The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
If she got away herself, and she isn't imprisoned somewhere by NMM, I can think of one option that makes perfect sense in regards to explaining why NMM hasn't bothered with her and why Alternate Twilight hasn't sought out the remaining Elements to try again: Alternate Twilight has completely snapped, and has spent the entirety of the time since the Elements failed trying to find and free Celestia by herself.

Because, honestly, based not only on Twilight as she was in S1E1 an S1E2, before she mellowed out by making friends; but a Twilight who attempted to mellow out and it blew up in her face? I can absolutely see her blocking everything else out in an attempt to find her teacher, to the extent that it completely overrules all other concerns. Remember that Captain Dash thought Spitfire to be a far closer friend than any of the Mane Six with the possible exception of Fluttershy (as in this story none of them were close before the timeline split off), so I don't see why the same reasoning couldn't apply to Twilight.
I'm not sure about her just ignoring her friends and going straight for Celestia. Maybe she knows about Rainbow Dash, and she knows Celestia is their only hope without all of the elements, so there is a chance she's still completely sane and just trying to get her back because that's the only option aside from giving up or fighting NMM herself. I think there's also a small chance Twilight's a spy in NMM's army, actually. If Trixie was able to get away with all that she was, I don't see it as too ridiculous to think Twilight could infiltrate her army.

Also, my next post will be my last for tonight.
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Damn, I was hoping that when Toro altered the thread title and the OP again, it would include something Father Ted related, but I'm okay with the whole "Diminutive Equines" thing.

That would require hetero or the use of magic. One of which is forbidden here, and the other of which is very rare.

And I meant my next post about TNTNE will be my last for the night.....if I have something to reply to in the next 10 minutes.
I literally have no idea who Father Ted is.

"The thread in which we discuss how new fillies are made."

True story.

You are about two thread title changes ahead.

If Trixie was able to get away with all that she was, I don't see it as too ridiculous to think Twilight could infiltrate her army.


Alright. I'll say it, since this is fairly similar to the idea that has been bothering me so much again since I finished the chapter this morning.

In response to this:

There's also something else that I'm curious about that was bothering me many chapters ago and this chapter has made it resurface, but I feel I should hold my cards close to my chest regarding it until I can think it through.
Who did Super Bitch supposedly get killed in her power play during the opening flashback for Chapter 6?

I know I asked this exact thing many, many chapters ago. Some of you may even remember what I theorized back then. But, damn it, not knowing the answer to that question never stopped bothering me, and the potential revelation dragged it kicking and screaming right back to the front of my mind.
Who did Super Bitch supposedly get killed in her power play during the opening flashback for Chapter 6?
I'm....I don't even....well, now that question will be in my head for a while. Which is actually a good thing, because it gives me something to sleep on. Although from what I can recall, there's not really anything to suggest that it was even anyone important. I mean, there's nothing to suggest it wasn't, but that's not saying much. So it's one of those questions that will bother me until it's either outright answered, or the story ends. Because it's either very important and will be answered, or it is extremely insignificant and will never even be addressed again. And there is absolutely no way of knowing. This is going to bother me.

EDIT: Not sure they're necessary, but I'll be on the safe side and add spoiler tags.

Anyway, you all ready for your nightly heart attack?



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I literally have no idea who Father Ted is.


I think Coffee will have a few things to say about this later.

Who did Super Bitch supposedly get killed in her power play during the opening flashback for Chapter 6?

I know I asked this exact thing many, many chapters ago. Some of you may even remember what I theorized back then. But, damn it, not knowing the answer to that question never stopped bothering me, and the potential revelation dragged it kicking and screaming right back to the front of my mind.

*looks back at the beginning of chapter 6*

You know, I reckon that you're on to something there:

I almost completely forgot about that flashback. Could that casualty be Twilight? Could it be that Trixie killed her rather than an "opportunistic citizen"? Or maybe Trixie lied to NMM about that Unicorn's death (if the Unicorn was indeed Twilight), and that she is actually still alive, I dunno.
I'm going to need to think about that tomorrow.



EDIT: Quit trying to kill me with d'awwwww just as I'm going to bed.
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I had to go back and have a second heart attack look, they're so adawwwable.

Looking at the last page and the start of this one I only see grey boxes. :lol:
*doot doot doo, setting up my stuff to print out my poster at Wal-Mart tomorrow*


Did you know you can get clothing prints at Wal-Mart?! Holy crap.
For some reason, I learned something from Molestia's tumblr, so one could argue that ponies are actually educational (I still wonder when I will use that knowledge). Apart from that, the Pinkamina tumblr is now over, which is a shame but that format was indeed pretty limited, I guess that I'll be looking forward to whatever that guy wants to pull off.

^ Did you decided on an image?
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For some reason, I learned something from Molestia's tumblr, so one could argue that ponies are actually educational (I still wonder when I will use that knowledge).
What? Which one?


Apart from that, the Pinkamina tumblr is now over, which is a shame but that format was indeed pretty limited, I guess that I'll be looking forward to whatever that guy wants to pull off.
I don't want to sound like that guy, but I'm not really surprised about that after the last few ones. A shame, as I loved his art for it and it tended to be really funny; but he implies that he is going to come back with something similar but better after a sabbatical, so I'm okay with it I suppose.

^ Did you decided on an image?
Yes. I need to check a couple of things first, but I'm pretty sure I know which one I'm going to use.

