The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Those of you who remember the great Applejack plague of May and missed out on it will be delighted to know that me and T-12 are planning the great Molestia *inappropriate 4-letter word that starts with an "O"* of October. If non-premo's want to get involved, shoot me a PM and I'll try and reduce the avvy to fit in the normal user size limits.

♫ Three months of winter coolness
And awesome holidays. ♫

♫ We've kept our hoofsies warm at home
Time off from work to play. ♫
♫ But the food we've stored is running out
And we can't grow in this cold. ♫

♫ And even though I love my boots
This fashions getting old. ♫
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♫The time has come to welcome spring,
and all things warm and green,
but it's also time to say goodbye,
it's winter we must clean.♫
EDIT: Derped

EDIT: Drawfriends, this was a good one:




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♫ How can I help? I'm new you see,
What does everypony do?
How do I fit in without magic?
I haven't got a clue. ♫



Sadly, Luna came last in all 3 of the PD Cup races.
On Sunday, we begin the rollout. Be prepared. I will advice T-12 of as much as well.




Damn, this is gonna be hard.

The lineart is wonderful. Fantastic. The shading is done really well, and there are tons of little details everywhere in the picture. Speaking purely from the lineart, it is probably your best drawing.

The second image is an interesting coloring style, and one that I think could be (with a little tweaking, such as doing the shading in a darker version of the same color rather than in black) really complement the lineart. As it is, it looks a little rough, a little bit too dark and I think the glow effects are a bit strong; but I really think this could be morphed into a legitimate way of coloring your pieces. Maybe a middle-ground between it and the "normal" way you color them.

The third one... Let it be known that there is nothing wrong with it, strictly speaking. Little bit too dark, perhaps, and maybe a bit too much glow that sort of overcompensates for the darkness, but it overall is a really nice coloring job well in line with your improvement in regards to coloring your pieces. A really nice use of gradients to transition lighting on Star Sky, and similar quality in Star Fighter's coat color (though I do think it Star Fighter should be brighter overall with the glow turned so all of his red "spines" have a similar appearance to the one on his chin). I also think the background is a really nice improvement over the lineart and first coloring job, as I agree with your decision to remove the ladybugs and I think the background sky is nicer to look at than it was originally.

But compared to the lineart, it just loses so much detail, and it makes me really torn about it. For example, the light glow does a good job of showing the colors of the mane and tails of the two, but compared to the original lineart it looks plain. The lineart had a lovely texture about it that nicely emulated the look of hair on the ponies' coats, and the "individual strands of hair" look for their manes and tails was really nice. In the colored version, it just doesn't pop out to you as much by comparison..
I started playing something called Operation flashpoint: Red River at 12:00, is 19:00 and I just finish the 6th mission, incredible game, terribly addictive and very tactical, Brothers in Arms style with a modern setting, very entertaining and exhausting.

Now ponies:


Not sure if Flutterbitch:


(FOXHOUND member, codename Douche Prince?)

And, the Joseco thing is getting contagious.

(*Continues listening to Pink Floyd's Dogs*)
Akira, that pic is FAR older than Mr. Joseco's tumbler.

The seasons don't change on their daft. OH, WAIT, MUST SING. ALLONS-Y!

Winter Wrap up, Winter Wrap uuuuup,
Let's finish our Holiday Cheer!

Sorry, I found these new ones and had to do a giant post of inappropriateness.

And here to make this twice as awkward:
I watched the Derpy video a few days ago, and I can't remember why I didn't post it when I had the chance.

And, the Joseco thing is getting contagious.

Isn't that the work of Kloudmutt?

Also, I'm going to start reading Mommy Nearest now seeing as I've caught up with everything I missed in the past, like, day or so. I was considering starting it tomorrow evening, but I don't see why I should wait until then.

And I have to say that this image is one of my favourites from the latest Drawfriends:

I'm not sure if this is still going, but:

♫ Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up,
'Cause tomorrow spring is here!
'Cause tomorrow spring is here! ♫
You know. I think I'll go ahead and read part one of the Mommy Nearest sequel now. I've got time between now and Tuesday, but I've got nothing better to do.


