The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
[...] And I never said it was worse so stop making stuff up.


That's a relative thing, because none of them are any better than Care Bears to me.



Screencap of reaction:




You are screwed. Admit it. :sly:
Seriously! He should just admit he can't help but continue to view this thread from time to time and that he indeed likes the ponies.

Dammit man! You don't want Fluttershy to eat all your squirrels force you to love her force you to come out and admit that you're a brony yell like that! It's scaring the children and other woodland creatures. Even the buzzard is terrified. :nervous:
I can accept it... to a point. Suffice it to say, MLP is far beyond that point. It's like someone found the line of age-appropriateness and decided just stepping over it wasn't enough, he had to strap on a jetpack and get as far away from it as possible.

And I suspect even you know simple pony versions of the same old "U MAD" stuff can't possibly be funny. The only one that came even remotely close was the one that said "According to what I've read in my books, you're mad." That was just clever enough and just pompous sounding enough to slip by.

I'll admit, funny pony pics exist... but most of them aren't reactions.

Also, Twilight Sparkle's colors remind me of a certain Dyson vacuum cleaner. Just so you know.

As for why I'm still here, when I see stupidity, I can't let it pass. Even if I know I can't do anything, I have to try. Standing and saying "oh well, nothing I can do about it anyway" is the lazy man's way.

Okay. You're here to troll.

Leave this thread alone. This is a moderator instruction. Do not even think about ignoring it:

# You will, if asked by a representative of the forums, cease posting any content.

As I've said before, spam his profile page with pony pics.

Troll for a troll. :lol:


# You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group.
I never said I was going to do it. I've already called him an idiot several times out in the open. I'm good. :lol:
Weird, I was actually just about to ask if you could get rid of him.
It was funny at first when I thought he was just messing around, but it got old after the 3rd time he showed up for another identical attempt at trolling.

Lets all have a beach party to celebrate.

If I didn't have to go to work in 20 minutes I would consider Photoshoping the top 5 most active member's avatars into this.
Maybe even Famine's avatar holding his hand up to stop W&N from getting in, but that might be the extreme tired from having just woken up talking.
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Hello everyp...body. It looks like I am way to late for the party...

I started to notice these series (avatars, pictures, fan art) popping all over the e-net a while ago. Then I decided to check what's the fuss is about. And ...I can't stop watching.
How can a show aimed at young children became so popular among people up to 25 Y.O.?

I personally liked the fluid animations, great voice acting, good songs, unpredictable twists (especially later in the show), character desighns are very good.

And this show gives so much positive energy! I mean... living, working under stress. Hearing and listening to horrific news... This show gives a chance to forget about all that stuff at least for a short while. Well, it seems I answered my question myself...
Welcome to the herd. And, the show's male demographic expands way beyond 25 years of age. :sly:
Thanks for the welcoming party!

I herd that there will be a second season later this year.
And here's some news from Lauren Faust (developer of the show)

^And now I suppose it’s finally time for me to deliver some unfortunate news. I’ve been uncertain for a little while now about how, when and, to be honest, whether to announce the news at all. But here it is: I am no longer working on the show. Various circumstances with the production made it increasingly impossible for me to keep up the level of personal creative involvement and control that I had at the start of the series. I don’t think I can accurately express how difficult and painful the decision was and still is. When Season 2 begins, you will see my credit changed from Executive Producer to Consulting Producer. My involvement in Season 2 ultimately does not reach far beyond story conception and scripts. A little more involved in the beginning, and a little less towards the end.

However, you should be pleased to know that the gaps I have left are being filled by the same amazing artists, writers and directors who brought you Season 1. I’m certain the show will be as entertaining as ever, though perhaps in a slightly different way.^

...different way?
I like the subtext of the finale. "Be friends with the quiet and friendly introvert. Or she will snap an try to murder you." That is useful advice for all ages.
Is it me, or does everypony went crazy at some point during the series?
Twilight during the parasprite invasion.
Rainbow during the big performance.
Pinkie at her birthsday.
Flutter Shy at the gala.
Applejack during the apple collecting season.
Rarity and her dresses.

But Pinkie and Flutter Shy were 20% scarier, than the others combined.
And I had read that "Cupcake" fan-fic... BEFORE I saw the crazy Pinkie episode!
It was a good thing that that story had a happy ending. (Someone made an alternative ending) But still... I should have not read that. *shudders*
Of course. It IS usually the quiet ones. Yandere pony is yandere. Fruttershy.

One more thing. I found these pics. You guys might like them. Adult humanization of the ponies. The person who did this is also one of the animators of the show:

Twilight Sparkle

Pinkie Pie


Rainbow Dash



Princess Celestia



Great and Powerful Trixie

Blue Angel Lives! Sortaaaa...

dA Description
Yep. I've seen the show. I really, really LIKE the show. I consider myself a Brony. and now, I've drawn fanart.

This is Blue Angel, the sole member of the Royal Equestrian Navy Pegasus Flight Demonstration Team. The key word there is Navy: I assume the Wonderbolts are either Air Force or Royal Guard, and..well, I assume if you have land and air military, you ought to have water military too.

Blue Angel herself is a tough, strong, intelligent young pony, a senior lieutenant and rated both as a combat pegasus and for cloud control...the latter of which is mostly what she does when not performing, primarily supervising major cloud moves and moves of dangerous storms, making certain clouds don't merge and turn into Hurricanes. She decided to form a demo team of her own after seeing the Wonderbolts perform, citing "We do that all the time and we don't have more than our helmets to wear. No fancy aerodynamic costumes for us. Sometimes we're strapped with cloud seeding rockets. Friggin' royal guard mumblemumble..."

Unfortunately, Celestia didn't earmark enough for more than one pony to demonstrate for the Navy, thus Blue Angel became that pony. True to her word, she performs merely wearing her flight helmet, no fancy dress - she finds aero-suits too restricting. The "smoke" she produces behind her while flying is blue, with yellow coming from her wings. Despite flying a solo act, she still manages to wow the crowds, though she stresses that "any Pegasus in the Navy Flight Corps could do this..." though she is known among her peers as an exceptional flyer. She's been known to exceed the speed of sound on occasion, but it's never been a rainboom.

Despite her performing career, Blue Angel remains on duty, and can easily be ready for any situation within a few minutes, even whilst performing a routine.

BA's cutie mark is a parody of the Blue Angels' emblem, and her color scheme and...well, everything else, is that of the team themselves, even the lack of the "speed suit" - the real team don't wear a g-suit or oxygen mask in the cockpit. I've thought of writing a little something with her training an overconfident and under-disciplined Rainbow Dash, in the style of the writing of the show. I think her (reasonably) disciplined, military ways might clash with RD's rather carefree, self-confident attitude.

MLP: FiM (c) Hasbro, produced by Lauren Faust & Co.
Blue Angels (c) United States Navy
Blue Angel (character) (c) James McHenry/Jim Prower