The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I agreed. There's one segment that's actually copy-pasted between chapters. Nexus drinking orange juice in his study. Read it again.

Also it's fraught with minor grammar and spelling errors. It seemed to peak emotively at chapter ten, and afterwards...well, it just doesn't seem quite as...tangible.

I loved the "candy bar" of trixie's magical prowess. I lol'd hard. But then, it shouldn't have been a comedy segment. So much feels wrong or awkward, there's a real inconsistency to it.

Also NMM just doesn't feel right at all to me. She...I get what the author's going for, but it doesn't seem right. It was better as a fuzzy motherhood story with Twilight's fears rather than what it became. I didn't enjoy the last three chapters after ten, as I did the ones leading up to it.

Also planning a story out before you write it has never felt right for me personally. I have set keypoints in the narrative, and simply write the characters to those points. just made that really, really well written and thought out post about multiple topics.....and all I've done is make this :censored:y edit of Doc Brown as Applebloom's Cutie mark.

I agree entirely on the thing about Trixie, but I haven't read Past Sins. It's on my phone along with all of the other stories that were uploaded as .pdfs, so I'll get to it eventually, and I'll probably end up agreeing with you.

Anyway, I made this because of my last post. Was planning on just editing it in, but with 4 posts worth of text between here and there I'll just drop it here:
Okay that is amazing. :D

Is anyone here good at art? Or knows someone that's good at art? I need a commision done, and my drawings are...well, you can look at DA. They suck.

I am willing to pay real moneys for them.
I'll probably be flayed alive for it (and with nearly 1400 comments, I'm not going to bother checking to see if someone has sad similar things before), but I posted the majority of my criticisms on the story itself.

Also, while 🤬 does indeed get real during Chapter 10 so I am giving everypony a bit of leeway on their actions (Twilight in particular for obvious reasons), and I can completely understand Celestia's actions in Chapter 10, once Chapter 10 is over things start to go off the rails. It is intense to be sure, but there are times where it seems intense for the wrong reasons because of the story driving the characters rather than the characters driving the story.

Celestia has basically been making stupid decisions since the start of the story, full stop. Most realistic, some not. Far too trusting of basically everyone but the ponies she should trust, and it almost seemed like the author was giving a knowing wink at the reader when Luna called Celestia on it.
None of the Mane Six should have been that oblivious at all towards Nyx's identity. It doesn't matter how good Rarity and Twilight covered it up. Logically, at least Applejack should have been suspicious from the start, and after the events that lead to FlutterTree and the tug of war, all six of them should have outright known the score. And after the ultimate reveal, the fact that any of the Mane Six let Twilight out of her sight is silly.

And, again, regarding the Trixie bit:
The "outpouring of all of our hopes and dreams" bit by the remaining Mane Six was hammy and forced, to be honest.
They knew that from the start. There was no reason for that scene to play out that way other than for the benefit of the readers (who also already know all of that), so it is unfortunate that it did happen that way.
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Hmm, are we talking dozens of characters on screen, sweeping, beautiful backgrounds, and insane production values?

Cause that might be a bit much considering I work during the week :)

  • Edit: Stepping out for the night, apparently. Got invited to dinner by a large group of friends out of the blue. This is why I can't finish fics!
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In hindsight I mostly agree. I think it's the higest-rated thing on EDaily though. I never did trust the rating system, too many people just vote either five or one star, and that's if they even read the fic.


Okay it'd be one character, Rainbow Dash. Background could look similar to this:

Or, y'know, a variation of that. Dash herself would have her mane cut short military-style, and be in full body armour like this design:

And she'd have a weapon's setup on her forelegs like these:

You can make this all as intricate or simple as you want. In honesty it's just a cover piece for a fanfic, I really only need it because there's no other decent Halo/MLP crossover art yet. And it's nice to personalise my work a bit. The background is alot less important, so your time would be best focused on Dash herself.

Also make her look badass. She won't be wearing a helmet so feel free to play with the expression a bit.


And before Toro points it out, I came up with a solution for the barrel and running problem, a flip-out barrel extension for when the pony readies their weapon. A flick of the foreleg and it comes out. See. I should be an actual scientist designing stuff.

Of course don't worry about that part. The design on here will more than do the job.


Anyways it's time for us in Britain who are sane...or have work, to go to bed. Night y'all:

Also I think my reasons for finding Past Sins so harrowing are pretty much personal to things that happened to me. Probably not the same kind of thing Toro had, but the same sorta level...almost. It's hard to tell when it's all in the subconscious.

Ah well, I have to go use the Digital Switchover as a vehicle to sell TVs to the elderly tommorow. I really do not enjoy my job...except for one day each month, funnily enough.
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Since I'm just going to keep rambling about Past Sins until I get it all out of my system, here's another bit to chew on. Celestia should not have been that trusting. Period.
Celestia should have known that someone in her senior staff was involved, if not Nexus specifically, because of what was supposed to be done with Nightmare Moon's armor after her first defeat and what ended up being done with it. And since Nexus was made personally responsible by her for investigating/disposing it (unless I completely misread something along the way), I think she should have suspected him specifically immediately.

Actually, now that I think about it, Macintosh is probably still Top 5, with a huge corollary.

Also, Lost in the Crowd ultimately was a rather mediocre retread of what happened in Party of One (albeit under completely different circumstances), and that makes me sad because I really liked Common Sky and Lost in the Crowd is technically a sequel.
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She admitted point blank that her tales had been lies, and that she couldn't do the things that she said she could. This is shame. An NPD sufferer would not do this.

