The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
It's Angle Bunny

I think it's ANGEL Bunny.

You try to correct someone and yet you misspell something yourself...


Heheheheheh, "Angle Bunny."


Anyway night y'all. This is me awaiting my pre-reader's response on my Halo fic. I have about three of the guys now, it's fun having a little focus group for these. XD

And then I have to organise a fanart cover for it after I'm done. The current one was a stopgap measure and nothing more. :|
I think it's ANGEL Bunny.

You try to correct someone and yet you misspell something yourself...


Says Jim as he screws up the tags that MintBerryCrunch used in his post.


It seems like we weren't the only ones who got those "is the story over" feelings. Bunch of people asking about it in the comments.
Okay, I've only just started reading Macintosh myself, so I'm probably gonna have to try and avoid reading what you guys are saying about it. What I can obviously see is that a period of epic rage is what awaits me in chapter 11 (which I probably won't reach until sometime next week).

I should say that this story's quite good so far, but I might only read one more part tonight as I feel like 🤬 at the moment.

Also, this may not be as awesome as that badass Rainbow Dash video I posted last week, but it's still great:
I think it's ANGEL Bunny.

You try to correct someone and yet you misspell something yourself...


What's that? I can't hear you over ALL OF MY RAGE!(At Big Mac's father)

Also, I meant to say GTA: SA. I've got a 100% Complete save game with ass tons of high explosives and other various heavy weapons, as well as a harrier and an Abrams Tank sitting in the hangar. So it's some pretty effective rage relief.

Right, back to the story then.
EDIT: After that conversation with Cheerilee, I am convinced that Big Mac's cutie mark has some kind of deeper meaning. Something more than 'apple farmer', because it's either that or she was flat out wrong.

EDIT:"How 'bout Sunflowers".
This author.....this author is so good it's scary.

It's incredibly uplifting, and incredibly funny.

The money.....for the hell does TotalOverflow come up with this stuff?

And now, he's looking for food to prepare. I wonder what he will choose.
Seriously, the fact that all of the seemingly useless stuff that's happened over the past few chapters is suddenly being used this way is incredibly impressive on the part of the author.

I was not aware that type of orange existed.

EDIT: "THUMP THUMP":lol::lol::lol:


EDIT: And now the music.
And then, TotalOverflow didn't let the joke overstay it's welcome, and ended with a subtle play on the joke instead. I love this story.
Rarity out of nowhere. Love it.
Sorry for the excessive use of spoiler tags, but even mentioning some of the sentences from this chapter can spoil so many things that happened earlier in the story.

EDIT: ""Super magnets! The package shoos away the pesky giraffes and marks the landing with a fizzle!""
This is the best chapter ever.:lol:

Alright, with Chapter 16 being 34 pages, there's absolutely no way I'll be finishing tonight, so I might as well stop after the chapter that made me laugh harder than anything I can think of in the past few weeks.
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Sorry for the excessive use of spoiler tags, but even mentioning some of the sentences from this chapter can spoil so many things that happened earlier in the story.

No, spoiler tags are good, nopony's going to spoil this story for me.

Anyway, I think I'll leave Macintosh for now having just finished part 2 (I still feel like crap right now).
I was just about to comment on something that happened in chapter 2 when I stumbled across a quote that MintBerryCrunch made in a post he made 2 weeks ago:

“No. Now you just calm down an’ Ah’ll be on mah way,” he had turned away, stomping heavily as the crowd cleared a path for him. I’m not going to let some pegasus embarrass me in front of the whole town. The blue pony wasn’t finished, however.
“You’re just chicken!”
He stopped.
“Nopony calls me chicken.”

BTTF reference, hell yeah!

And Big Mac getting into a race with Rainbow Dash was pretty cool, plus this is the second fanfic I've read lately where Big Mac gets involved in some kind of race (which is yet another coincidence). I'll try and continue this story tomorrow, I have to say it seems really good so far.

EDIT: I honestly don't know what to make of this:
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And the last update was already way back on the 4th. What specific story it is doesn't matter.

What matters is that it is already torture waiting for each update (because the author writes slowly and the story also moves fairly slowly because everything is described in absurd detail), and it was the 3rd story I read/started reading (after Cupcakes and TNTNE), and it was the original story that I dropped absolutely everything for to start reading when it updates. So, basically, I has a sad.

