The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

Gay - Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry.

Sounds about right!
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Wow, this thread is so gay.

that is all

I like to drop in and post some funny horse/pony related pics every now and again. Little acts of non-bronyism.

Sarah Jessica Parker was a brony first.
I actually had a bit of a problem with yesterday's episode. The moral kind of failed for me. I mean, Spike was obviously being a jerk, but I still didn't like Aloysius at all by the end of the episode because Spike's reactions seemed kind of natural to a couple of incidents in the episode.
Twilight's lecture at the end about how the owl was only helping out at night to give Spike more rest felt a little hollow after we blatantly saw Aloysius being a dick about helping out during the day, including that time he pulled that book out from under Spike and knocked him to the ground - a book that Spike was right next to and was in the process of getting. I dunno, man.


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The whole episode was a bit of fail for me. And that whole thing was a bit darker than it should have been. :lol:
One thing I did like was that Spike's idea of "inconspicuous person doing bad things" was to dress like Snidely Whiplash and twirl his mustache.
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One thing I did like was that Spike's idea of "inconspicuous person doing bad things" was to dress of like Snidely Whiplash and twirl his mustache.

I forgot about that; too bad he got caught though.
Alright, I caved, I watched the first 2 episodes.
And, somehow, I liked it. Kind of the same feeling I got watching How To Train Your Dragon, expected more boring kids stuff with not much going on, but this is pretty good.
EDIT1: Then again, I always have been kind of a sucker for the animated stuff.

Working on finding a picture of Twilight that would go well with MintBerryCrunch in the foreground.

EDIT2: Also I have a new Avatar, but I'm keeping the profile pic the same.

FUTURE EDIT: Hello DC Bronies who are now viewing this from the Future :D
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Alright, I caved, I watched the first 2 episodes.
And, somehow, I liked it. Kind of the same feeling I got watching How To Train Your Dragon, expected more boring kids stuff with not much going on, but this is pretty good.

Working on finding a picture of Twilight that would go well with MintBerryCrunch in the foreground.

Well then, welcome to the herd!

Anyway, I thought the latest episode was pretty weak all in all, but there were some decent bits like Spike's attempt to emulate an evil 1930's style bad guy and Pinkie saying "the punch has been spiked", but that's about it. Also, Spike really thought he could get away with tearing up a toy Mouse and pass it off as a real dead Mouse. How stupid does he think Twilight is? :lol:

Then again, he was quite desperate to get back at Aloysius.

Anyone know if there is a good MLP texture pack or Mod for Minecraft?

If it meant I could have a MLP themed world I would definitely install that Mod.

The reason I ask is because Minecraft involves a hell of allot of actual rock farming, in case you didn't already know.
The second coming. :D


The canvas borders are thicker than they should be but I ain't doing it again. Once again, if you want any of them you're going to have to say so directly - still haven't figured out how to make them individually clickable.

There's at least two more sets of these on the way.