The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Good morning.

@Jim, yes it is narrow... and we do move quick. :lol:
Wha...What happened to GTP? It's so...narrow!!!

I'm not too keen on the narrow layout really, which is why I changed it to "Wide" in my account settings.

Also, I didn't think I would be back this soon, so it looks like I will have time to read stuff tonight (Alicorn chapter 3, maybe something else if I have enough time).
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I'll read Part 2 of Alicorn in about an hour, but first I need to do some things.

And I'll give this layout a chance, but if a couple days isn't enough for me to start liking it I'll just change back to the wide version.

Anyway, remember our discussion a while ago about Bronies always having weapons?




I got this today:
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Alright, I'm not sure I'll have time to read the rest of Alicorn tonight, but I've got work early that day and nothing else to do afterward. I might just read it during the day if I get the time.

And yeah, the knife is almost entirely useless, it's only function is to look good, and it does a very good job of that.

Oh, and the blade on the top, it's actually 2 side by side. About 1-1/2" apart.

If you don't want to be really, really(really really) sad, don't watch this.

For seriously. If you don't want to ruin a good day, but still want to watch this, just bookmark it and watch it later. It's a follow up to Twilight's Lonely Day.

The whole video is sad but the picture at the end is beyond depressing. It gets me every time I see it.:(
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First Pears, Now Apples. My word, Doctor, you are getting picky...

And with that...


We must call it a night, Thank you everybody, Take care!

*top gear credits roll*
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God damn. Netflix breaks whatever browser I use it with almost every time I do. Maybe I'll start running it on IE. I know Microsoft products(Silverlight) tend to work better with other MS products(IE).

And if it breaks the browser I won't be bothered enough to restart the computer, because losing the ability to use IE isn't really something I can say bothers me.


Even though it's well done, the CMCs Cutie Marks are one of those things I will never like in the fanon. The only Cutie Marks I will ever accept are the canon ones.

It's just one of those things that stops me enjoying comics like that. Even if it's not the focus, I would've preferred her wearing saddle bags to block where her cutie mark should be.

Discord's gonna get it tonight?


Anyway, Alicorn chapter 3 was just as good as chapter 2 in my opinion. I wouldn't say it was, well, better than the previous part, but it's still great, plus this story appears to be heading towards something quite profound. Also, the whole Lord Brilliant incident was definitely one of the funniest things I've read in a while.

Even though it's well done, the CMCs Cutie Marks are one of those things I will never like in the fanon. The only Cutie Marks I will ever accept are the canon ones.

While that does bother me a little bit, I have to say that I'm not overly bothered about the CMCs hypothetical Cutie Marks being used in comics like the one you posted. It kind of makes me wonder more about what their canon CMs would actually be.

*guitar solo*

Er... Ponies. Yes. Ponies:


I got some stuff that I have to think about. Good night.
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Suddenly, crossovers. Crossovers everywhere.






Not sure how many of these are resposts, if not all of them, but I don't remember them so whatever.

And then there was d'awww.

EDIT: Not a crossover, or ponification of something, but it is a reference.

This page is :censored:ing enormous.:lol:

And no, I wasn't posting all of those just to make the page bigger, I really did just find them.

EDIT: I just found something that removes DRM from certain iTunes files, so I'm going to let that sit here with all of my Pink Floyd and Queen songs over night.


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Continuing with the crossovers:



Pinkie Pie always seems to get portrayed as Alex DeLarge. I wonder why?

Anyway, I think I should call it a night:

No, I'm not going to stay up and watch the Japanese GP. I'm just far too tired right now, plus I would probably end up falling asleep halfway through it anyway. I'll watch the afternoon repeat instead.
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Le spokesperson has returned yet again, and I find myself having to ask when S2 starts.

I heard something about it in August I believe with it beginning next year, but I don't know whether or not it's true.
Le spokesperson has returned yet again, and I find myself having to ask when S2 starts.

I heard something about it in August I believe with it beginning next year, but I don't know whether or not it's true.

You are late, like 1 month late.

Check the OP, the episode is there, and did you ran out of Gundam?
So I am, yay!

And, no, there's nothing to run out of.

I remember that Gundam Age is near, starts tomorrow if I'm not mistaken.

Remember that the first two episodes of MLP:FiM S2 are a single episode split in two parts, and that's about it, there should be at least other two but scheduling on the HUB isn't on the brony side.
Great episode. Setting the same tone that started off S1. I wonder if that's to become a series staple?
Button wins the JP GP:

Vettel wins the WDC:

Maybe the next year it will be Button's year.

Apart from that, there is a difference between stupidity and idioticy, one can be acknowledged while the other one can demonstrated, but neither can be fought because it causes in itself more stupidity, regardless of its approach, the results will always be the same.

With that, which is kind of a half-drunk post I say...

Goodnight everyone.
Unit...that pic is actually lagging my Crysis-capable PC here. XD


Also a new Logo for my Tuners! There's MLP:FiM references galore! (well 2 but you know)

Can't see MLP:FiM references galore, but I like the car =)

Anyway, remember our discussion a while ago about Bronies always having weapons?




I got this today:
IMG_20111008_192353.jpg How it's called? Dragon blade?

I am dying of manfluenza, and as a result, must bid you all goodnight.

Much needed lay in shall be had tomorrow. God bless Sundays...

Get well soon.

Vettel wins!

Woo! Free hyper cars to everyone! (I already have three, but one of them is really old... )


Challenge accepted.

Halloween costume!