The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Overwhelming positive response for Allegrezza, I focus on the three negative reviews I've heard so far...

What can I say? I like nit-picking!
I am considering it for one of my 360 controllers. I'm just not sure I'd do it with my Razer, because it's my good one, and if I did it with a normal one I'd be stuck using a normal controller.

But I really wouldn't do the thing with the Porsche wheel until I had the extra money to replace it if I :censored:ed up. And I'd have to get some stuff to dye the leather on the rim purple, then I'd need to stitch it back on.

I'm not serious about doing it yet, but I'm just running it through my head how I would do it if I ever decide to try.

Anyway, I'm going to read the last part of Alicorn as soon as I get cleaned up. Spent most of the day shoveling dirt.

EDIT: Reading the comments on Cheezburger makes me sad. Half the people are so far beyond stupid I can feel my own brain slipping as I read. And the images are picked seemingly at random. Most of them are garbage, and most of the garbage is "Shipping/fan-fics/all forms of fan work are trash" images. It legitimately irritates me and I have no idea why I keep going back there.

That and most pictures involving anything even remotely hinting at anything even kind of inappropriate are filled with "burn in hell fur:censored:" type comments.

Alright, just put the site on my block list. The good images I see once a week are usually reposts, so it's not worth the stress.
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Hear that? That's the sound of 🤬 being written.
1st Year is with the maker (Samsung) and the 2nd and 3rd years are with the store I bought it off (Harvey Noman)!

Wow, Harvey Norman are over there. That's crazy. We have that store here and the owner is always on TV about how we should keep the money in Australia and not buy from overseas or online. (Or it could be a completely different Harvey Norman. :sly:)

Oh and good morning.

Wow, Harvey Norman are over there. That's crazy. We have that store here and the owner is always on TV about how we should keep the money in Australia and not buy from overseas or online. (Or it could be a completely different Harvey Norman. :sly:)

*Googles Harvey Norman Australia*

Yup that's the same Harvey Norman Furniture and Electrical even the site design is similar!
Yeah, Harvey Norman are based in Australia, but they have stores in New Zealand, Slovenia, Republic of Ireland, Malaysia and Singapore. HN are in the UK as well, albeit in Northern Ireland.

Hear that? That's the sound of 🤬 being written.

I would definitely read the resulting story just for a laugh, we really do need some MapleDash shipping.


Don't make me turn this car around!
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Right. Doing stuff, but I will read Alicorn by the end of the night. Even though I want to get up kind of early to finish my daily stuff before going to get Forza at 10, I will still read that story, even if it takes me all night.
Odd thought I had at work today:

Take the typical Homestar Runner Halloween Cartoon. Do with Ponies.

That sounded SO much better in my head.

EDIT: Meh, goin' sleep.

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This video is lacking something... I can't imagine what it could be though:

Is there a minigame where we can flood Sethisto's inbox with updates?

Oh, and I would actually go out and buy this game if it were real. What could be more fun than shooting emails?
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Only 1/4 way through.

And then I looked at the scroll bar thinking I was probably half way done.

My god this chapter is massive.

I'm going to take a few minute break just to get myself a little more comfortable for the rest of this.

Just reached the part with the Daisy Burger. ALL OF RAINBOW'S RAGE in 3....2.....
EDIT: Rainbow Dash is 3rd best pony.

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EDIT: Rainbow Dash is best pony.

Sorry, I just had to fix that :sly:

I actually found myself taking a short break every 15 minutes or so when reading parts 2 and 3, so in the end it took me roughly 3 hours to read each of them. Both chapters may be pretty big, but I don't think they're as massive as Macintosh part 16 (which was probably the largest fanfic chapter I've read to date).

Also, one of the comments for that Equestria Game video mentioned a so called "super weapon" called the "M.O.A.R" (Mother Of All Rainbooms). I must implement that weapon name into my profile somehow.
"He was about 20% fatter than the fattest pony Rainbow Dash had ever seen. He was so fat, she could count the fat rolls rippling down his body, even from way in the back! A fat unicorn with about seven dozen chins and a gold coat which bulged under the effort of containing the sheer fat-fat-fattiness that was Lord Brilliant. Also, he was fat."

I remember someone posting this. I don't remember who, or how long ago, but I know I've read this here, and I laughed so much harder at it in context.


And Rainbow Dash would be the best to me, but I can't replace Twilight, and it would take a 🤬 ton of Rainbow-fic of this quality, or something truly special in-canon for me to consider placing her above Big Mac.

EDIT: Relevant:


EDIT2: Actually, for some reason I can't stop reading his lines in Rafiki's voice.
He just seems to have that personality.
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You know what? When he said he was more of a caretaker than a gardener, the first thing I thought of was the Janitor from Scrubs. I was reading the caretaker's lines in a Scottish accent after he said "lass" though.

That's what I did too. But I was already reading it in Rafiki's voice before that part, and once I read a characters line in someone's voice almost nothing can make me read it differently. Hell, I read all of Domo's lines in Zazu's voice, and Domo is a mare. I also read Sage's lines in Obi Wan Kenobi's voice, and I couldn't help but think of HotW Caesar(Language. Oh, the hilarious language:lol:) when reading Lord Fatass's lines.

