The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Im planning for this to be my new avatar... What do you think...?


Be honest... it took 20 minutes to make in Paint.NET

Looks nice, but I want to provide an advice, its better than you change the "cooler" font colour for one that provides better contrast, just that, the rest looks nice to me.
I agree with akira about the color of the "Cooler" text. Just made it a little darker or put a dark outline around it and that should work.

So I just spent the last hour making a not-very-original-but-still-kind-of-awesome comic involving another Friendship Beam, I made the whole thing, and saved it and started adding the text in Picasa when I realize I could use another frame on the bottom. So I opened it back up in GIMP and added the bottom frame image. Now when I opened Picasa again I made a mistake and just started tapping CTRL+Z, when suddenly, the image changed back to how it was before I added the bottom frame. So now it's gone, and I don't feel like doing that tonight because I'm tired.
Ctrl + Shift + Z is redo isn't it?
Or is that Crtl + Alt + Z, either way you should be able to fix the image, like that.

Edit: reundo isn't a word. :lol:
^When I noticed, I had accidentally scrolled the mouse wheel up which switches images and when I went back and used Ctrl+Y(redo) nothing happened. I'll just do it tomorrow because I'm going to bed right now.




This thread sort of died after 1 AM, so I guess that I will extent this post.

Pics for Sunday:

Lyra wall:

Made me smile:

And dat lead:

Apart from that, and as I understand, you guys want analyse Tiara in the same way that Trixie was treated before, however I might not participate in that discussion for a number of reasons, one, Tiara is the kind of subject that I got little background and little knowledge of(Tiara's personality of course), two, Tiara follows another personality disorders that I'm not really interested in, and third, I just don't care about Tiara unless Macintosh makes me think otherwise.

With that said, some recommendations (opinions rather) about main elements about Tiara's persona, one is Silver Spoon, the second would be their age (which in my opinion can be rounded as 16-18 yrs) and the third would be the peer group in which these subjects are interacting (this includes any interaction with Applebloom and Twist, and other minors who might have contact or minor relevance within the school).

Speaking of Narcissism...

Anyway time to sleep(I use this image to squeeze the last pic of today):

Goodnight everyone.
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Seeing all those great pictures and stories almost made me abandon everything I do...

Well, I hope that will not happen as the first chapter is done.
My aim is to write at least 4-5 chapters. They aren't long though.
Also I'd like to change the title of the story too, hence it went on a totally different path than I expected.
I just read all of Macintosh in one shot, and now its almost 5 in the morning. WTFBBQ. I blame Mint for making me interested in the story. :lol:
Apparently this is old news, but I saw it yesterday for the first time:


So I ended up buying a can of shaving cream, a pair of new weight lifting gloves, and a My Little Pony birthday card. :lol:
GOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNNNNNNNNNNNINGGGGGGG, BRONYDOM! It's time to fire up the turntables, 'cuz Vinyl Sk-uh-RATCH is in da HAUS!

Princesses, you're more obnoxious than usual this morning, Scratch...


Let's get to what's in my dA inbox this morning...


1: Robotnik is now making ponies. Which means he may have the most awesome mustache of any Brony, ever.
2: I know how short Mobians like Sonic are. If Dash is half HIS height, then Equestrians are TINY.

I guess they are "Little Ponies"


Wow. Robot ponies involved in crossovers seems to be a theme. Now we have a Rapidash. (Intentional, or unintentional, I don't know.)


Luna at about 02:00 this morning.


I don't know WHY she's on a unicycle...
*seapony celestia*
I'm sorry for posting this after a post like that, Toro, but at the very least the unfathomable randomness could help to cheer you up a little.


That's just how I react every time I see something sea pony related ever since the played the sea pony theme song on brony movie night.

The worst part is it's too catchy for it's own good.
So. I just read Skittles.

It has the most amazing use of a double entendre I think I've ever seen. One that was so subtle that half the comments for it completely missed the main joke. My jaw dropped, literally.

Edit: You know, I consider myself to be financially well off. I haven't gone back to work since March, but I still have a comfortable little side fund set up to tend to my needs, wants and caprices. But I can't afford to drop over $150 on Smug-Ass Trixie: The Plush, and that makes me feel sad.
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^ Grunt, send me a PM about that picture you want. Describe everything please.
I'll see what I can do. I might do it for free even.

Man, CMC Theme instrumental is sad...and epic!
If Colbert does something pony-related with that SuperPac money my brain will probably explode......and then probably explode a second time.
Lots of crazy guitar work.

I will look into it now.

Okay, I'll start right now.


Just finished my 3rd chapter. I might, just might, be able to get another one in before friday. But I don't wanna post up double chapters, I'll run out of material too quickly at that rate.

Ah well, TF2.
I'm tired and up to the last chapter of Macintosh. I'll read it tomorrow.
Night Y'all.
Does this count as a sleep image?

And Ah'll let y'all discus Macintosh, this is too hard. :lol: I'll leave you guys to discuss Macintosh, I'll just say I'm enjoying it, I'm not as emotional as you guys about the story (I can't do much about that, I just don't cry with these things), but it's good.
Actually the part with Lily and Granny taking put a huge smile across my face, I love nonsensical ramblings.
Here's some of my predictions for chapter 16.
Mac has to decide who he likes the most Cheerilee, Rose, Fluttershy or Twilight.
Something bad happens at the celebration.
Something good happens at the celebration.
Scoot gets help from Fluttershy.
Dash makes her decision.

Some other stuff.
Cutie mark. :lol:
It turns out I lied and discussed Macintosh by myself, oh well, good night.
Here's another sleep image for those of you who read my post, you deserve it after my ramblings.
You know, I consider myself to be financially well off. I haven't gone back to work since March, but I still have a comfortable little side fund set up to tend to my needs, wants and caprices. But I can't afford to drop over $150 on Smug-Ass Trixie: The Plush, and that makes me feel sad.

I could easily afford that, it's just that I don't like to spend over the odds for those sort of products, even if it's something as awesome as that Trixie plushie. This is mainly due to the fact that I need to save up some money for various other things right now. That being said, I'd snap up those Ponytags in an instant.

Anyway, it's time, to read, da fanfiks! (well, just Macintosh really).