Nothing like a good season of Zero to remind you why games are a form of art (and something that makes me think really deep over this sort of thing).
Anyway, pointless statements over, time to address this issue correctly :
It is a defense mechanism for shame, but not (at least the type of NPD you are describing).
First statement, I wasn't sure about the need of specifying the type, Toronado is right, there are several different conditions that covers the NPD spectrum, however I'm only limiting to the stereotypical one, which is the common portrait in different shows, this portrait differers from character to character and depends on the show itself, how is presented and the background characteristics of it, I'm kind of wrapping up, but to be clear I'm going for the one shown in several fictional characters and is the one that portraits an omnipotent performer with a huge sense of self-importance (The Great and Powerful Trixie), this is also portrait generally as the "important subject or character" whose background is designed to provide actual importance to be noticeable. (disclaimer: there are not official types of NPD, but there are at least 3-4 guidelines for the classification of NPD subjects, which indicates at least 4 mayor types that can be easily identified).
Now lets quickly clarify the shame and NPD linkage that I previously did, as it stands, the type that I'm relating Trixie to is indeed different from the one that is commonly associated with Shame, but the shame is consider as a fundamental situation that surrounds NPD subjects in a generic form, hence the reason of my reference (this sound a bit bland but is sustained by the next part), now lets move into the next ground.
Feelings of shame, this is not present on a static NPD subject (of this type), but that doesn't mean that NPD subjects are incapable of "feeling" certain emotions, the problem with NPD subjects is not the lack of "feelings", but is the lack of empathy which is one of the main characteristics in this particular "type" (I don't feel the need of elaborating over this, in any case, there is no par or equal person on NPD subject's minds), apart from that,there is the issue of self-esteem.
Self-esteem is a basic part of a person psyche integrity, in the case of NPD subjects this aspect acts as the main caster of the ego actions, once the self-stem is broken, this reapers in a stronger form, then again, this was pointed correctly by Toronado, which also pointed out that such condition corresponded to a different "type" of narcissist, I'm looking for the type, but I just got 4 general, and this is located in the general spectrum, maybe I need to update my books, I'm Google-ing it at this moment to corroborate this thing, library is closed at this time and maybe I need to resort into German of French sources, but is worth the effort if there is a fifth one 👍 (maybe the reason of why I'm getting more interested on this).
In conclusion there are two problems with the identification of Trixie as an NPD, one is the "type" of her condition, and the second one is the linkage between her actions, as I see it (based on my own sources) Trixie fulfils the NPD spectrum, however as Toronado points out, there should be a linkage that defines only one "type" instead of independent and arguably "unrelated" symptoms (which surprisingly shows almost all of them, in fact 3 "types", but there is no background to work with, so its limited to two "types" and several isolated symptoms).
Conclusion, Eyup, is just down to individual consideration to identify Trixie as a non-NPD or NPD subject, but [stubborn]
I stand, I just stand on my position [/stubborn] until I find something that makes me think otherwise.
Also pic, just ideal for this kind of situation:
Lovely, next post pics.
Oh Pinkie, you are so more interesting that the other mane six, I just wish that writers weren't so harsh with you, probably I should keep an eye on you from the beginning.
And what happen to this thread, did everyone were exile to the moon or something:
*Continues listening to Les Gnossiennes*)