The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
@ W&N

You realize that your strong dislike makes it all the more appealing to do that, right? It's funny to see you irritated.

In other words, you keep falling for it. Just ignore it. What do you think I've been doing to you up until this day?

The community targets you because you react. In other words, you're trollbait. And yet, you come in here trying to be all badass with some inflammatory comment, and then get confounded when we all laugh at it.

If you really didn't care, you'd just leave and not come back. You obviously care on some level.

Truth be told, we don't want you to be a brony. We just like having you around to irritate you just that liiiiittle bit. :3
If you really didn't care, you'd just leave and not come back. You obviously care on some level.

As far as I'm concerned, you might as well be watching Barbie or Carebears. And I just don't let such things by without some kind of protest.

Truth be told, we don't want you to be a brony.

Well, that's a switch.
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The first problem is the community itself. Azure and others clog up the funny pics thread with pages of unfunny pony pics. When someone (i.e. me) points out that they're worn out and stupid, their reaction is to get smug and post more. So, right off, your community looks bad.
U mad? Some were funny. Some not. I think that funny is relative: You have to get the joke. Example: Trolldad. You just get it when your dad has done something similar. Then it is funny. Example 2: Troll science: Unfunny to me because I'm a person accustomed to think, so I see the huge amount of flaws in the plans.

And yes, you are trollbait.

Then, we move on to the utter girliness of it. I know you think that's a bad reason, but I just can't stand the silliness and immaturity of it. Apparently you can. I'll never understand it.
Tom & Jerry was also silly and immature, but it was fun. Got old fast, though.

Every character is annoying in some way, from the annoying high-pitched voices to their exaggerated and often stupid traits.
It's called acting.

And finally, I just don't get the thought process which causes a small children's cartoon to appeal to grown men, some of whom are in our armed forces (please tell me they're lying about one of the two).

A lot of two-word sentences: Lauren Faust.: A genius in cartoon producing. Power Puff Girls? girly, but well done, well written, well drawn, etc. Fosters? For 8-year olds. Well done, well written, well drawn, solid and varying characters, diverse situations, etc. Good animators. Good writers. Good drawers. Good stories. Flexible bosses.

In a few words: We like the content because it has quality. And we are secure of ourselves, our maturity and our sexuality enough to like it.

Don't judge a book by the cover, read it. This one is a good one.

Want to see something girly? Look at the other remakes. They sucked. Only the original and "Friendship is Magic" were good.
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I lol'd.
U mad? Some were funny. Some not. I think that funny is relative: You have to get the joke. Example: Trolldad. You just get it when your dad has done something similar. Then it is funny. Example 2: Troll science: Unfunny to me because I'm a person accustomed to think, so I see the huge amount of flaws in the plans.


There's no joke to get. All Azure was doing was posting reaction pics. They weren't funny and weren't designed to be, as far as I know. All they were was spam to me.

Tom & Jerry was also silly and immature, but it was fun. Got old fast, though.

Not as fast as the ponies did after having to deal with pages upon pages of them. It also wasn't as immature or silly (actually, that's a really muddy discussion, but whatever), at least not in the way of purple/pink content. It's actually less realistic, but at least it was funny and not Carebears Redux.

It's called acting.

Pretty annoying acting too, if you ask me.

A lot of two-word sentences: Lauren Faust.: A genius in cartoon producing. Power Puff Girls? girly, but well done, well written, well drawn, etc.

And also rather annoying, but at least PPG fans don't congregate in huge fanclubs and spam up threads with screencaps of their show.

Fosters? For 8-year olds. Well done, well written, well drawn, solid and varying characters, diverse situations, etc.

Never seen it, no care ever.

Good animators. Good writers. Good drawers. Good stories. Flexible bosses.

Purple and pink unicorn ponies with stupid magic powers.

In a few words: We like the content because it has quality.

In a few words: I might like the content but the girlieness is more than enough to offset that.

That's not to say I'm unwilling to discuss ideas for making it better though.

And we are secure of ourselves, our maturity and our sexuality enough to like it.

Maybe, but I think you forgot to mention the lack of age-appropriate thought which is also necessary.

Don't judge a book by the cover, read it. This one is a good one.

OK, maaaaaybe I'll watch ep. 2 later. Maybe. If I'm not too busy watching NASCAR and rented Top Gear DVDs.

Want to see something girly? Look at the other remakes. They sucked. Only the original and "Friendship is Magic" were good.

That's a relative thing, because none of them are any better than Care Bears to me.
And finally, I just don't get the thought process which causes a small children's cartoon to appeal to grown men, some of whom are in our armed forces (please tell me they're lying about one of the two).