Also, even among the rest of this fantastic writing, that nightmare scene just stuck out as something special.
I have no idea why, but I read all of Domo's lines in the voice of Tinny Tim from Futurama (can I just say that Domo persistently trying to help RD was pretty annoying... no, very annoying in fact). Anyway, I happened to read Sage's lines in the voice of the late Richard Harris, but I didn't read Lord Brilliant's lines in the voice of anyone I know of, although it wasn't too dissimilar from HotW Caesar (but with more of a British accent).

Also, that Allegrezza fan music video seems to be getting quite a few positive comments on EqD.

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I have no idea why, but I read all of Domo's lines in the voice of Tinny Tim from Futurama (can I just say that Domo persistently trying to help RD was pretty annoying... no, very annoying in fact). Anyway, I happened to read Sage's lines in the voice of the late Richard Harris, but I didn't read Lord Brilliant's lines in the voice of anyone I know of, although it wasn't too dissimilar from HotW Caesar (but with more of a British accent).

I was actually sharing all of RD's emotions during the whole thing really.

All of that high-class stuffiness and trashing on the lower class stuff really pisses me off. So much so itI kind put me in the mood for a rant, but I haven't got time for that because I need to sleep, and I want to watch the latest Top Gear(Something about a Challenger, and I have to see it. EDIT: For some reason Verizon is telling me the older episodes are new. I guess it's just the first time they've been on BBC:A?) before I do, and I need to get up to get Forza at 9 tomorrow.

And that 1 year Anniversary video was awesome. This fandom has come a long way.
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♪ So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much mare from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters.


*"Sexily" is not technically a word.*

*I don't technically care.*

I love these things. From the same guy who did "Horns are touching." They seem like Ballad sidestories or something.
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They seem like Ballad sidestories or something.

Hmm, I vaguely recall reading a fanfic called The Ballad of Twilight Sparkle many, many weeks ago. I wonder if that story will be updated soon.

Anyway, I'll probably download GT5 Spec 2.0 tomorrow (some of the unannounced features seem pretty good). The new Course Pack includes Spa which is great, but none of the classic GT tracks will be added which is slightly disappointing. Also, I won't buy Forza 4 for a week or 2 yet because I need to get a new TV for my room first.

Gotta sleep, so g'night:

Wait, I've now made 1000 posts in this thread? Whoa.
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I do feel sorry for him, because I agree with everything he said.

This is what PD put forward in response to Forza 4? This is their huge ace in the hole in to fix fan criticism? A bunch of stuff that the game never should have shipped without in the first place, a bunch of bait-and-switch features (G27 support still isn't near right, Rewind/Fast Forward isn't actually Rewind/Fast Forward, and the Standard interiors are for the most part borderline unusable compared to the ones in GTPSP), a bunch of idiotic credit system reversions and a crappy DLC list (one of which being PD having the balls to charge people for paint chips)?

Oh, and a new intro movie. Which, as far as I can tell, you still can't disable to speed up load times.



Good night.
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Almost had a d'awww attack. I need to remember not to mix high levels of excitement with incredibly adorable things. It's hard enough remaining sane with all of the d'awww in this thread.
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Simple, yet awesome.

Johnjoseco is awesome too.

...GT5 update! many disappointed people. Well...I can't buy anything from UK store anyways. =( That Spa track looks awesome though.

Went on pony hunt today again. My collection is almost completed. Fluttershy, where are you?

And yesterday I received an e-mail from Shapeways asking if they should ship or reprint that Dash model I ordered. I told them to ship it. And the package arrived today. Yes, the tail was broken off, but a drop of Loctite made it good as new.

Oh dear lawd! I knew you guys had a thread about this stuff, and I kinda knew what it was about, but jeez, the Halo figures on my desktop all commited a ritual suicide by page three. It was awful. Grunts pleading me to stop torturing them, spartans begging me to face them the other way, one elite even puked before he slit his own throat with an energy sword. I hope you all can live with the guilt.... :P :lol:
Oh dear lawd! I knew you guys had a thread about this stuff, and I kinda knew what it was about, but jeez, the Halo figures on my desktop all commited a ritual suicide by page three. It was awful. Grunts pleading me to stop torturing them, spartans begging me to face them the other way, one elite even puked before he slit his own throat with an energy sword. I hope you all can live with the guilt.... :P :lol:

They're in Spartan and Elite heaven now........


Anyway, that clear Rainbow Dash is awesome:tup:
Nice collection.
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We sure can NA. :lol:

I'm going to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow I'll catch up to the rest of you with Allegrezza. I'll just have to pull myself away from GT5. And I can't see that happening easily. :scared:
Actually I'm really far behind with my reading, I don't know if I'll be able to catch up. :guilty:

I'll worry about it tomorrow, well night y'all.

Edit: unit-one cool figurine. What's it made of? It looks like glass.
Oh dear lawd! I knew you guys had a thread about this stuff, and I kinda knew what it was about, but jeez, the Halo figures on my desktop all commited a ritual suicide by page three. It was awful. Grunts pleading me to stop torturing them, spartans begging me to face them the other way, one elite even puked before he slit his own throat with an energy sword. I hope you all can live with the guilt.... :P :lol:

Poor guys.
Lol. Just finnaly got curious enough today that I had to see what it was all about. This stuff is hillarious, but way toooooo much cute for my taste. I'm outa here.
NA, did your visit happen to be caused by a certain post of mine in the FM4 - General Discussion thread? I ask because that post was only 3 minutes after mine



Nah, just kidding, as long as you're not hanging around hating on it it's all good:tup: