The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard



Scared pony .gifs for you photoshop pros out there!

Proof. Everypony does go insane at some point.


Is it me, or does everypony went crazy at some point during the series?
Twilight during the parasprite invasion.
Rainbow during the big performance.
Pinkie at her birthsday.
Flutter Shy at the gala.
Applejack during the apple collecting season.
Rarity and her dresses.

But Pinkie and Flutter Shy were 20% scarier, than the others combined.

Aha! I knew it!💡

Great AMV!
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Indeed. If you want to post GIFs, link to them instead.

Yep, while I'm all for a good pony .gif, Safari on my mac crashes with too many .gifs on one page.

And Nyan Pinkie Pie is hilarious :lol:


(Ponyville police siren?)
I dare you to watch the whole thing.

Done. What do I get?

EDIT: Just in case you don't believe me, I watched some of it yesterday and decided doing it on a single run was going to be the first thing I did upon arrival from school. Arrived at 1:26. Started watching 1:37. Watched whole thing and decided to see thread, noticed the post, answered.
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Pinkie myomyomyo... - Done... yesterday, now I hear weird sounds...
Pinkie Sphere - So awesome =(
Pinkie Whoo! - clone the browser tabs with this video - now you have every Ponyville police car after you.
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Done. What do I get?

EDIT: Just in case you don't believe me, I watched some of it yesterday and decided doing it on a single run was going to be the first thing I did upon arrival from school. Arrived at 1:26. Started watching 1:37. Watched whole thing and decided to see thread, noticed the post, answered.

I felt like my eyes wanted to escape the orbits after the 1st 10 seconds. You're mad :D

PS: I wonder if there's a rigntone called Pinkie the police siren :D
Read Cupcakes. Came close to vomiting. I'm going to go lie down now.

Good thing I had a version with a happy ending. But still, I do not want to read something similar in the near future ...

P.S. Love the Super Ponybeat remixes. My favorites are "Winter wrap up", "Cutie mark crusaders", "Giggle at the ghostie", "Evil enchantress", "Cupcakes"
Really? Did it end with RD being saved, or with the explanation that was it all a dream? Doesn't matter... I almost forgot of the trauma so far... :indiff:

T'was Pinkie's dream. Then I found a story about dash having nightmares depicted in "Cupcakes", the story ended not so well, but everybody were alive. Now I'm reading a story where all those dreams are mentioned. By far the best fan fic about FiM I ever saw.