I go to log into my computer instead of being greated by the boring old Win7 default, I see this:

Alright, so I postponed the next HP update to start in about 5 minutes, so that way if I get distracted it'll star whether I'm ready or not and I'll go to bed.


I don't think there is enough evidence in the episode to suggest that Trixie suffers from NPD. And I would type more, but it is very hard to read the TV when I don't have my glasses on, so as it is I can only see bits and pieces of your post anyways; so I'll probably get to this in the morning when I can find them.
Never even knew this thread existed. I have been a brony for a while now. I'm on episode 7 of FIM, and it is the greatest thing I have ever watched ever in my life.

Just posting this to remind Toronado of updating the Brony listing...

That's just brilliant.

Also, midnight, time for ponies (not featured in drawfriends):


(Awfully familiar)

Nice pinkie pie is nice:

And this one, such a shame that whoever did that went mental with the bloom.

And, I'm still waiting for that post that BronyCray was making a couple of days ago, I bet it was something interesting.
Really like this pic^.


I actually really like that pic, also welcome to the herd buddy :cheers:
and Goodnight.

Also, second pic round-up:

OK, that's something unexpected:

(Quite like it)

And Luna wallpaper:

(Not sure if repost, but she is Luna after all, so dealt with it.)

Apart from that, that's about it, I wonder about a couple of things: I wonder if MercilessOne still watch us from the moon, and I wonder about G-y, maybe that answer will be found quite soon.
(And I just realized that I'm behaving more idiotic than usual, maybe I'm getting over the line with the Friendship Lubricant, nevermind that).

This place feels a bit lonely lately.
Confound those ponies, they drive me to write a shipping fan-fic! brahahahah!!!

Yeah, a tiny update on my story. It's a complete mess right now with different chapters scattered all over my note book. I can't wait to finish it! But it's still so much work to do!
Today's last post:

Well, this might come handy in the upcoming hours:

Octavia, you are so nice:

Luna, you are so astonishing:

And that's it, two things, I managed to complete a certain thing, I been working for more than a month over this thing and its finally taking some shape and structure, apart from that, I just had a quite weird and surprisingly accurate DĂ©jĂ  vu (it wasn't uncanny, which is really weird), maybe I was visualizing this moment for more time than I expected, but there is a sense of accomplishment when I can finally see an ending to this.

Time for a well deserved rest, I'll probably need it.

Goodnight everyone.
After reading through a few chapters of Past Sins again...I noticed the writing is actually kinda...sloppy. The premise and characterisation is great, but the whole thing is laced with spelling, repeated words and grammar errors. In fact there's a section that's pretty much copy-pasted word-for-word in two chapters.

I think the only reason it hit me that hard is because:
Of the scene where Nyx loses Twilight
Which registered more on a personal level with me than a well-written, emotional level I think.

Also...what's everyone's views of terrorism in fan-fiction? It's something I've had planned for a while, as it forms an integral part of the pre-Covenant war Halo canon. I just finished imagining the scene, then realised before I start writing it that I can't think of any fics that have done it yet. Would such a scene be overstepping a boundary?

Okay, you've kind of struck a nerve here. For one, I am getting a little tired of every "undesirable" personality trait being labeled a "Disorder," but I'm also not entirely certain you should be throwing around theories like that, even for fictional characters, unless you actually are a professional psychologist.

The reason's a bit personal. I have Aspergers syndrome...and yet many of my teachers - none of them professionals in the field of Psychology, mind you - attempted to label me "ADHD." Despite that I was getting straight A's in class at the time. Fact is, the symptom sheets for both, despite being polar opposites on the spectrum, are similar enough that if you don't have both available, or even if you do, you couldn't tell which was which.
So coffeegrunt, remember when you said this.

My favourite is Fluttershy's, because of Luna's reaction and the "third time this week" part.

Rarity's was okay, Pinkie's was pure win. :D


Then I said this.
I like how Angel treats Fluttershy, and also Appleblooms reaction to seeing it, "Ah think there’s something downright peculiar about this here relationship."
It's gold.

Curse my memory, I had to go back through those stories to find what you were talking about Coffeegrunt.

