The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I finally got into a chatroom with the people who've been distracting Gravekeeper from writing the Ballad.

I don't blame him for co-operating with them, they scare the crap outta me.
That is from a fanfic, cant remember exactly which one but is certainly from a fanfic. And I saw something worst today in one of my ponychan's drop bys, it involved Twimad in a very creepy way.

I wish to find the guy who re-organized the ED story archive and give him +1 internetz, I havent found the story yet, but ended up reading On Feather Wings which turn out to be quite entertaining.

And then I found it, is To Fix You, didn't saw it due to my incompetence, ended up finding it in the story archive, its an update but now I have the sudden need of reading Pinkie Dash fics, since I have the archive open and everything.
Er, well, I could have told you that and saved you some time, because I'm actually reading it (well, not now. Bills are laying the smackdown on the Giants) mostly because of the horrific game of author association forced me to. I just wasn't expecting anything like that to happen in it (though perhaps I should have?), as I've only gotten one chapter done.

On Feathered Wings is also wonderful. Been a long time since it updated, though.
*smirk* I'VE got Pinkie pie for a 3 year old NEICE right now. and guess what here birthday theme, is?
+1 Internet to whoever guess what story I'm currently 75% through the first part of.

I was just sitting here, got bored, thought about that and decided to open up a tab,sit back and start reading it.

Hint: Here's a quote: "....her trademark poise and precision...."
I feel like I already know who's getting that internet.

EDIT: Alright, I finished the first part, but I won't say anything else until someone at least guesses.
On Feathered Wings is also wonderful. Been a long time since it updated, though.

Its amazing, way better than To Fix You, it stood on cliffhanger but it was a nice read.

I wonder if the author will finally update it.

Apart from that:

*Checks Image sites*

Is useless, Crazylight sparkle everywhere.

Maybe I should post a very dull(but I laugh a lot) joke that probably everyone already saw on ponibooru:

And Pinkie of course:

(*Goes back to mind dispersion mode*)
^Not anymore......

And so far this is the only Twilight-Crazyface image that actually made me laugh.

Also, this is now a Vector:
Its amazing, way better than To Fix You
Eh, I wouldn't be surprised. Still haven't gotten past the first chapter of To Fix You, but based on how Confessions and Considerations went I'd say BronyNuemo's writing style is rather flawed but enjoyable. Actually reminds me of how EsperDerek wrote Out in the Cold before he improved with the sequel stories (which is fitting, I suppose).

But Feathered Wings is... It's really powerfully written. And it's also probably the only "Dash gets hurt really badly" story that remains plausible post-S2E3, Rainbooms and all.
I've seen much worse that was drawn to a much higher quality.

It was a lot like that, only it also involved crazy Twilight:scared:
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Both are kinda NSFW. It's a low volume watcher. ;)

More removed than you can possibly imagine
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Dude, you really need to cut this crap out. If it isn't SFW, it isn't AUP friendly and shouldn't be posted in this thread. The first one isn't even a "kinda" either, because I've seen that comic before and I know that it is way past the AUP.

Also, 72383.

So that's Twilight's punishment? Oh... my.
Animated and everything? Oh JJ, you so crazy.
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I'm only a few hours late and since no-one has guessed about what Mint was reading I'll give it a go. Was it Allegrezza?

And Good morning.

Here's a drawing I found. I think it looks cool.
*patiently stares at active view list*

I'm only a few hours late and since no-one has guessed about what Mint was reading I'll give it a go. Was it Allegrezza?

Yeh, I'm probably a bit too inattentive. Shoulda noticed that quote.
That it was.

I'll give you your Internet when I get on my computer, Brando.

I'll also say some stuff about the story so far.
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An there goes my other possible avatar, sadly Markov doesn't have an awesome emblem like previous aces, I know I should design one but not now.

Here's a drawing I found. I think it looks cool.
Really cool actually, reminds me of the 70's.

Also, 72383.

So that's Twilight's punishment? Oh... my.

I wanted to see Molestia with some Police sunglasses, to complement the style and everything.[/weird_fetish]

And after seeing this:

I cleverly deduced what everybrony thinks, and sickens me a little bit.

(*Goes back to AI testing*)
Here's a drawing I found. I think it looks cool.
Andy Warhol presents: Ponies.

I wanted to see Molestia with some Policesunglasses, to complement the style and everything.[/weird_fetish]

And after seeing this:

I cleverly deduced what everybrony thinks, and sickens me a little bit.


Well, now that the IRL race has finished (quite a shame what happened), I can go on to read stories. Or do my Business Mathematics homework. Not sure yet.