The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
not to mention all the shipping that's probably gonna be going on between dash and AJ 'cause of this one. I gotta catch a stream tonight to see this one in full color. every time I turn on my dish, my TV crashes to just the Blue electron gun.

coffeegrunt: get used to that if you watch American streams. adverts pay for bloody everything over here. I think that's why spam was invented. the only channel we pay a "privilege to watch TV" fee for is PBS...3 TIMES
coffeegrunt: get used to that if you watch American streams. adverts pay for bloody everything over here. I think that's why spam was invented. the only channel we pay a "privilege to watch TV" fee for is PBS...3 TIMES

American sucks. We have a law limiting adverts to seven minutes out of half an hour. Twelve for an hour.

Also, cracked Twilight is gunna spawn a Cupcakes spin-off...I can feel it being written.
Damn work. I want ponies. I refuse to read any of this thread until I see the episode.

also, page number on my phone is 1337.

As much as I despise it when that gets thrown around, it needed to be said.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one to catch that. The sheer amount of fanon that is going to portray her as a full-on rapist in the following weeks is going to be entertaining as hell.

Twilight and Macintosh, I have accounted at least 15 screenshoots for "MacinRape".

I'm also glad that I wasn't the only one:
This is something that I want as profile pic but I think I saw something better, I'm pretty sure Wiegert might take it:


mayor derp:

And someone beat me to it:
Which means, now more than ever, we need an "Applejack Can Do Awesome Things Too" episode.

She's never had one... :(

Also, Allegrezza got denied by a group on DA. I could take that if it were a qualm with the quality, but it's not. It's an issue with the fact it's non-hetero shipping. I could also take that if the group I was submitting it to wasn't called "E-Qual-Estria," and prided itself on fairness and equality for all brony works.

I.e., hypocrits.
The second I saw that I knew that was going to be made, and I also knew that there was no way they didn't do that on purpose.

Its pretty obvious that they made that on purpose, and now that I have seen plenty of screencaps I believe that most of that stuff was meant to the internet fandoom(the whole MaciRape business seems to be accidental, but love spell thing cant be a coincidence).

And not shipping stuff:

I almost died from dawwwwwwness.