The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Let's see what I've done so far:

Multiplied the length of New Canterlot's rebuilding by ten times, explained the ease of which the Dragon empire fell and why it did so, how exactly ponies turned militaristic, and emphasized less the firepower of Luna and Celestia, and more the power of fifty years of intense magical and technological development.

Just stopping by before I go away for the next day or so. I should be back by Thursday evening, so I won't be able to read anything until then.


Dat suit!

^ Someone should make a fic out of that.

I swear someone made a very short story about that. I even saw a video version on YouTube last week but I honestly can't find it.

I love that show, it's great for detaching my cortex for an few minutes.

One of my friends probably exploded with joy when he saw that new Idiot Box video. I mean, he is completely obsessed with that series.

Good morning everyone.

(*Continues resisting the local strike by staying at home with paid salary, cant go to philharmonic orchestra on Saturday because of the damn strike though.*)
I swear someone made a very short story about that. I even saw a video version on YouTube last week but I honestly can't find it.

<The saddest one.

<The best one.
I feel like I shouldn't have watched these again.....:(👍

And what's the name of the fanfic?

I'll still finish Mommy Nearest first, but I'd like to read that eventually.

I think this is my favorite comic in the whole fandom. Not the best, not the funniest, not the saddest, but it's my favorite.

Had no problem with Pinkie being a prostitute in this, so I don't see any problem with that.
Hay...hay, Alex!
ah, I love that show. And Freeman's Mind too =)

Freeman's Mind is quite funny too. :D

One of my friends probably exploded with joy when he saw that new Idiot Box video. I mean, he is completely obsessed with that series.

It is a very well-done series. The best in terms of GMod comedy cartoon-type stuff.

Also, I'm feeling very well fed after attending a Pioneer training session. In the Executive Director's lounge at the local team's pitch, with an open bar and buffet full of awesome food. Cooked in Delia Smith's restaurant, no less.

The actual training was fun too. Didn't win a prize though. :(
Out in the Cold...

It's amazing how a fanfic can reach a point of critical mass where it makes you care about the characters deeply. This is marshmallow, technicolour ponies...but that fic.

Seriously, whoever hasn't read it...must.
Moonspire Run is one of the best one-shots I've ever read. I'm talking Junior Speedsters Forever good, here.

Edit: For something completely different, a (failed but noteworthy) attempt by a story to explain Earth Ponies' strengths in relation to other two makes me hope that such a thing is tackled in canon.

And now, I'm off again. I'm almost done burning through the backlog in this window.
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Yay, kyrospawn responded my request.

Inappropriate sexual comments on YT for the win.


A (failed but noteworthy) attempt by a story to explain Earth Ponies' strengths in relation to other two makes me hope that such a thing is tackled in canon.

I thought about that when I saw one of the kyrospawn's comments of one certain video, freaking hilarious comment that was.

(*Goes back to Depechemode's Strangelove*)
Looks like they're going to have TO JUMP!!!!

With a Homsar/Derpy musical interlude in the middle. For some reason.

67573 got quite a chuckle out of me because of all of the comments I've seen that express that without irony. It is also funny as a Twilight character examination.


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I saw a 60" Pioneer KURO today. Casino Royale, 7.1 surround, top-spec amp and blu-ray spinner...

I came. I came so bad. XD

That TV was released three years ago. Nothing on the market touches it, apart from maybe Panasonic's VT30 range.
Makes thread about lesbian shipping on ponychan

Numbers explodes!!!

Also, I hope the rumours are not true, otherwise people will be Bucking Apples for one more week.
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