The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
This was actually a good idea. Anypony wants to play?

I wouldn't have expected that. How does somepony not know about this thread?
However I like the idea of the game and having it in a separate thread makes sense.

However it's not the time to play right now, it's time for me to work.
^ Well, I just wanted to play it here, just to avoid problems with the grouchy guys from the pic thread...

What could possibly be "Questionable" about Rainbow Dash punching some dude in the face until there was a grievous lack of a face to punch? That sounds more like "Awesome" to me.

A.K.A. I just saw unit-one's picture on Ponibooru.

^When he's back, post a link. His head will blow up just like Chernobyl.
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^It was only a matter of time before somepony else found that picture and posted it here.

That one you're talking about didnt involve "heads or tails?", did it?

I must be blind because I didn't see your post. In short, you've found the same disturbing image that I found, but it isn't the one Toro was talking about.

And just now, I saw an image that makes that "Heads or Tails" one look tame in comparison. I certainly won't describe it, that's for sure.

This is exactly the kind of positive uplifting thing I was hoping to find when I opned my laptop.

Today has been 🤬(both on and off the internet), but that put a smile on my face.

Speaking of which, do you have any extremely uplifting short-fan-fics to recommend?
I don't just mean funny, I mean a if-this-doesn't-make-you-smile-you're-a-bad-person-fan-fiction.

Also, if someone were to take over would it be possible for a mod to transfer control of the thread and group, or would it just be a somewhat-useless-but-neat-to-have title?

Either way, I could take a crack at it if nopony else wants to.
I must be blind because I didn't see your post. In short, you've found the same disturbing image that I found, but it isn't the one Toro was talking about.

And just now, I saw an image that makes that "Heads or Tails" one look tame in comparison. I certainly won't describe it, that's for sure.
"Heads or Tails"? Que? Where was this image, the general index or the Rainbow Dash one?

Also, what's the ID number for this new image?[/tempting fate]

This is exactly the kind of positive uplifting thing I was hoping to find when I opned my laptop.

Today has been 🤬(both on and off the internet), but that put a smile on my face.

Speaking of which, do you have any extremely uplifting short-fan-fics to recommend?
I don't just mean funny, I mean a if-this-doesn't-make-you-smile-you're-a-bad-person-fan-fiction.
A Twilight and Trixie Story. The Airplane! of shipping stories, basically.

Also, if someone were to take over would it be possible for a mod to transfer control of the thread and group, or would it just be a somewhat-useless-but-neat-to-have title?

Either way, I could take a crack at it if nopony else wants to.
I was going to ask a mod about it as soon as I'm done on Ponibooru.
A Twilight and Trixie Story. The Airplane! of shipping stories, basically.

Considering that movie's in my top 2 comedies, that should do the trick.
Reading it now.

A Twilight and Trixie Story
Twilight got the feeling she was having one heck of a nightmare

Not even halfway through and my day has been made :lol:

EDIT: Oh god the rock transformation was hilarious.

EDIT: Favorite moment so far is the letter from Celestia.
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"Heads or Tails"? Que? Where was this image, the general index or the Rainbow Dash one?

Rainbow Dash index, but I can't remember the page number.

Also, what's the ID number for this new image?[/tempting fate]

🤬, I was hoping you wouldn't say that.


If you must know, it's tagged as explicit. I won't tell you exactly which one I found though, it's up to you if you want to look for it (I'm hoping you don't).

I really should move onto something lighter, I guess this image will do:
Going along from this (and I really did not post that image with this in mind):
Then I posted this:

Want to read a heavy psychological discussion about Gilda's relationship with Dash and how that was transferred to Pinkie? Well, one just broke out for Heart of Gold, Feathers of Steel (er, well, again. That story has been spawning those discussions since it was begun), starting here.

Rainbow Dash index, but I can't remember the page number.
Hm. I (literally) looked at every image in that index and I can't remember it. Have an idea about the page range?

Wait, was it one of those Party of One images?

🤬, I was hoping you wouldn't say that.


If you must know, it's tagged as explicit. I won't tell you exactly which one I found though, it's up to you if you want to look for it (I'm hoping you don't).
Edit: Oh, Explicit. I didn't even have Explicit turned on.
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^Normally I'd be curious and look that up, but that story put me in too good of a mood to ruin it like that.

In fact, trying to find that one picture and stumbling across several other mind-numbingly disgusting ones is just one of the many things that contributed to most of today being awful.

Anyway, thanks for the recommendation, that made me feel much better.
Want to read a heavy psychological discussion about Gilda's relationship with Dash and how that was transferred to Pinkie? Well, one just broke out for Heart of Gold, Feathers of Steel (er, well, again. That story has been spawning those discussions since it was begun), starting here.


Its a massive piece of argument, give me sec.

Dammit, now I have to read the whole thing.
I spent 7 hours looking for one specific image on Ponibooru (one that was very briefly uploaded to IMDB and looked absolutely hilarious, but it was pulled before I could even click on it) and couldn't find it. I turned "Explicit" on and found it in four seconds.