The only thing that I overlook, dammit why the hell did I let that stuff slip, I guess that you're right on that one, since I got busy searching for stuff that could provide me a Trixie insight, I most certainly skipped that bit.

But I stand on my original thinking, personally I think that NPD is still present on Trixie, regardless of that scene, her final actions describe such condition, as defence mechanism for shame (which is common on NPD subjects), apart from that, her immediate action to the emergent situation (Ursa Minor) was a clear sign of her condition, instead of warning everyone as she should had (just like RD did in Applebuck Season), she decided to use her powers to defeat the Ursa, being well aware of the lies that she used to stablish her position, risking her own life and the life of two other two, such actions give enough reasons to qualify Trixie as NPD for obvious reasons, I'm also aware that this statement can be nullified by her acceptance action, but this action was executed after both individuals were in danger, something that portraits my conception. I will not factually indicate Trixie as NPD subject, but I will keep such concept to myself, instead of making it an actual fact.

But I will correct myself and point out that redemption on Trixie is possible, after extreme conditions, however I will maintain my position over the different fanfics about Trixie and their portrait.

Apart from that, I didn't reply to Jim's post because, regardless of the social stigma created towards these conditions, they are still mental disorders (I'm aware that there is not such thing as a complete stable person, and I'm also aware that there isn't always treatment or required treatment because there is criteria for that), and as long as these conditions can affect the normal development of a person and its surroundings, they will be consider disorders, I didn't wanted to post this because I'm also aware of the effect that such qualifications has, and pointing out what I'm pointing out might be interpreted as offensive or inadequate.

Having said that, I will also point out that Jim I right about one thing, its a kids show after all, maybe I'm overthinking this thing too much(and I think I do), but is actually interesting to see an antagonist character playing that role without any established background, in a show that provides a good amount of details on its characters.

Taking that stuff out of the way is time to pics:

Celestia on super-saiyan mode:

Fluttershy and balloon, blue sky thinking people :sly: :

And Dr. Hooves, in another adventure:

(*Goes back to the thing*)
Past Sins is on my "to read" list, but I'm not planning on reading it for a while.

Anyway, I've just reached part 7 of The Romancing Quest but ended up getting sidetracked by another fic before I could start part 7. So now I'm now reading a story where Luna is currently in a state of emotional catharsis.
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^ Sad Luna? More like "Instant 6-Star."

her final actions describe such condition, as defence mechanism for shame (which is common on NPD subjects)
It is a defense mechanism for shame, but not (at least the type of NPD you are describing) one that is used to make up for or hide behind after outright shame is expressed. The feelings of narcissism are actually done instead of feeling shame, which is why it is determined to be an actual personally disorder rather than just someone with self-esteem issues.
They don't care what other people think, so shame isn't an issue. People with NPD don't respond to feelings of shame by hiding behind narcissism and haughtiness. They simply don't feel shame at all, and that is why they are haughty and self-serving. Its basically the opposite situation of what you are desciribing. Its been a couple of years, but I'm pretty sure it is called "ignorant NPD" or "oblivious NPD" or something like that. And the episode doesn't support that after the Ursa comes to town, because Trixie would have been defiant throughout the entire ordeal rather than completely breaking down until after Twilight saved the town.

Now, there is a branch of NPD where narcissism is used as a reaction to personal feelings of shame (basically, they have such incredibly low self-worth that they dramatically overcompensate. And no, I don't remember what it was called), but Trixie doesn't remotely resemble that form of NPD unless you basically completely make up reasoning out of whole cloth for all of her actions in the episode.

I'm not saying that Trixie isn't narcissistic. She obviously is. But Narcissism and NPD aren't the same thing just like being introverted and being a sociopath aren't the same thing.


Does she look narcissistic to you?

Also Brony Movie Night. Army of Darkness, then Winter Wrap Up. Watch it now.
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Despite being an Anthro pic, (Not that I have anything against Anthroes, {Star Fox Fan,} I just don't see the Ponies being bipedal,) I still love the attitude of this one. So sly, yet with thiat brimming confidence Trixie has at the same time.

That, and it's not clop material. Which I appreciate.
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I accidentally used the name MintBronyCrunch in the chat, so I'll leave it as that because it's awesome.



Tried FF, didn't work. But I just noticed that when I installed Winamp it added a toolbar to FF......I'm moving back....again.
There's a small enough difference for Chromes lack of Winamp support to make me go back.
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Anyway, that chat is working fine for me now. Not sure what was going on earlier, maybe too much traffic.
^^Holy hell that's awesome!

Sad Luna? More like "Instant 6-Star."

Yes, sad Luna indeed. I thought it was a good story though, but man, I haven't felt that sad since reading The Circle of Friends.

Anyway, next weeks BMN lineup looks interesting, plus Sonic Rainboom is on now, I've gotta watch that!

I was about to make a long post, but that's just incredible, Its just exactly the perfect execution between Zero and MLP, its brilliant, you cant get more cool than that, its Zero 20% cooler and that is impossible.

Solo wing vs Rainbow Dash, it just screams awesomeness, I have to check this guy DA.

Forget it, I'm playing ACZ now, with a blue Su-37 camo paint, apart from that, Cormorant awaits.
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Ha ha! TV Tropes Article.

In more Past Sins news, I just realized looking at the picture Dreatos has drawn for it that that everything so far has happened.

So... when are they going to try to execute Twilight? :nervous:
Its not a GrimDark, and Penstroke specifically said it would never become a GrimDark, but now I'm still nervous as hell.
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