Thanks for the welcoming party!
I herd that there will be a second season later this year.
And here's some news from Lauren Faust (developer of the show)
^And now I suppose its finally time for me to deliver some unfortunate news. Ive been uncertain for a little while now about how, when and, to be honest, whether to announce the news at all. But here it is: I am no longer working on the show. Various circumstances with the production made it increasingly impossible for me to keep up the level of personal creative involvement and control that I had at the start of the series. I dont think I can accurately express how difficult and painful the decision was and still is. When Season 2 begins, you will see my credit changed from Executive Producer to Consulting Producer. My involvement in Season 2 ultimately does not reach far beyond story conception and scripts. A little more involved in the beginning, and a little less towards the end.
However, you should be pleased to know that the gaps I have left are being filled by the same amazing artists, writers and directors who brought you Season 1. Im certain the show will be as entertaining as ever, though perhaps in a slightly different way.^
...different way?
One more thing. I found these pics. You guys might like them. Adult humanization of the ponies. The person who did this is also one of the animators of the show:
But if someone high up decides to change the look or personality of any of the characters we may need to start an uprising. I would rather see the series end all together than to go up in flames like the Final Season of Scrubs that never should have existed.
Yep, but I think the chances are that each character's appearance and personality won't change in season 2. The show is too, well, successful for anyone working on it to even consider making drastic changes that could anger the fans. It doesn't need altering in any way at the moment, but we'll just have to see what happens in the coming months.
It should be noted that she is still working on MLP, though I get your point.
Yeah I know she's still working on it, she will just be less involved in the post-production of season 2 when she takes over her new role as Consulting Producer.
They've got quite a bit of fans from the internet as well. They should know by now what they should do. I read somewhere that Derpy will be appearing more often in Season 2 as well. They listen and read on what we're (meaning the bronies of the internet) up to and want when it comes to pony stuff. Go us!
Hello everyp...body. It looks like I am way to late for the party...
I started to notice these series (avatars, pictures, fan art) popping all over the e-net a while ago. Then I decided to check what's the fuss is about. And ...I can't stop watching.
How can a show aimed at young children became so popular among people up to 25 Y.O.?
I personally liked the fluid animations, great voice acting, good songs, unpredictable twists (especially later in the show), character desighns are very good.
And this show gives so much positive energy! I mean... living, working under stress. Hearing and listening to horrific news... This show gives a chance to forget about all that stuff at least for a short while. Well, it seems I answered my question myself...
Yeah, but that's mostly scheduling and whip-cracking. All the creative aspects of the stories will still influenced by her. Plus the original animators and crew that worked on S1 during the whip-cracking part will still be there. So things will still be written just as good, things will still look just as good. The only difference is that someone else is piecing it together... which they do according to the script that was written with Faust.
It'll just be the same, not 20% cooler.
Okay, I'm not entirely sure yet, but I was on my deviantart account cycling through some art, and read a conversation about Lauren Faust.
Apparently the reason for her leaving is simply because she's having a baby. That's probably the reason for the 'scheduling conflicts' she mentioned. Good luck to her!
Anyway, it's not like she's leaving the show. And all of the animators, storyboard writers, and the directors are still there. Faust will still have some influence on the show. Who knows, maybe next season will be a darker kind of pony. Look at the last two episodes of season 1 (Party of One & The Best Night Ever). Insanity with ponies. Maybe this trend will continue onto next season? I'd personally like to see an episode with somepony (someone) actually dying.
I don't think that this will happen as the show is primarily for children.
Personally I want to see more of that darker humor that the last 2 episodes show. However I still think that the other episodes are needed to keep the show from becoming too dark.
She mentioned that she has other projects she's involved with. I didn't say that her pregnancy was the exact reason, just that it could be one.
Anyway, it's not like she's leaving the show. And all of the animators, storyboard writers, and the directors are still there. Faust will still have some influence on the show. Who knows, maybe next season will be a darker kind of pony. Look at the last two episodes of season 1 (Party of One & The Best Night Ever). Insanity with ponies. Maybe this trend will continue onto next season? I'd personally like to see an episode with somepony (someone) actually dying.