The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
So, I just found my way to somewhere in the middle of the "Pony Flood" in the Funny Pic thread. It was a long dig, but I'm a Minecraft fan, so I'm fine with digging.

I just wanted to say how amazingly hilarious it was seeing all of those reactions to the pony pictures. It's just funny that they kept provoking you and making the problem worse for themselves. That whole back and forth of them getting pissed and you guys just posting response pics was more entertaining than 90% of the awful pictures I had to scroll through to get there.

Also, some of the comments on that Hitler video suggest the channel was shut down because of all of the trolls flagging the video for copyright infringement.
Does anyone know if that's possible, or does the company itself have to file a complaint for a video to be pulled?
I'm thinking it's a possibility because there are still a few channels with the full length HD uploads, so if Hasbro was actually behind this they would have pulled all of the full episode videos from YouTube.
Unless maybe Masterlinx did something to get on Hasbro's bad side.
I just wanted to say how amazingly hilarious it was seeing all of those reactions to the pony pictures. It's just funny that they kept provoking you and making the problem worse for themselves.

I'm sure you noticed that a large majority of those pony images in the Funny Pic thread were posted by Azuremen, right?
Y'know...I've started to find myself searching for Derpy and The Doctor in various's like a game of "Where's Wally."
I find it interesting that they use Flash 8...

Because it was the last flash by Macromedia before Adobe took it over and from what I've heard that changed it massively and it got worse but I started using it at CS3 so I wouldn't know the differences.

Nice to see dialogue between the fans and the creators, wish PD was more forthcoming!

Basically, the Begging of Obama's speech about Osama, and the song "America, **** Yeah"(hence the language warning) being dubbed with Twilights speech.

I found this funny all the way up until Twilight pushed Rainbow Dash back off the podium, but only because the words stopped matching the characters after that.
EDIT: Actually, the audio only stopped matching the video after Obama came on screen.
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More like "Equestria, **** YEAH!"

I thought that P for Pinketta video was pretty good, one of the better MLP/movie dubs i've watched.
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So, how do I change the words to the right of my name?
I figured since most of the people in this thread have changed theirs that it would be easier to just ask.
I tried searching but couldn't find anything.

EDIT: Wait, I need to be premium don't I?
I noticed some of people with no Premium labels had a custom one, but then I remembered you can disable that anyway.
Whatever, I was planning on moving to premium status soon anyway, might as well be now.
EDIT: Ah, I also had a feeling 500 posts would work considering I've never seen a custom title on anyone with less then 500 posts.

I love my shiny new premium badge :)
Also, even though it wasn't your intention, that "Equestria, **** Yeah" works great as a title.
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