The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I can only hope Gabe Newell does...oh lawds that'd be a beautiful day.

Look how happy he is:
Also, (off-topic) BBC F1 coverage is coming to an end:

All I can really say about that is:

I'm a bit surprised to hear about that today, although I was expecting it to happen eventually, just not as soon as this. BBC One will only show about half of the races live from 2012, and I don't have Sky Sports (which will show all of the races live), so that kinda sucks.

Then again, If the BBC don't show races such as the Chinese and Malaysian Grand Prix live next year, then it won't be too bad for me because I don't watch those races live anyway seeing as they're shown at 6AM here.

Back on topic, I'm burning through a whole bunch of fanfics at the moment. Right now I'm on part 4 of The Romancing Quest (Toro made it clear how funny it was a few times, now I can see why).

I'm a bit surprised to hear about that today, although I was expecting it to happen eventually, just not as soon as this. BBC One will only show about half of the races live from 2012, and I don't have Sky Sports (which will show all of the races live), so that kinda sucks.

Then again, If the BBC don't show races such as the Chinese and Malaysian Grand Prix live next year, then it won't be too bad for me because I don't watch those races live anyway seeing as they're shown at 6AM here.

Same here, I was expecting something like 2012-2013 for the BBC broadcast to cease, I guess that it was sooner than what I was expecting, but agree, I see just a handful of GP live so it wont be too bad , besides I cannot afford sky and I wont pay for Valencia (Hell no!), apart from that, I saw the subscription fees, they are mental, specially for HD.

Back on topic, I'm burning through a whole bunch of fanfics at the moment. Right now I'm on part 4 of The Romancing Quest (Toro made it clear how funny it was a few times, now I can see why).

That one is quite good, I got lured by the prologue of it though, then I saw its appeal until the 2-3 chapter, and then got hooked.

And where are my manners,pic:


I wonder one thing...(maybe NSFW).

It all makes sense now, lucky Soarin.
Been reading. Past Sins on my PSP. One scene stuck out (well, more than one, but typing on a phone is hard):

That's right Diamond Tiara's father. You get in a pissing match with Twilight. See what happens.

I hate that Bitch so much.
Nuclear Winter Wrap Up at 1:57 :lol:

And I've just found some brilliant ponified Muse album covers (these 2 are the best):

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This is still my favorite video on YouTube.
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Funnily enough, I thought of Wintour first, because of the fashion scene. (GaGa makes music, :dunce:!)
And Sapphire Shoes? Well, she sounded black, so I thought of Rozalla. (Not Rihanna.)
I know nothing of fashion...I didn't really think of anything.


I have rewritten the next chapter of my fic four times now...I just can't decide what way to arrange the events. D:
Off-Topic mashup. But this blew my mind:

To rewrite class lines to fit into both the rhythm, and rhyme at the same time, is genius. We need to convert this guy. XD
You know. I never actually payed the cover art any mind, but I just looked at in the gallery and suddely: "D'aaaaaawwwwwwww"

Yes, EDIT: colt(I was typing really fast and had to do something) Big Mac is adroable, but it's more than just the surface value that makes me d'awwww.
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I have rewritten the next chapter of my fic four times now...I just can't decide what way to arrange the events. D:

Feel my pain, bro. My suffering is twofold because I have a couple of specific scenes I really want to get to (because I get to troll Twilight!), but they're two-three chapters away... So until this chapter straightens up and learns to fly right, Twilight can't get what's undeservedly coming to her!


Edit: You also mentioned that you wanted to do the fic abstinence thing I do... Keep in mind that it means you don't get to join the rest of the forum when they're discussing fics, which is often.

Come on Gravekeeper. I've written a 10k word finale to my first fanfic, and made two other chapters for another one while you've been camping on TF2 as an engy. :P

We fans need our crack.

Although I do feel ya now, I got past that writer's block. In the scene I was writing three things needed to be introduced. Rarity's character as an Intelligence Officer, Luna's character as a sort of shady, black-ops Admiral, and the Office of Naval Intelligence itself.

In what order and how they should be revealed and explained bothered me to no end for a few days. Also someone went on my comments, who'd probably just played Reach and assumed that ws the entirety of the Halo canon, and derped the heck out of everything I wrote.

Also I loved that pic, saw it on DA earlier.


Edit: You also mentioned that you wanted to do the fic abstinence thing I do... Keep in mind that it means you don't get to join the rest of the forum when they're discussing fics, which is often.


I think that was mainly Past Sins shellshock in hindsight.. XD
She should have either a DeLorean or Doc Brown as a cutie mark.
I vote Doc Brown.
Okay, first things first, since Gravekeeper is here:

Ha ha ha. I caught up again!