Now, I need to sleep. :lol:

Well after actually reading Tabluna Rasa, I now understand what you were talking about. Before I thought you were talking about Progress. :odd:

But now that I understand what was going on yesterday I can safely say I liked Fluttershys story the most. And that Rarities was too long.
Over all I rate it 2 hooves up. :lol:

And about Terrorism in your story. You might want to do it very carefully with what happened recently in Norway. Personally I think you might need to hold off for a bit before you write it up. (I realize that it wasn't actually a terrorist act, but it's comparable to one.)
I know this sounds weird but people from all over the world connect with these stories and you don't want to offend potential readers.
On the other hand if you do it well it could work. Let other people answer though, my opinion might be completely different from everyone else's.
Edit: I guess it depends on how you do it, if it involves mass murder I wouldn't go there. However if it's only one or two top military people being killed people may not make the same connection that I did.
Unfortunately I don't know the story of Halo well enough to comment more. I think I've said enough though.
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Jim, did they attempted to label you before or after you were diagnosed with Aspergers?

As if they did after you were diagnosed, that's just frankly weird.
Trixie in socks Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg!

Not gonna be on today. Going to the zoo (during which I will spend the entire time reading). Going to Toys R' Us afterwards, though, so I'll see if that one thing is for sale.
I can't tell if they just like the "ponies in socks" thing, or if they're intentionally trolling people like Mustang, or maybe both, but a new poll is up on ED.

Anyway, I slept really heavily last night.....I wonder why.
Thanks for that message Toro. I was about to watch some Netflix because I get stupid when I'm tired.

So, that Drawfriends.
So. Many. Crossovers.
My favorites:

There's a whole bunch of stuff in this one:


Einstein was a Brony:
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That Applejackgineer pic made my life. As did the Einstein pic.

Edit: I guess it depends on how you do it, if it involves mass murder I wouldn't go there. However if it's only one or two top military people being killed people may not make the same connection that I did.
Unfortunately I don't know the story of Halo well enough to comment more. I think I've said enough though.

That's exactly what I meant, I wouldn't release it now, but it's an important part of both Dash's, Rarity's and Halo's backstory. Alot of my story actually weighs on it.

I'm not going to describe the event, but it involves a segment from the insurrectionist's point of view, (who lost his family in a UESC raid), some relevant Bible quotes, and then Dash hears the explosion and rushes to the scene.

The scene itself involves many injured and dead civilians, and I planned to focus on one filly Dash comes across, and her mother. It turns out Rarity was in charge of the intel gathering on the attack and failed, so Dash blames her and they fall out. Rarity being a unicorn has the higher-ranked job as an ONI spook, while Dash is just a grunt on the ground.

The main focus would be how useless Dash felt in that situation, and it ends with her joining the front-line military because she's not cut out for Military Police work.
So add another 2 hours to that. So I beat you by 40 minutes. I feel bad right now, but I could keep going if I didn't have to go on a tour of some USCG Amories(I use the term "have to" lightly) at around 9:30 tomorrow.

I knew you would do that :lol:

Anyway, Ponibooru seems to be down at the moment (well it is for me at least). I managed to get this image though:

@Coffeegrunt, I suppose that could work. Especially if he has good reason to attack, whoever he's attacking. You might want to be careful with the Bible quotes though, as I said that attack is still fresh in peoples minds, and that guy's manifesto goes on and on about the Bible.
I'm not sure what's going on with Rarity and Dash though, are they good or bad? What type of intel is Rarity gathering? For the bombing or against?
I guess I'll find out what's going on when I read your story.

However it's that time of the night again.
It's time to take over the galaxy.

Just kidding it's actually time to sleep.

Goodnight everypony.
I'm not sure what's going on with Rarity and Dash though, are they good or bad? What type of intel is Rarity gathering? For the bombing or against?
I guess I'll find out what's going on when I read your story.

She was gathering intel against the bombing, but didn't know when or where it would strike. Dash doesn't accept these excuses as she was the one that has to pick up the pieces after ponies like Rarity screw up.

Also I looked at my fanfic comments, and someone who knows nothing about Halo decided to vent their opinions onto the page, retardedly.