The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

This is arguably the cutest pic of Fluttershy.

I think it's a good comparison!

Twilight and a PT Cruiser?
I loved that picture at first, but then I saw that.

Seriously, that is up there with my least favorite cars, if you like it fine, but I find it mind numbingly boring. Twilight is too powerful, reliable, and fun to be a PT Cruiser.

She would be, something that's powerful and fun, but not necessarily exciting.

Maybe the Audi R8, I remember Clarkson saying something about it being powerful and fun, but it was too refined and didn't feel very exciting, or dangerous. Coincidently his review of the ZR1 in the same episode made me think of Rainbow Dash, but the Mustang works just as well for her.

Other than that most of those are actually pretty much dead on to what I would have chosen.
Maybe Twilight should drive a Nissan Skyline GTR Midnight Purple special color? Hi-teck, powerful, good looking!

Rainbow Dash should drive a current gen pony car, like the new Mustang GT500.

Fluttershy - Toypta Prius? It's nature friendly, quiet.
Going back to the topic of what your favorite song of the season was... I'm surprised no one mentioned Art of the Dress:

It's third for me though. Second would be... Pinkie Pie's No Fear Song. 👍

I support the idea of Pinkie Pie's or Rainbow Dash's face in place of Jeremy Clarkson's while driving the Ariel Atom.

Hell, The Stig pony would be godly amounts of win.
I didn't get the whole pony thing at first. Thought it was pretty 🤬 dumb. Then I watch the first episode just for giggles. It's a pretty good show with a good message. Guess I might be a fan after all.