Before I go to sleep, this is for CoffeeGrunt. A picture in which Vinyl Scratch stole humanized (and presumably female, but these days who can tell? That may even be anthro rather than humanized, so who knows?) Octavia's pants:


Good night.
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I was about to post that Octavia. And I guess that they guy seemed like he got it back together after those gifs, maybe it wasn't the case but I don't expect more tumblrs from him.

So DJPON-3 would be female, or...nervemind, I'm a bit too tired to think about that stuff.

Goodnight everyone.
*sees a heated discussion about the latest TNTNE chapter*

Well... I don't see what I can add to it... You bretty much covered every episode there. Great job!


Here, let me break up the rampant spoilers with some very hastily done art, er, I mean, I totally knew it was unit-one's birthday, it's not like I rushed home from work and sketched this out with a marker or anything and then slapped some Photoshops on it right this very instant...

Happy birthday, brony, keep on truckin' (and drawing!)


I love it!!!!!
Thank you Gravekeeper!👍

,,,it's a teeny bit too dark though ^^
And why isn't it in your DA gallery?


News from The BronyCray.

10/21/11: Right now, I haven't started writing chapter 17. Here's a breakdown of why.
20% - I'm still coming down from the caffeine high of finishing chapter 16
10% - There's probably something else I should be doing
70% - Because if I delve any deeper into Luna's character and the next episode destroys it, I'm gonna have a hell of a time trying to unwrite what I will have created in my head.

When I started this story, I intended to have it finished before season 2 came out. That way, it would exist purely as an inbetween-seasons sort of thing, and if something didn't make sense in the new canon I could just point to the date. I haven't been 100% accurate so far anyway (For those of you who don't know, I actually misspelled Soaren's name for the entirety of his role in TNTNE), but I do try. I don't want to be playing catch-up for the rest of my work here, but if it means I get to be lazy for a couple extra days then I'm happy to take the excuse

Oh, I should probably add that another 20% of that breakdown is that I'm having too much fun reading people's theories about what's coming next. Seriously, that's probably my favorite part of writing these. I get to be the guy with all the answers and just smile and nod knowingly whenever someone launches a theory. Bwahahaah.
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Woke up to 35 Fahrenheit temperatures...possibly indoors....

The boiler should be on today when I get home.

Damn, I was hoping that when Toro altered the thread title and the OP again, it would include something Father Ted related, but I'm okay with the whole "Diminutive Equines" thing.

*Mr. O.M.A. comic*

HAH. I knew the guy who drew that. Did a webcomic called "The Rogues Gallery," don't know if that's still running or not.

'ees also made this:

Need a bit of advice on this picture I thought I finished.

My host bro says I need to add more guns and weaponry, and I said he doesn't need it because he's relatively good at that sort of thing via magic. Which way should I fall? Also comments.
Need a bit of advice on this picture I thought I finished.

My host bro says I need to add more guns and weaponry, and I said he doesn't need it because he's relatively good at that sort of thing via magic. Which way should I fall? Also comments.

Comments first:
The snout looks a little too large to me. If you look at the ponies in the show they have very short snouts. And the front legs appear to be too short. I think... I'm not sure but something looks a little off. It's good but not quite right.

Now about the weapons. Maybe the guns should be mounted a tad closer to his back and made a bit larger. I think that would improve the look. I don't think he needs more guns though.
I like his tail. :)

Now I'm off to sleep, working tomorrow and all.

I was gonna try to see if ED would take my story, even if it as to tell me it was utter crap. nope, self inserts get an automatic "sent to the Moon" (i have my OC in it). i'm assuming zero tolerance. makes me wonder how "through the eyes of another pony" got in at all (grandfathered?)

Rykon: too long in the back, too shallow in the chest if it's armor OR if it's a bot, they're right about the muzzle (it's muzzle, brando), but I think it's just a hair to long, straighten the back of the hooves (they taper IN. real life), increase the size of the ears a bit (they're RL horse size), and extend the tail a couple segments. if the character DOES have magic, increase the horn size somewhat.
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Comments first:
The snout looks a little too large to me. If you look at the ponies in the show they have very short snouts. And the front legs appear to be too short. I think... I'm not sure but something looks a little off. It's good but not quite right.

Now about the weapons. Maybe the guns should be mounted a tad closer to his back and made a bit larger. I think that would improve the look. I don't think he needs more guns though.
I like his tail. :)

The snout is large to incorporate the voice transcriber and various other technologies. The front legs are easily changed, and I'm completely certain I've flubbed the perspective, which I'm fairly certain I can also fix.

I think I shall do as you say, with the weapons. It's funny you say you like the tail, that was the part I was most worried about.
Good morning everypony!

Hey! Good news! I just got word that I will get to go to next years 24 Hours of Le Mans. Afterwards, I will get to have a go in the Signatech Oreca @ Paul Ricard HTTT.

I was gonna try to see if ED would take my story, even if it as to tell me it was utter crap. nope, self inserts get an automatic "sent to the Moon" (i have my OC in it). i'm assuming zero tolerance. makes me wonder how "through the eyes of another pony" got in at all (grandfathered?)

Well if Coffee can get away with it.......



Come to think of it, that's probably what the animator who made that scene was thinking shortly after the episode aired; because oh god the comments.
Need a bit of advice on this picture I thought I finished.

My host bro says I need to add more guns and weaponry, and I said he doesn't need it because he's relatively good at that sort of thing via magic. Which way should I fall? Also comments.

The body is very long and perhaps that's why the front legs look too short. Which they're not judging by the head.