They're two - or three - level humour. Like the Simpsons. Jokes for kids and jokes for adults behind them (after all, they're written by adults)

Why are you even in this thread? I don't see people perpetually posting in specific threads for other things that they loathe with a passion, yet you're always in this specific thread complaining about the subject of it.

If MLPFiM upsets/annoys/angers you so much why are you always browsing and posting in a thread for and in favour of it? Now that is a thought process that needs some explanation.

Incidentally, I've never seen a second of the show, so it's news to me that I'm apparently a brony.

There's no joke to get. All Azure was doing was posting reaction pics. They weren't funny and weren't designed to be, as far as I know. All they were was spam to me.

Not as fast as the ponies did after having to deal with pages upon pages of them. It also wasn't as immature or silly (actually, that's a really muddy discussion, but whatever), at least not in the way of purple/pink content. It's actually less realistic, but at least it was funny and not Carebears Redux.

You and the others who were constantly replying managed to fill up a page for every one of his pictures, that's far worse than any single picture could be. And even when someone says something completely unrelated to the show, or the fan base, you still find a way to bring it up.
If you really don't like hearing about the show, you have one of the most backwards ways of showing it.

That's a relative thing, because none of them are any better than Care Bears to me.

Possibly the most ironic statement in any of your replies.

Also, normally I wouldn't bother responding because I hate people like you, but it's night time in Minecraft and I need to do something to pass the time.
@W&N - Why do you still visit this thread? You show no interest in this show, there's nothing to gain for you being here. And if you are maybe going to watch an episode, watch episode 26. ;)


There's no joke to get. All Azure was doing was posting reaction pics. They weren't funny and weren't designed to be, as far as I know. All they were was spam to me.

Sorry, but THIS is SPAM:


And also rather annoying, but at least PPG fans don't congregate in huge fanclubs and spam up threads with screencaps of their show.

Internet wasn't big enough back then, you know.

Never seen it, no care ever.

Do the same as I.

Purple and pink unicorn ponies with stupid magic powers.

Their magic powers are used on some of the most reasonable and realistic applications I've seen yet. (Considering magic exists) They almost only use it as substitute of arms, hands and fingers (which they lack).

In a few words: I might like the content but the girlieness is more than enough to offset that.

That's not even a reason.

Maybe, but I think you forgot to mention the lack of age-appropriate thought which is also necessary.

Following that reasoning men should not drink chocolate milk. Your argument is invalid.

OK, maaaaaybe I'll watch ep. 2 later. Maybe. If I'm not too busy watching NASCAR and rented Top Gear DVDs.

I don't believe you. Not for a second.

That's a relative thing, because none of them are any better than Care Bears to me.

Have you ever watched Care Bears?
He always comes up with the same defenses no matter what. He's out of options...Just leave him alone, laugh at him, and otherwise ignore him.
Incidentally, I've never seen a second of the show, so it's news to me that I'm apparently a brony.

You posted some pony pics in the Funny Pics thread, in response to...something, haters probably. But you should watch it. It's good.:sly:
**Language WARNING!**

Jimmy Kimmel just got 20% cooler. It is also confirmed that he is in fact a brony.

So how many celebrities is that?

Weird Al Yankovic, Jimmy Kimmel, (EDIT)Seth Green.....I'm pretty sure there were some more, but I just can't remember.
Their magic powers are used on some of the most reasonable and realistic applications I've seen yet. (Considering magic exists) They almost only use it as substitute of arms, hands and fingers (which they lack).

That's totally true, but it bothers me how useless earth ponies seem in comparison to the others! Remember in episode 4 "Applebuck Season," when AJ finally took help from the others and Twilight cleared like 50 trees at once? It just makes earth ponies seem worthless... :(
That's totally true, but it bothers me how useless earth ponies seem in comparison to the others! Remember in episode 4 "Applebuck Season," when AJ finally took help from the others and Twilight cleared like 50 trees at once? It just makes earth ponies seem worthless... :(

Maybe the earth ponies are unevolved versions of the pegasi and unicorns?

And I only just noticed that Celestia has wings and a horn. Only took me 26 episodes...
Maybe the earth ponies are unevolved versions of the pegasi and unicorns?

More than they were only ponies, and Pegasus and Unicorn Ponies are the result of crossbreeding with those mythological creatures.

And I only just noticed that Celestia has wings and a horn. Only took me 26 episodes...

And don't forget the fact that she's a horse.
Confound these ponies! I'm on Episode 19 and it just hit me what I've been watching.

Oh well.
Confound these ponies! I'm on Episode 19 and it just hit me what I've been watching.

Oh well.

You guys are all crazy. my little pony, really? I came here thinking that the subject would change by the 65 page, obviously not. My little pony out of anything.:ouch:
Y'know, now that I think about it...

Fluttershy freaking out is probably the most out-of character thing I have ever seen in a television show...that still worked in context. XD

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