The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

Basically every highly rated multipart story seen on ED, in lovely eReader form for some PSP usage.

And on that topic, I've been reading Macintosh for the past hour now. I want to reach back through space and time and punch Big Mac's father in his ass face.

I've wanted to punch him in his ass face since I started reading it.

I hate(with a passion) people who do and say the stuff he did.

Anyway, I just got home, so I'm going to rest a little, then I'm throwing up all chapters of Macintosh in tabs at once and not stopping, not even to eat since I can read while I do that, until I'm finished.

And about those e-reader formated stories, I'll grab all of them because that'll be a lot easier than downloading Google Docs story by story and chapter by chapter. And I've got a e-book app on my phone, so that's perfect.
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I've wanted to punch him in his ass face since I started reading it.

I hate(with a passion) people who do and say the stuff he did.
I've been feeling really crappy since I started mulling that stuff over last night, so perhaps I'm not exactly thinking straight, but some of the stuff his dad is doing just seems mean for the sake of being mean. Like he cares, but he doesn't really care.
Oh god, I just finished chapter ten of Past Sins...I need a light-hearted fic, NOW!

Seriously, I'm frikking crying! I have never actually shed a tear at a fic before. Well, only my own. This is...just...

I need a double-dose of happy carefree pronto.
Oh god, I just finished chapter ten of Past Sins...I need a light-hearted fic, NOW!

Seriously, I'm frikking crying! I have never actually shed a tear at a fic before. Well, only my own. This is...just...

I need a double-dose of happy carefree pronto.

Edit: And as of Chapter 11 he has been upgraded from "deserves a punch in the face" to "deserves to be brought back to life so I can murder him."
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I've read them all. :'(

It's a little better but DAMN, he does not spread the weight at all!

It's been alluded to and you know it's going to happen, but when Celestia takes Nyx from Twilight, followed by Celestia finding she is NMM and condemning her, then he being stolen and turned into NMM, all this within a few pages after nine chapters of was just too much.
I've been feeling really crappy since I started mulling that stuff over last night, so perhaps I'm not exactly thinking straight, but some of the stuff his dad is doing just seems mean for the sake of being mean. Like he cares, but he doesn't really care.

The fact he seems to think what he's teaching his son is right only servers to annoy me more. When someone destroys their own son's hopes and dreams and tries to spread their own ignorance and bigotry onto them I just can't help but fight off the intense desire to punch them in the face.

Also, I might not finish all of Macintosh tonight. I'm not sure how far I'll get but being that I haven't slept for the past 33 hours I'm a little tired.

Alright, going at Macintosh now.

EDIT: Just noticed something.
EDIT: Just noticed something.

Now on to Macintosh.
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Life is already a bit better. I just finished Past Sins 13, but it made me realise. If I want to continue writing, I need to stop reading fics, like Gravekeeper does.

Which is a shame, because Past Sins is hands-down the best fic I have read, ever.


Weird, everything about today was amazing, but I knew something would appear to put me on a downer.

Who'd've thought it'd be a my little pony fan-fiction?


And now I can't write?! I can't even concentrate or imagine scenarios because all I can think of is this bloody fic. This is actually beginning to frigging annoy me now!
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I could have told you that would happen and I haven't even read it yet (55 pages away from the end of Macintosh). No story using a purpose-drawn image like that for a preview was ever going to be sunshine and rainbows.
But it started off so hopeful and optimistic. It actually makes the reader hope everything turns out okay...and then...

This one has hit me hard. Harder than Cupcakes or anything else I've read. I used to think Out in the Cold was powerful writing, but this? This seems almost...I dunno, it can't be this bad. But it is!
Reading Maintosh part 6.(I spent some time downloading the .pdf and getting it onto my phone, so I'm not very far).

The Finding Nemo reference was awesome.
And Fluttershy is rocketing up my favorite list as fast as those glorious wings would be able to carry her.