I killed my PSP battery (lasted a little over 8 hours), but I read everything I needed to.

Okay, with that out of the way, first that business from last night:

This aspect of Trixie corresponds to the passive-aggressive-solitary Trixie, there are brief moments in which such personality comes to light, to be precise, is when she shows a comparison between her alter-ego status and her antithesis personality "Snails", well, Trixie is commonly associated with NPD, this is almost clear after her first appearance and acts, NPD patients tents to be extremely self-absorbed persons, but there are other variables that should be address, NPD spectrum is filled with symptoms to be consider, like the passive-aggressiveness (mostly shown during her demonstration, the cryptic language that she uses counts as a form of passive aggressiveness, and enforces the thesis of the sophisticated language used as a countermeasure to avoid her antithesis-personality Snails and similar subjects), then there are antisocial symptoms as well (shown in her encounter with Snip and Snails, and tendencies to be isolated when she is not in social gatherings), this completes the view from both aspects of Trixies personality (at least for now).
In addition to the things Jim mentioned before I left this morning (which I agree with entirely), two things happened in Boast Busters that directly contradict a diagnosis of NPD:
Trixie showed shame.
Trixie showed empathy.
Mentally unbalanced narcissists have neither. Narcissism of that effect directly precludes such feelings, in fact.

Look beyond her attitude and antics during the show (because, as we've been over before, it could have just been part of the act). Look beyond her attitude when those two morons were kissing her ass (because who would want to deal with those two idiots?). Look at her actions when the Ursa showed up:
She admitted point blank that her tales had been lies, and that she couldn't do the things that she said she could. This is shame. An NPD sufferer would not do this.
She attempted to fight off the Ursa (and the reasoning does not matter) despite the above part. This is not definitely out of empathy, but it is heavily implied to have been and at the very least a true NPD sufferer wouldn't have done such a thing anyways.

With that out of the way, let me say this: I'm sorry Macintosh. You only got the be in the Top 5 for a day. Past Sins is amazing. Truly, truly amazing. It's joined TNTNE and Ballad as a "drop everything and read them" story.

The political thriller plot that it mostly is is told really well. It has some nice foreshadowing (and some rather blatant ones, but nothing too bad), and every little detail seems mapped out (for the most part...). Lots of nice little touches abound. It twists and turns and is generally meshes fantastically with the relationship story between Nyx and Twilight, which by itself is a fantastic tale. Plus, in Chapter 10, a "The Needs of the Many Versus the Needs of the Few (or the One)" subplot, which I absolutely love when they are done properly.

That being said, I have a few criticisms of it that I will get to in a second.

Oh there's a fun revelation about Diamond Tiara's father...very intriguing.
I absolutely loved that that whole, terrible family are the equivalent of the Malfoys in this story, because it makes her so much easier to hate. Which, considering it is Diamond Tiara, I mean, that's saying something.

Plus, the scene where Nightmare Moon turned the entirety of Ponyville against Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon was awesome.

I haven't read the stuff you wrapped in spoiler tags yesterday, but I'll read them as soon as this post is done.

Also, from the last Chapter:
A-Mare-ica, 🤬 yeah. Comin' again to save the 🤬 day, yeah!
I don't even care that it didn't work, because I never expected it to work. Point is, Trixie came back and attempted to help despite knowing what would happen if she failed and despite not really knowing how she could help. Good enough for me.

I don't like that the author played off the thing as being comic relief, because it really wasn't and it hurts the scene, but I'll get to that in a second as well.

Now for the "hate."

First, as planned out and detailed as this story obviously was from the start, it spends an inordinate amount of time on subplots that don't end up going anywhere. Pinkie subconciously recognizing Nyx immediately, for example, has an awful lot of time dedicated to it, and then nothing ever happens. Or Nyx revealing her power during the tug of war and all of the commotion that Twilight knew would come... which never came (and it never bothers to explain why it didn't come, because there is no reason that it shouldn't have). Or, in Chapter 12, the huge fight between Celestia and Luna (which I knew was coming but still carried really strongly because of how well it was done), which ultimately ended up with Luna getting a bridge dropped on her off-screen. It seems pointless to put so much detail into these subplots when they aren't resolved or brought up again.

Second, some grammar problems throughout. Not major ones, but occasionally really distracting ones.

Third, similar to the thing with Trixie above, the author sometimes doesn't seem to know the best way to play the scene. When he does, it works. Heart skips a beat, blood turns to ice level stuff. The scene during the play was a really good one. The script for the play was another one. And he does it right the overwhelming majority of the time. But sometimes, it just doesn't play out right, usually injecting comedy into a scene where it really doesn't belong.
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