It was hilarious, for the record. Unbelievably lewd, but hilarious nonetheless.
Hm. I (literally) looked at every image in that index and I can't remember it. Have an idea about the page range?

Uh, I think it was somewhere around page 60 or 70.

Was it the one with the red guy in the Brony shirt, then the... modified scene from Party of One, then the red guy ripping his Brony shirt?

Haven't seen that one myself, so no.

Edit: Oh, Explicit. I didn't even have Explicit turned on.

Wait, what? All this time I thought you were looking at images that were tagged as "Explicit". Well, you'll wish that you could have your memory wiped after you see the stuff I've seen, although for some reason I'm finding it easy to forget about those disturbing images.

Anyway, I don't wish to discuss this any further myself. I think I've seen more than enough disturbing images for one day.
^^ My imagination is my worst enemy, not my eyes.

Well, I found the image that I was actually looking for from the start, so I'm done on Ponibooru anyways.

Also, my next Profile Photo:

I cannot elaborate on Gilda's personality, I just cant, is way too complicated without background, and it gets worst with a made-up-background, there is a million of things in consideration and too little background to work with, I'm currently re-watching the episode too find something that could be used as addition in that conversation. I'm quite conflicted by that conversation, because I consider Gilda's action in the episode too cartoon-ish to actually make a psychological profile, but then she hesitated a couple of time and did show some actions that deserves evaluation, and for characters like those the little actions are the ones that matter.



Griffon the Brush-Off around 14:52, also known as "The Game" by Pinkie Pie.
(And accidentally found another facet from Pinkie that can be exploited).
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What do you think the best way to sort all of this music for the Triple is? I was originally planning on changing it all to one album like I did with Sonic Adventure, but I'm thinking 3GB of music may be a bit too much to sort through.

Maybe split it into 3 albums ("Albums," "Official" and "Remix")?
I just read The F Grade drinking game... I find it hard to describe what I just read. While funny I wasn't expecting what happened to be so vividly described, curse you imagination. (Yes I'm aware that there are worse things out there)

I also read the first two chapters of Come to your senses, (The MLP western) it's good so far but theres no conflict/problem yet and as we all know thats part of what makes a great story.

Anyway onto Chapter 4 of Macintosh.

Maybe split it into 3 albums ("Albums," "Official" and "Remix")?

That's how the folders from the 3 gig downloads are seperated.
I just read The F Grade drinking game... I find it hard to describe what I just read. While funny I wasn't expecting what happened to be so vividly described, curse you imagination.
I said it was a strong shipping story!

Edit: That chicken totally did this on purpose:

Well dammit now I'm curious about that story. I guess if it's short enough I'll try it really quick.
*checks story*

Damn, it is short.

I guess I'll go ahead and read it.

Also, I'd read Macintosh, but I'm waiting until I have loads of time to burn through it in one sitting.

I was slightly curious the first time it was mentioned, but the more people talking about it the more curious I get.

Diamond Tiara bashing? I love this story already.
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Its 95% family friendly. Then they run out of friendship lubricant and Adult Situations occur. Just so you know.

I won't look at Cheerilee's desk the same way again :lol:

Probably should have mentioned that I finished reading The F Grade Drinking Game yesterday. The shipping scene was, as Brando mentioned, "vividly described". It's a good story though, plus it's funny as hell.
I won't look at Cheerilee's desk the same way again :lol:

Probably should have mentioned that I finished reading The F Grade Drinking Game yesterday. The shipping scene was, as Brando mentioned, "vividly described".
"Vivid" is a really good way of putting it. You should have seen how many times I edited my post about it yesterday the further I read on into it. Most of the way done with it and then I was like "wait a minute, did Buttersc0tch write this?"

Then I ran back as fast as I could and purged the direct link from my post.


It's a good story though, plus it's funny as hell.
Like I said yesterday, some of those jokes were incomparably obscure. A forty cakes reference? Jokes about tense misuse?

Made it all the better.
I was walking around in my kitchen for something to eat, when I remembered the test that asked if I had increased my apple intake because of the show.

I am now consuming the crappiest apple I have ever tasted in my life.
Reading about Sweetie Belle describing an erotic novel is both adorably-ignorant and really weird at the same time.
I liked the joke about the book Scootaloo read. Not only the fact that she chose such a book, but the fact that the book actually existed and Cheerilee had actually read it (and had her own copy).
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Such a Silly Pony









Like a Hawk








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Don't hate guys. Seriously. Keep it civil. If you have an opinion on this, that's acceptable, BUT... don't expect us to care, let alone have it shoved in our faces. Healthy discussions related to the show and pony stuff only please. None of this petty bullcrap because you apparently don't like the show and want others to agree with you or that you have a hard time believing that friendship is magic. Just remember: We will never force you to like it or to agree with us. It's all up to you on what you think of this.
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