The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Also, I've got a Panasonic Viera 65" Plasma. It was somewhere around $3,500-$4,000 normal retail, but we got it for $1,700 last Black-Friday. Had to get up at 4am to go get it.

Y'know we bought in twenty of those as a company and haven't sold a single one. Noone in Britain can get wall mounting kits or stands to support them, and they're too large for anything over here. XD

Fifty inches is considered the high ground here. I'd say that 37-40 inches is the comfortable medium most people seem to like.

Bloody Americans having everything bigger. :P
Also, I've got a Panasonic Viera 65" Plasma. It was somewhere around $3,500-$4,000 normal retail, but we got it for $1,700 last Black-Friday. Had to get up at 4am to go get it.

That's our family TV though, the TV I usually use is a 40" Vizio plasma.

So that's like, £1,000 for a 65" TV? Not bad really.

You would be hard pressed to find a TV that's more than 60" on sale here though. My 40" Sharp LCD is more than adequate, especially when it comes to gaming. Also, it's a hell of a lot better than my parents old £1,500 36" Toshiba CRT that we had years ago which never worked properly, plus that TV weighed about the same as a medium-sized car (it took 4 people to remove the damn thing).

I loled.

I'd apply for a job at Currys just so that I could do that :lol:

Anyway, I haven't seen a new Trollestia image in a while:
So, I may have been on Ponibooru, and might have been looking for Past Sins art.


Ignoring Dinky for a moment, Nyx and Midnight coexisting would lead to what has to be the most messed up family ever conceived.

Edit: Also, the tags on the songs in the music download are quite a mess.
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Done with chapter 7. There are 2 characters from the show who might have NPD....and neither of them are Trixie.

I would be farther, but I was amazingly hungry all of a sudden, so I didn't start right away.

Alright, I think this story might be even more personal to me than I thought. Whenever something good happens to Big Mac, I feel exactly what he feels. I mean, I'm only a few sentences into part 8 and already my eyes are watery because of the intense feeling of pure happiness.
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🤬 yes, Big Mac, you show that tree who's boss!

EDIT: I forgot to get myself something to drink earlier. So...I just got some Crystal Light Iced Tes, and put it in a 52oz fifty.....two....ounce Royal Farms cup.
What American stereotypes?
🤬 the Oranges!

The end of chapter 8 :(:(:(:(
I cried when all he did was finally get an A on a test, but.....god dammit why!?:(
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You know, now that you mention it... Yeah. I could see how that argument could be made. I'd have to dig out my psyche books to know (and considering where they are, I don't want to do that), but they certainly meet a lot of the criteria from it that I can recall from memory.

They certainly have an incredibly heightened sense of self-worth, and based on the role they play on the show it makes complete sense that it would come from a "little miss perfect princess" excess praise style of parentage. They also never seem to be able to turn "it" off, acting like incomparable brats even when they are the only two in the area and acting as if Applebloom was scum from the beginning of the episode throughout when Applebloom befriends the Crusaders.

The only thing that sticks out to me (as a college student who took two semesters of psyche classes over a year ago) as not fitting is that they are friends with each other, because I would assume that they would actually hate each other for the obvious reasons. Unless they are so similar that they see each other as extensions of themselves, but if that was the case than that brings up a whole list of crazy to sort through.

Oh, and while Macintosh never hauls off and bucks their heads off their necks like he should have, something really awesome happens that ultimately makes him win in the end. Though I think it happened in Chapter 10, so you might have already read it.

I suppose it counts as a reaction pic. Not to the above post, mind you, but it'd work for something...
I think its hilarious when stories actually use "buck" as a metaphor. Especially considering just how often Applejack says it in the show. It makes some episodes seem so incredibly dirty.
I wasn't moving really quick with that story because my sister went ahead and ordered Pizza without asking me, and,'s Pizza, but I'm back in my room so she won't distract me anymore. But I just got to the moment where Big Mac was telling Scootaloo about the wishes he made, and I am crying like hell right now.
About those logs in the shed. "I'll get around to it."
I have this weird feeling that's going to come back to bite him.
Mint, you better write a big ass comment for the story when you're done with it. Longer than the one I wrote, even.

Anyways, this thing has gotten the typical righteous indignation responses (which... eh, I mostly actually agree with. That does seem kinda creepy, regardless of how much I would love a Trixie pillowcase), but it also has a couple of absolute gold responses.

About those logs in the shed. "I'll get around to it."
I have this weird feeling that's going to come back to bite him.
It does. In one of those fistpump-of-awesome ways, so make sure the area around you is clear.

Oh, and important: Make sure you don't have anything valuable in your hands when you get to Chapter 11. You will want to throw it.
Anyways, this thing has gotten the typical righteous indignation responses (which... eh, I mostly actually agree with. That does seem kinda creepy, regardless of how much I would love a Trixie pillowcase), but it also has a couple of absolute gold responses.

"Performed the deed" made my day...thank you. XD
Things I share with Of Mares and Magic Trixie entry #9656: Proclivity for Loophole Abuse.


Edit: Oh god. Great and Powerful Princess Celestia? Can you imagine?

If such a thing existed, the snark-ometer would be as broken as the Top Gear...*audidriver*-ometer was when Hammond drove the M3 past it.
I think it would have been great to have Mares and Magic end with Chapter Ten, it'd give Twilight a sorta "sailor's wife" story, waiting for her return.

Sadly I feel it'll just be return, fail again, and love Twilight. Done well, but still.
Mint, you better write a big ass comment for the story when you're done with it. Longer than the one I wrote, even.

I'll try my best.
Also, check out my Avatar and see if you can figure out what the difference is, and why I made it that way.

On to chapter 11.
Angel Rabbit?


No...colt Big Mac?


Does somebody know anywhere I can just post a request, throw some money at an artist, and get them to draw my picture for me?
It's Angle Bunny, and I don't think he or Fluttershy would very much appreciate the error.

Also, "Apple...Crumble..." I must just be getting faster at putting the pieces together, because that and what he said about that old building on the farm clicked in my head as he was thinking it.
EDIT: And the one time I connect something that quickly it turns out to be useless and stupid.

Now when Granny Smith said
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MintBerryCrunch is going to rage in 5.....4.....3.....

I think it would have been great to have Mares and Magic end with Chapter Ten, it'd give Twilight a sorta "sailor's wife" story, waiting for her return.

Sadly I feel it'll just be return, fail again, and love Twilight. Done well, but still.
I had the same thought, and I switched back to the previous tab just to make sure it wasn't Update Complete.

In regards to the second part, I'm getting heavy "Can't Catch Up" Vibes (or, as I said on the comments, Trixie is the Vegeta to Twilight's Goku).
And fair enough, that's a perfectly valid way to write character development. But I've always hated that trope, so I hope I'm wrong.

I'll try my best.
Also, check out my Avatar and see if you can figure out what the difference is, and why I made it that way.

On to chapter 11.
Remember. No valuable objects.
I just got told I was a bad person because I put out a request for a commision on teh MLP: FiM art group.

Because advertising to get drawings of ponies on the group dedicated to accepting and compiling a collection of drawings of ponies is just silly, isn't it?
@Coffeegrunt, no it's perfectly normal at this point in the fandom. :lol:

@MintBerryCrunch and Toro, I was so far ahead with Macintosh (well not really that far ahead, but the comments wouldn't spoil it for me) and now you're discussing it, it's time to play catch-up.
I'm so conflicted right now it burns.

I feel an intense amount of rage, but at the same time it just feels so cold to talk 🤬 about someone who dies only moments after the scene from the matter how much the dumb piece of 🤬 deserves it.....oh, wait, I just did exactly that.


You do not. DO. NOT. lay a hoof on colt Macintosh. I don't give a flying 🤬 if you're his 🤬 father, in fact, the way he was hitting him, that makes it so much worse. I'm shaking with rage and I think my blood pressure might be a little higher than normal right now. If it weren't for my sister downstairs the slew of swears that would have flowed out of me would have made the slew of swears that did leave my mouth look like dialogue from Winnie the 🤬 Pooh by comparison. That cold mother 🤬 doesn't deserve to have a son like Big Macintosh, or daughters like Applejack and Applebloom.

I'm going to take a 10 minute break to go let my rage out by :censored:ing 🤬 up in GTA:4.
Oh, and my sister just left, so while I'm pretending the innocent citizens of Liberty City are Big Mac's father, I'll go ahead and squeeze as many expletives as I can in there.
I'm so conflicted right now it burns.

I feel an intense amount of rage, but at the same time it just feels so cold to talk 🤬 about someone who dies only moments after the scene from the matter how much the dumb piece of 🤬 deserves it.....oh, wait, I just did exactly that.


You do not. DO. NOT. lay a hoof on colt Macintosh. I don't give a flying 🤬 if you're his 🤬 father, in fact, the way he was hitting him, that makes it so much worse. I'm shaking with rage and I think my blood pressure might be a little higher than normal right now. If it weren't for my sister downstairs the slew of swears that would have flowed out of me would have made the slew of swears that did leave my mouth look like dialogue from Winnie the 🤬 Pooh by comparison. That cold mother 🤬 doesn't deserve to have a son like Big Macintosh, or daughters like Applejack and Applebloom.

I'm going to take a 10 minute break to go let my rage out by :censored:ing 🤬 up in GTA:4.
Oh, and my sister just left, so while I'm pretending the innocent citizens of Liberty City are Big Mac's father, I'll go ahead and squeeze as many expletives as I can in there.

I told you. That scene was when I went from thinking that his father was a somewhat sympathetic character who was clearly the "bad guy" but who was obviously conflicted to hoping that when he did ultimately die that it was painful. And the knife isn't even in all the way yet, I'll warn you. He doesn't cross the line outright again, but he does do something that hurts Big Mac even worse.

The only thing that kept my PSP from sailing across the room was that I had the wrist strap on, and I did not keep a stream of expletives from leaving my mouth.