The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I just realized something as I finished up To Fix You (which I am cautiously optimistic about): Is it just me, or have there have been an awful lot of Dashpression stories of late? Specifically of the "Dash fails Wonderbolts tryouts and tries to be An Hero" variety, but even ignoring that there seems to have been an upturn in them.
I just realized something as I finished up To Fix You (which I am cautiously optimistic about): Is it just me, or have there have been an awful lot of Dashpression stories of late? Specifically of the "Dash fails Wonderbolts tryouts and tries to be An Hero" variety, but even ignoring that there seems to have been an upturn in them.

I saw a similar comment on another fic, that Dashpression stories are on the up. Probably because you can try and make it dramatic and stuff, then ultimately fail.

Speaking of failed intentions, Allegrezza'll updating soon. It was a fun one, because the Doc I have written for planning, and the story itself, look nothing like each other.
I just realized something as I finished up To Fix You (which I am cautiously optimistic about): Is it just me, or have there have been an awful lot of Dashpression stories of late? Specifically of the "Dash fails Wonderbolts tryouts and tries to be An Hero" variety, but even ignoring that there seems to have been an upturn in them.

Most of the stories that have "sad" tags and involve RD are basically depression in a nutshell, mostly involving the wonderbolts. But there is the DashFire alternatives and the proliferation Dash Pie stories(I have seen them but I haven't read any of them).

Also pics.

A children's game:

I found this kind of cute:

And I found that long set of tumblr images on ponibooru quite disturbing.

(*Miscalculates, goes back to Russian Studies, Тактика и стратегия в равной степени важны*)
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Post the guitar here. For the lulz. :D

Do it, Rykon.

You must. For the Bronies, for Equestria.

For teh lulz!

Just kidding, it's not that big a deal, but it would be hilarious to see the reaction.

Also, someone just beat my Rivals time in the FM4 demo, so I'm going to go try and beat that and I'll read the rest of Alicorn when I've either beat him, or decided to give up.
I might have to give that a look if I have time tomorrow and I'm all done with Alicorn.
Having to use the Vettel X2010 in the latest seasonal event reminded me how much I dislike driving that thing, but hey, at least you receive a monumental amount of cash for getting gold in that event.

Anyway, miniature equines:



Guess I should go and read Variables now, plus Seth still hasn't done anything about the page break..., wait, now it's been fixed.
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I have never seen so much effort put into something so :censored:ing random.

And I love it.

Anyway, I'm gonna read Alicorn in a few minutes.

Wooden Alicorn, white paint, pastel paint tones, glitter...

You know what this means, right?

It means Celestia, looking forward to it.

Reminds me of Dragon Ball, AppleJack colour scheme works best(and there is potential for a crossover story too).


I have never seen so much effort put into something so :censored:ing random.

Indeed, and I like that they guy did for Gummy, the parasprites and the thing with Philomena infuriates me a little bit.

Also, Seth is quite predictable, and there is nothing sexual about #18, nothing.

(*Realizes that it was a timing issue, rather than a calculation issue, Вы должны ударить когда момент это право*)
Variables wasn't bad really. I mean, there were some very deep moments surrounding Spike's ideas about Discord's past, and what Discord could possibly do in the future. Overall, it was a very interesting Spike/Discord fic.


Awesome. Just awesome.

That story was amazing in so many ways I'm not sure where to start. So I won't start until after I read the next part tomorrow.

Yeah, this story is in my top 3, that's for sure, and if the last chapter really is better, then I think it'll break into 2nd place.
It's flirting with my Top 5 at the moment. No joke. Absolutely lovingly crafted, especially considering what it is, and I particularly like how the "sillier" aspects of the original story are worked into the narrative without retconning them out.

Edit: Forgot that I wanted to comment on this:

I saw a similar comment on another fic, that Dashpression stories are on the up. Probably because you can try and make it dramatic and stuff, then ultimately fail.
I dunno. I think To Fix You can pull it off. The author has put the proper pieces in place to do it well enough, and so long as he doesn't lean on the "one member of the Mane Six fixes everything with a speech about friendship" resolution like what happens so frequently in these sorts of stories, I think it could come out well. At the very least, the setup is much better than most of the ones that are similar, where Dash messes up and immediately decides "Oops. Well, I best be off to kill myself now. Time's a wastin'."

How much of that is objective and how much of that is swooning because the author also wrote, liek, OMG the best AppleDash story ever (or that this story is technically AppleDash as well)? I'm not sure. But I'd like to think that he knows what he is doing based on his response to criticism; mine included.
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Top ranking story doesn't sound bad, I might give it a go later on.

In the interest of time...


(*Drops vendetta plans, goes back to Russian studies, Симметрии имеет важное значение*)
I do love the way the jokes are worked in. It manages to keep them out of the serious moments for the most part. But when it does have a joke in a situation that's supposed to be taken seriously, it's not something that takes you out of the moment.

It's crazy uplifting, mixed with funny and sad in a way that reminds me of Macintosh. It doesn't make me feel any of those things with the same intensity I did with Macintosh, but it does make me feel them.

And speaking of Macintosh, even in this, a story that doesn't focus on him, he's the badass that saved the day. Big Macintosh is just that damn good, and I'm considering replacing my Tom avatar with something involving him. Or maybe it'll involve both of them.
I mean, Tom and Big Mac are the Jack Bauer and Chuck Norris of Equestria. Maybe I'll have them walking away from an explosion. But I need to get some sleep, so I don't want to get into something that could potentially take hours depending on how anal I get about it.

Well, Alicorn is currently on the periphery of my top 5 fanfics list. 5th spot was occupied by a certain GrimDark story that hasn't updated in a while (no, it's not TNTNE), but right now I think Alicorn deserves a spot on my list because I'm loving it so far, so right now I've placed it in 5th. If the next chapter is as good or better than the previous parts, then it might climb further up my list.

They could fight crime!

Possible fanfic?


It's the :censored:ing SMS, Who Derps Wins! Octavia and Lyra just look so badass in that pic as well.

Anyway, I've got to be up fairly early tomorrow, so g'night:
I decided to make a PMV with a different song... Actually the song is the one that I was going to make my 1st PMV with until you guys said that I shouldn't due to the length of the song! Can you remember the song? I'll give you a hint, It was in DiRT3!
Can you remember the song? I'll give you a hint, It was in DiRT3!

Manchester Orchestra - I've Got Friends

It still seems a bit long for a PMV, but I don't see why you shouldn't give it a go. Maybe it'll turn out quite well (I hope it will anyway).

I uh... I mean...

Manchester Orchestra - I've Got Friends

It still seems a bit long for a PMV, but I don't see why you shouldn't give it a go. Maybe it'll turn out quite well (I hope it will anyway).

I'm planning on it too be my best that i've done so far and its not much longer than anything that I did before (only 20 seconds longer than any of my other PMV's)