And that thing about Flutteshy's grandmother, it makes perfect sense. It would actually explain a lot of things that happen in the show. The fact someone managed to come up with an explanation that works for her ability with animals, and "The Stare" is just amazing.
Macintosh smiled, but he hardly heard what she said. His mind was
connecting the dots one by one until the next course of action became
I am sitting here bouncing in my chair with joy right now.....and read a little further. That right there, is the biggest buzz kill I've ever seen. I've had stories build up, and then an intentional let down, but I've never gone from "D'awwww" to jumping with joy to "well, 🤬" that quickly before.

I'm not saying I didn't like that part, but still, it sets you up and knocks you down almost simultaneously.
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Never even knew this thread existed. I have been a brony for a while now. I'm on episode 7 of FIM, and it is the greatest thing I have ever watched ever in my life.
EDIT: Welcome to the thread.

Since you're new to this thread, you should know a couple things.
We've made a large collection of various Pony related photos.
And if you join the group you can see a massive collection of fan-fiction recommendations by Toronado.

I figure since you're just now discovering this thread you definitely just learned of the fan-fiction, and most likely haven't seen the Gallery.

Is Macintosh positive? I need positive...well, I need sleep first.

Sleep is good...sleep is the cure.

It's the most mixed story I've ever seen.
It's made me break down in tears of joy, and I don't mean watery eyes, I mean wiping the tears from my eyes and leaving large wet spots on my shirt. But it's also made me cry like a baby multiple times in teh first 5 chapters alone.
I'd say the first chapter is definitely positive, though.
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Welcome to the herd new brony! Don't read Past Sins if you want your sanity intact.

Also I might look at Macintosh the morrer. But idk, I tried reading some other fanfics and just couldn't concentrate. I think Past Sins hit me in a way that, well, I don't even wanna talk about.

So night y'all. Have a good 'un over in those crazy western islands you live on where Luna hasn't brought out the moon yet.
What happened here? Theres only 20 posts in 7 hours. :lol:

@Coffeegrunt, Yes Macintosh is positive, in a weird sort of way. I mean the flashbacks are sad, but everything going on in the present is quite nice. What MintBerry said.
Never even knew this thread existed. I have been a brony for a while now. I'm on episode 7 of FIM, and it is the greatest thing I have ever watched ever in my life.

Welcome the the herd, and this awesome thread for that matter! Just remember, Rainbow Dash is the best Pony 👍

It's the most mixed story I've ever seen.
It's made me break down in tears of joy, and I don't mean watery eyes, I mean wiping the tears from my eyes and leaving large wet spots on my shirt. But it's also made me cry like a baby multiple times in teh first 5 chapters alone.
I'd say the first chapter is definitely positive, though.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to read Macintosh. The thing is, I've read quite a few other fanfics where I've only reached the end of the first part, but I haven't bothered going any further for whatever reason. Now I have a selection of stories which I feel obliged to continue reading simply because I've already started them (not that I don't like them, it's just that I haven't got into them yet), plus I have trouble choosing what to read most of the time (unless there's an update for one of the "big 4" fanfics).

I might read it one day though, I just need to clear my back catalogue first before starting on another story. Now, what should I choose?
^^If you've got other things you really want to finish I wouldn't bother, because this is the kind of thing that will eat at your brain until you continue.

Also, chapter 6 and 7 are so much win. I get all teary eyed when the characters are just talking to each other about one of the really happy moments.

That entire scene while they're eating was just full of:

The whole time I was sitting there with that face....only somehow something came into play and made it even better. It's.....SO....HAPPY!

Just....listening to how unbelievably excited Rainbow Dash is is making me all excited.


I just finished it. I was crying throughout the last 5 chapters. I'm crying now. My shirt looks like I used it to mop a floor. Its the same happy sadness I had when I finished The Party Never Ended, where everything is just so upbeat and great that you just can't help it.

Granted, I'm almost certain that this is partially just residual feelings from last night, which is still eating away at me, but it isn't entirely. I know it isn't. Big Mac Pony is third best Pony.
^Getting awfully close to being my #1. And Fluttershy is already right no the edge of replacing Trixie. If Gravekeeper doesn't put out another TBoTS soon I might end up dropping Trixie another slot.