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Where are all these guests coming from I have no idea. :lol:

And something I noticed, this thread seems to have roughly a constant 1:2 ratio of members to guests viewing. :lol:

I'm sorry for posting this after a post like that, Toro, but at the very least the unfathomable randomness could help to cheer you up a little.

Where are all these guests coming from I have no idea. :lol:

And something I noticed, this thread seems to have roughly a constant 1:2 ratio of members to guests viewing. :lol:

There are always guests around.... to all guests make a GTP account :lol:

But yes all popular threads will have at least 4-5 guests... I'm going to call them stealth bronys because no-one here knows who they are! :P

I suppose I'll have to pool my sad into something creative or something that makes me happy. Like trolling that one dude who visits our gallery by uploading more DashiePie images...

Yeah. That might work.


EDIT: ""Super magnets! The package shoos away the pesky giraffes and marks the landing with a fizzle!""
This is the best chapter ever.:lol:

I loved the THUMP THUMP THUMP part.
I don't understand the magnets thing though. Care to explain to a brony who doesn't spend enough time already on the internet.

I'm going to start chapter 13 after I have a...

and wash my car. :lol:

And what happened to the gallery? It's been rearranged.
^^What is he doing? Just commenting on the images?
Could I get a link so I can see what's going on?
I loved the THUMP THUMP THUMP part.
I don't understand the magnets thing though. Care to explain to a brony who doesn't spend enough time already on the internet.


Do you get it now, or is that too subtle?

I think he's on about the album covers being changed in the gallery.

And I saw the comment for that DashiePie image yesterday which I found amusing. I'm waiting to see if that person decides to make a similar comment about another image soon.
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I think he's on about the album covers being changed in the gallery.

No I think some things have been rearranged, I was looking through the John Joseco album and it was different last night....
I think I was on my laptop though, with it's tiny resolution. :lol:

Did we forget to have races last night?
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...And before I leave, Sad Trixie:


I mean, I've seen that image several times over the past couple days, but I just stumbled into the gallery for the artist who drew it (who also drew the art for The Vinyl Scratch Tapes, so, score), and seeing all of the images that the person drew to make that made it hit me like a bat to the face. Manly Tears for Reals.

I think he's on about the album covers being changed in the gallery.
Three good reasons for that:

I'm frequently bored.
It makes it look like I'm doing more than I am. Like when you swirl your food around your plate to make it look like you've eaten some of it.
I like rotating them to give other images the "spotlight."

And I saw the comment for that DashiePie image yesterday which I found amusing. I'm waiting to see if that person decides to make a similar comment about another image soon.
Or when he stumbles across the John Joseco album. John Joseco loves AppleDash.

No I think some things have been rearranged, I was looking through the John Joseco album and it was different last night....
I think I was on my laptop though, with it's tiny resolution. :lol:
Other than changing the image this morning from that creepy Luna picture, I haven't done anything with that album for a couple of days.

Did we forget to have races last night?
I totally forgot it was Saturday until about 6:30.
Did we forget to have races last night?

I didn't forget, plus I was wondering why nopony else mentioned anything about the races earlier, but I wouldn't have been able to race anyway because I was busy at the time.
I didn't forget, plus I was wondering why nopony else mentioned anything about the races earlier, but I wouldn't have been able to race anyway because I was busy at the time.

I forgot, but as always I would have needed to be up at 5am to race. And because those Eastwood movies went till 1 am I wouldn't have been awake anyway.
Somebrony is complaining about Trixie being a pretentious bitch (which, to be fair, is somewhat true) who all of the Mane Six should continue hating.

Story contains Rainbow Dash being as Rainbow Dash-like as possible.

Stop!, picture time:

Gandalf, He is a brony too, and is playing the Ballad with those two figures:


Doesn't count as shipping, they are just resting after a long day of bucking:

^ Pretentious, well that's new.
^That use of "bucking"....I can't tell if you're being serious, or twisting it even more.

Oh, and good night:

Doesn't (?) count as shipping. They are also just resting after a long day of "bucking."
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Im planning for this to be my new avatar... What do you think...?


Be honest... it took 20 minutes to make in Paint.NET