The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Here you go! Highest quality I've seen so far on youtube.


Thanks, those looks great. Luckily I've been practicing a little with video editing too, so stitching them together on my computer should be no problem.
EDIT: Never mind, I was actually already Subscribed to angrytigerP, so I just finished downloading the one in the post below anyway.
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Some of you guys are going a bit off the deep end. Just a bit I think.

Also, any more references to rule 34 style stuff and, well, I think it just detracts from actual thing. Srsly.

And yeah, angrytigerp is good about the 1080p uploads
Actually Pinkie Pie derping back to Pinkamena made me sad because remembers me of a younger me: Alone, hollow, meaningless, angry with the world. That stuff ended when I became more self-conscious and found my abilities, passions, what I wanted to become... (Real life cutie mark) I mean an identity, Pinkie lost hers, that's kinda sad...



It's fun when you can do stuff like that. ON the other hand, RD also weighs a bit less, and her body is in a different configuration than a human's. and she has Magiks.

I've been trying to figure out how they'd counteract gee forces in flight, and, really, because Pegasuses fly prone, they can sustain much tighter maneuvers without blacking out, just due to their anatomy. Their wings and stresses within are the main limiting factor. Could she get a high-enough AoA without stalling?

It kind of gives no real purpose other than show to the Wonderbolt's costumes, doesn't it? the main functional thing is the goggles, to prevent, well...Arielatomface.
I was going through some episodes today ("The Stare Master" more specifically) and noticed that Scootaloo is missing something :scared:

It's fun when you can do stuff like that. ON the other hand, RD also weighs a bit less, and her body is in a different configuration than a human's. and she has Magiks.

I've been trying to figure out how they'd counteract gee forces in flight, and, really, because Pegasuses fly prone, they can sustain much tighter maneuvers without blacking out, just due to their anatomy. Their wings and stresses within are the main limiting factor. Could she get a high-enough AoA without stalling?

It kind of gives no real purpose other than show to the Wonderbolt's costumes, doesn't it? the main functional thing is the goggles, to prevent, well...Arielatomface.

You've just realized how manly you are. That's what's going on with you.

Welcome to adulthood. :lol:

OK, OK, I admit it, I am manly enough to watching MLP. I loved it. I watched it at HUB on TV most all with closed caption enabled.

Secretly, my favorite MLP pony is Twilight.
So I'm made a new avatar using my new favorite character.
Just looking for some opinions on the new one.
Older Avatar:

New Avatar:

Newest Avatar(Revised):

Thanks, Apokalipse, even though it's not what you suggested you actually gave me an idea for a new version.

Now I have both of my favorites.

EDIT: Even I find it strange that my 2 favorites are pretty much exact opposites.
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I prefer the first one because Twilight is my favorite. :D

You could always just switch them from time to time.