Anyway, looks like I'll have to stop for a while because we just got a call and the stuff we moved out to the curb has to go now or they'll start fining my grandmother.

Big Mac teaching Cheerilee's class?

I might finish this chapter before my dad finish's eating, but I'm not sure.
I watched him steadily, surely march up the list. He had already knocked Applebloom out of 5th way back in Chapter 5. Chapter 9 rolled around and *boop*, there goes Pinkie Pie from 4th. But come Chapter 11, he basically obliterated AJ from third. Not even a chance of self-doubt. In one scene, he was in 4th, and by the end of the next scene Applejack was like a million miles behind him (though ultimately I think he will slot into 4th).

There was never much of a chance of him climbing to second, and first will almost certainly permanently be held by Trixie now, but to podium is amazingly impressive, I think.
If you've got other things you really want to finish I wouldn't bother, because this is the kind of thing that will eat at your brain until you continue.

Your insistence is making me want to give the first chapter a look right now, plus what Toro has said about Macintosh is also tempting me to start reading it.

If it's so good that I shouldn't bother continuing with the other stories I'm reading, then it must be a bloody exceptional fanfic (although judging by what you guys have just said about Macintosh, it does sound like a really good story). I might read part one before I go to bed then.
Your insistence is making me want to give the first chapter a look right now, plus what Toro has said about Macintosh is also tempting me to start reading it.

If it's so good that I shouldn't bother continuing with the other stories I'm reading, then it must be a bloody exceptional fanfic (although judging by what you guys have just said about Macintosh, it does sound like a really good story). I might read part one before I go to bed then.

Just realized how terribly I worded that. I meant don't bother with Macintosh until you're comfortable with where you are in your other fics you want to catch up on.

It'd be worth giving up almost any other fan-fic to me,but that's just me, I didn't mean to say you should drop all else and focus on Macintosh.

Also, I left only seconds after my last post, but I'll continue where I am after I finishing enjoying some delicious rice. I feel like I should hold off on eating right before the scene I'm at.
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If it's so good that I shouldn't bother continuing with the other stories I'm reading
I don't know if I would go that far (and since that apparently isn't what MintBerryCrunch meant, he wouldn't either), but it is really good. It starts off pretty slow, and it took a while for it to click with me, but once it did I absolutely loved it. It pushed Dangerous Business out of my Top 5, which is no small feat.

Off to read Lost in the Crowd now.

Also, I checked up on Junior Speedsters Forever this morning so I could turn it into a PDF.

It finally 6-Starred.

Woke up Wed. July 28th 8:30AM - Currently Thurs. July 29th 9:10PM.
I've gone the past 36 hours, and 40 minutes without a wink of sleep, so I'll be calling it a night at that.

Especially since I wasn't aware it was Thursday until someone reminded me I "have an appointment tomorrow", and I said "No, that's on Firday." and made myself look dumb. It would appear that sleep plays into your biological clock....who would have guessed?:dunce:

I left off right before the classroom scene in Macintosh, and I'm not sure I can keep myself awake long enough to finish the chapter.

And this is my new super-ultra-incredibly-amazingly-adorable sleeping picture. The only thing more adorable than Celestia and Twilight sleeping together is Twilight sleeping with her parents.(all sexual innuendo aside)

G'night everypony;
I don't know if I would go that far (and since that apparently isn't what MintBerryCrunch meant, he wouldn't either), but it is really good. It starts off pretty slow, and it took a while for it to click with me, but once it did I absolutely loved it. It pushed Dangerous Business out of my Top 5, which is no small feat.

When I said "I shouldn't bother continuing with the other stories I'm reading", I was referring to the fanfics which I'd started roughly 2 or 3 weeks ago that I just haven't been able to go back and read. I was thinking about leaving those fanfics anyway though.

Also, I probably should have said "I shouldn't bother continuing with the other stories I'm reading for the time being". I've started about 5 different fanfics in the past week and I wouldn't just leave them for the sake of one exceptionally good story.