That. Wow. The whole thing was just as great, if not better than the first part.

The whole thing was great. If this story keeps it up until the end I can see this becoming my 2nd favorite.
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And yeah, I'd definitely say it's better. I just wasn't sure of that when I first made that post.


This is perfectly done.

This guy is really good.

His voice is amazing.

Apparently if enough people don't want it on that blog they'll remove it, according to another post.
New Avatar like a boss!:cool:

Tom's got some bitchin' wheels.

EDIT: I feel like I put more detail into those awesome shades and the actually shadows than I should have.
So there were these 2 cancer cells. One said to the other "Hey, let's get jobs."

I'm so sorry.

Don't jet that slip in the funny pics thread. They're not taking those jokes well.

@Mint, cool new avatar.
I have to say that Mommy Nearest was worth reading. I wouldn't call it amazing, but it was certainly very interesting and, well, I thought it was enjoyable. If you guys say the second story is better than the first and that it gets progressively better with each chapter, then I will definitely give those a look tomorrow.

I feel like I put more detail into those awesome shades

Tom Dan only wears Aviators, because that's how Tom Dan rolls.

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^Tom Dan isn't picky, because whatever Tom Dan wears is automatically cool.

And Toro, thanks, now I'm going to hell for laughing at that joke.
Finally changed my avatar. Try calling Cassandra my Mary-Sue now!


I think Toro's was blue. Remember the conversation we had with him when he wanted to know the exact colour of Trixie. That's the colour he made the border of his clock.

Toro's is better.

Ah, I remember now...

That's one tiny Barret... or a huge Fluttershy... gives me an idea.


Sadly, Luna came last in all 3 of the PD Cup races.

Wow! Now I know what I'll be doing today after work!

Damn, this is gonna be hard.

The lineart is wonderful. Fantastic. The shading is done really well, and there are tons of little details everywhere in the picture. Speaking purely from the lineart, it is probably your best drawing.

The second image is an interesting coloring style, and one that I think could be (with a little tweaking, such as doing the shading in a darker version of the same color rather than in black) really complement the lineart. As it is, it looks a little rough, a little bit too dark and I think the glow effects are a bit strong; but I really think this could be morphed into a legitimate way of coloring your pieces. Maybe a middle-ground between it and the "normal" way you color them.

The third one... Let it be known that there is nothing wrong with it, strictly speaking. Little bit too dark, perhaps, and maybe a bit too much glow that sort of overcompensates for the darkness, but it overall is a really nice coloring job well in line with your improvement in regards to coloring your pieces. A really nice use of gradients to transition lighting on Star Sky, and similar quality in Star Fighter's coat color (though I do think it Star Fighter should be brighter overall with the glow turned so all of his red "spines" have a similar appearance to the one on his chin). I also think the background is a really nice improvement over the lineart and first coloring job, as I agree with your decision to remove the ladybugs and I think the background sky is nicer to look at than it was originally.

But compared to the lineart, it just loses so much detail, and it makes me really torn about it. For example, the light glow does a good job of showing the colors of the mane and tails of the two, but compared to the original lineart it looks plain. The lineart had a lovely texture about it that nicely emulated the look of hair on the ponies' coats, and the "individual strands of hair" look for their manes and tails was really nice. In the colored version, it just doesn't pop out to you as much by comparison..

Thank you for the feedback! I really appreciate this.
Looks like I'm doing the same mistakes over and over again. Too dark and too much glow.

I have edited it. Not much, but I tried to remove the excess glow on Star Sky's mane, and made Fy's body brighter.


So there were these 2 cancer cells. One said to the other "Hey, let's get jobs."

I'm so sorry.


This post gives me the creeps... It's so wrong, yet I can't hate it.
Although I didn't laugh at Toro's joke, I've seen a few others that, well... let's just say I feel bad right now for laughing at one joke in particular.

Tom Dan isn't picky, because whatever Tom Dan wears is automatically cool.

So... if Tom Dan wore a Bow tie, or even a Fez, then...

Man, bad joke is bad.

It wasn't even intentional.


Funnily enough, the second person who commented on this image had the exact same idea as me.


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