If you don't want to be really, really(really really) sad, don't watch this.
For seriously. If you don't want to ruin a good day, but still want to watch this, just bookmark it and watch it later. It's a follow up to Twilight's Lonely Day.
The whole video is sad but the picture at the end is beyond depressing. It gets me every time I see it.![]()
You know, some of the people on Ponibooru are weird. I know, breaking news, but still. And I say that as someone who gave myself a horrific knife wound hanging an AppleDash picture above my television.
And what's grinding my gears right now -- and has been for weeks -- is friendship loss..
He's a pretty scary dude.
It's called the Draconic Rex.
(*Goes back to Russian language studies, из-за современных война вещи*)
(*Miscalculates, goes back to Russian Studies, Тактика и стратегия в равной степени важны*)
Also, someone just beat my Rivals time in the FM4 demo, so I'm going to go try and beat that and I'll read the rest of Alicorn when I've either beat him, or decided to give up.
(*Realizes that it was a timing issue, rather than a calculation issue, Вы должны ударить когда момент это право*)
(*Drops vendetta plans, goes back to Russian studies, Симметрии имеет важное значение*)
Pretty big task ahead, in fact pretty massive.
(*Стратег это тот кто останетесь*)
Pulled this from the "What grinds your gears?" Thread:
What do you say?![]()
Amarna lost her wing in an attack and Clockwork built her a prosthetic wing. Amarna believed she would never fly again and gets emotional while taking her first flight since the attack with Clockwork happily supervising behind her. To the extreme delight of both, the first flight was an astounding success.
I must admit, this drawing shows the true meaning of friendship- always being there for your friend and helping them out when they need it. This was, without question, one of the best submissions.
So, this is my ponysona Skyfyre, and my best friend - my cat Tom. He's almost 17 years old, just a few years younger than myself. We've had him almost his whole life and I've long considered him my best friend, having never had any dependable human friends (and none at all for the past 8 or 9 years), he makes my life a little less lonely.
I attempted to portray the nice warm comfortable moments I have with him when nothing else in the world matters, it's just me and Tommy <3
He's just the sweetest, funniest, lovable, affectionate creature I've ever known.
I never take my time with him for granted, I make the most of it <3
It's his birthday on October 15th, that's when he'll turn 17 ^^
Tom was also a rescue kitten, he was born and adopted by us in 1994, when I was 2 years old. My little bro ^^
The drawing not only shows the friendship between two beings, it also displays an amazing display of affection for pets.
Dear Valter,
I am sorry to inform you that your model failed during post-production. The tail of your model broke off as you can see in the photo. This has probably to do with the fact that it was packed a little to tight, we already informed our supplier that they should improve the way they pack the models, and they will. I am sorry that your model was packed the old way and thus its tail broke. We are happy to reprint this model for you, but I know that these kinds of things are easily gluable. So could you let me know what you prefer us to do, ship or reprint? If you decide that you want us to ship it, we can ship it for you today, if we need to reprint this it will take a while longer unfortunately.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience that may have been caused by this.
Best regards,
Will you remake your pony cars in Forza4?
Extreme Language
That's nice Mint! I wonder how will they look with the new lighting and all. Will you make videos of the cars in action?
One year of Friendship is Magic, best year ever.
'Dat kinky Princess Molestia.
Comment number 4
I'd say she's more in a "run, before I lose it!" state of mind at the moment.