What I will do is read Macintosh now before I go because I don't have time to read something like part 2 of The New Dawn of the Old Night.
Looks like my internet connection had other plans, so I don't have time to read anything now due to the fact that I have to get up early tomorrow (I hate morning meetings):


Woke up Wed. July 28th 8:30AM - Currently Thurs. July 29th 9:10PM.
I've gone the past 36 hours, and 40 minutes without a wink of sleep, so I'll be calling it a night at that.

And you were so close to beating my time of 38 hours without sleep (I felt like absolute 🤬 by the end of it though).

I have a new sleeping image that I'll use for the time being as well, so g'night everypony:
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Of Mares and Magic

There goes my fanfic, all of it, but there is more than "there goes my fanfic" premise, allow me to elaborate:

The high concept and the story structure is just identical, without too many changes to some premises, apart from that, some events are well executed, and the story is good, he managed to elaborate a less complicated prologue without resorting to use Boast Busters too much, and that's a win already, then there is also a well executed representation of Trixie (incorrect for me, but that will be explained in the next bit), including a good representation of her actions and the actions between her and the other mane 6, not my fanfic of choice but certainly a good one.

Now here comes the reason of why I decided to throw all together the fanfic Idea.

Don't bother, its quite random:

Now, the reason:

In previous posts I have stablish parts of Trixie's personality based on her character development shown in the episode, this analysis was limited to a certain social background in which Trixie acts as a showmare, and while this part of herself was worthy of analysis, there is another minimal but present part of her that can be studied.

This aspect of Trixie corresponds to the passive-aggressive-solitary Trixie, there are brief moments in which such personality comes to light, to be precise, is when she shows a comparison between her alter-ego status and her antithesis personality "Snails", well, Trixie is commonly associated with NPD, this is almost clear after her first appearance and acts, NPD patients tents to be extremely self-absorbed persons, but there are other variables that should be address, NPD spectrum is filled with symptoms to be consider, like the passive-aggressiveness (mostly shown during her demonstration, the cryptic language that she uses counts as a form of passive aggressiveness, and enforces the thesis of the sophisticated language used as a countermeasure to avoid her antithesis-personality Snails and similar subjects), then there are antisocial symptoms as well (shown in her encounter with Snip and Snails, and tendencies to be isolated when she is not in social gatherings), this completes the view from both aspects of Trixies personality (at least for now).

Now, parting from this, I try to create a redeem situation in which Trixie shows an actual change, something that was based on her psychological characteristics, but, after the Boast busters ending I saw that situation fade away as I based my story on my own studies, Instead of providing a redemption sign, Trixie's final act was a defensive act presented by her very own ego, the realization of this made my fanfic idea plumb into the ground, including some of the stories that I consider close to a canonical situation.

This brings me to the conclusive point, (and I will be pointed as a massive idiot after this), NPD subjects cannot change under the suggested conditions, and they cant change by any normal conditions, Trixie's personality portrait in MLP (in a canonical way) suggest this issue, NPD subjects that follows the canonical personality do not change, and they cannot be given the redemption status label, hence the reason why I don't see fanfics in the same way that I did and hence the reason for cancelling the making of my fanfic.
[smartass]Apart from that, I got the sense that Toronado got quite touch by that story, well, whereas this is true or false, its all rather based on the story than Trixie herself, besides, Toronado already showed characteristics that he shared with Trixie long before (usage of bold coloured fonts, posts structure, user title and plenty of other elements that can be found in his writing, I'm also aware of the fact that Trixie doesn't make posts, I'm just pointing out how she will post, if she could post, if she could be bother with), which makes me think of one user that I really want to know better, it's a bit enigmatic and I just cant figure out what kind of person he really is, however I know that I wont be able to figure out such thing.[/smartass]

And where are my manners, pic time:

[Fluttershy]You are so cute[/Fluttershy]:

[Twilight]Oh my gosh, more shipping[/Twilight]:

[Rainbow Dash]So Awesome:[/Rainbow Dash]

And that's it, for now at least, I have to keep organizing and making some stuff, sometimes I wish to be exiled to the moon.