The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Wow, is it dead here? It's late, so off I go. Night.

So a flying tree that can talk can see the future?

Twilight Sparkle is the only good Twilight.
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*comes in still sporting Scrooge's stovepipe topper*
least you HAD a christmas, guys. none of us got squat, I spent most of the weekend either cleaning, or involved with cooking, my CAR got the christmas present (blew the tensioner pully), and i couldn't even watch TV cause I was kept busy (at least it'll help lay off some of the spring cleaning). also went right back to work thismorning. surprised anyone's done any roadwork at all; everything's closed today.
I finally got my sound system wired up, used my Walkman as a testbed to get the soundstage and the treble/bass balance just right.

Rolled Skyrim out on my XBox, lost three hours to a handful of dungeons. This sound system is lethal.

Damn it, man, it's Christmas; and that post is going to probably take me at least an hour to write. Gimme a break!

It could have been my Christmas present, Toro!

Coffee, Y U NO ADD CLOP?

Because I am a righteous and clean author. Also I see clop as being much like gore, overuse and too much detail kill the fun dead.


Oh, more fan music. I thoroughly enjoy the idea I had to use two musical ponies, now. :3
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Morning, everybrony.

And I would have been online more, but one of my friends got Saints Row 3, the other got Dead Island, and I got both. And as soon as one friend got off line, the other got one, so I basically spent the whole day either killing zombies with random objects, or beating people with giant blue dildos.






This sound system is lethal.

Yah, I know how you feel xD

Because I am a righteous and clean author. Also I see clop as being much like gore, overuse and too much detail kill the fun dead.


Oh, more fan music. I thoroughly enjoy the idea I had to use two musical ponies, now. :3

You think that was inspired by your story?
Hay, it costs 1 dollar? That means, that you will be paid if someone will buy it?
And it sure sounds like a remix of this. Some parts sure sound familiar.

EDIT: Welp, I can't wait to hear this: The Brony Show.
It's a remix, by the same composer. He earns the money, I don't... :P

Wow! The episode's named after me and everything. This could give a boy a serious ego. xD
It's a remix, by the same composer. He earns the money, I don't... :P

Wow! The episode's named after me and everything. This could give a boy a serious ego. xD


Hey, so the episode is going to be aired next Monday? Because if I convert the time, I see that the episode has been ended a long time ago today. Or maybe I'm converting the time incorrectly.
Merry Christmas and good morning everyone, I've been quite busy during the last few days.
Isn't that what JJ already does with his actual Pony art, at least when he goes all out?

The only one I can think of who puts more detail into the art without fundamentally changing the designs is AphexAngel.

Actually that example doesn't apply as it doesn't illustrates what I'm talking about which is not detail but rather aesthetics. If you the countless Princess Molestia you will find several expressions and reactions do not correspond to any of the canon frames, but they keep a consistent style that belongs to ponies without braking some of the styling rules and proportions that composes the basic shapes and forms.

AphexAngel put plenty of effort in providing a better detailing on the draws he makes, however the style and proportions aren't as well applied as JJ does, that's what I'm saying that he could be a strong asset for the MLP storyboard artists group (for realz).
I hope the TGaP Trixie becomes generous this year.[/meta_ho_ho_ho]
And then I get Gears 3 for Christmas.....


Well is not that bad, at least there are two or tree new chest high walls to cover.

Twilight writing more AppleDash, yawn.[/overused_joke]

And regarding the story updates, I'm afraid I don't have time to read them, hell I haven't even finished with HoG and now BronyCray updates TNTNE, I guess that I will find some time to update but I don't that think that it includes this year.





And Best pony:


Pretty factual actually.

(*Goes back to headache*)
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My new avatar needs a little tinkering. It looked too blurry when I saw it on my friend's desktop.

It's tonight's episode, at 2AM GMT. D:

These episodes are recorded, right? Obviously I'm going to try and listen to it live, but if I miss it for whatever reason then I'm just hoping that I could watch it tomorrow instead.

And did they have any idea that naming the episode after you would most likely cause your ego to augment?
It's now official: ED comments truly are the new GTP.

It sure looks that way. Tell Seth that we're setting up the new GTP over there.

Also, inb4 featured on EqD:

I can't really fault these Rush PMVs. The editing is just so well done.
Oh God, the awkward moment when KKat says he loves my fic, and all I can think is "Fallout: Equestria author? Do I lie and return the gesture, or just tell him outright I can't stand more than a couple of chapters of it?" :S

I should probably ignore it, or let him down gently.
You should help me convert PST to EST so I can listen in if my headache stops raging so hard.

It sure looks that way. Tell Seth that we're setting up the new GTP over there.

GTP Bronies > SSMBronies. Statistical fact, even if everyone is just setting up a Blogger to screw with Coffee.
Oh God, the awkward moment when KKat says he loves my fic, and all I can think is "Fallout: Equestria author? Do I lie and return the gesture, or just tell him outright I can't stand more than a couple of chapters of it?" :S

I should probably ignore it, or let him down gently.


Lie. Lie your little, poor ass off.
I should probably ignore it, or let him down gently.

Just tell him that you simply haven't had enough time to start reading FO:E.

Either that, or just ignore it.

GTP Bronies > SSMBronies. Statistical fact, even if everyone is just setting up a Blogger to screw with Coffee.

I made my Blogger account last week, as a matter of fact. Using it to screw with Coffee on EqD would be a bonus though.
Having finally watched it, I'm torn between how much niftier I find the Time Stand Still PMV to be in regards to effects and editing over the last one, and how much of an inferior song Time Stand Still is to Subdivisions.


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^It's hard to have an opinion about that without coloring. I mean, I can look at something like JJ's sketches and know what pony is what, but I looked at that and wouldn't have known it was supposed to be Twilight if she weren't holding a miniature Twilight.

Still nicely drawn, though.

So there's a speaker on the back of this thing for handling low frequency stuff. I was told that placing it against a wall would make the bass much stronger. I just got curious and stuffed this speaker into the corner on the counter of my kitchen. It's a solid granite counter top with a thick tile backing.

Started this:

(The song itself is in the description and starts at around 30 seconds.)

I felt it in my chest from the other side of the room at full volume, and the quality was still perfect:drool:. How is this possible from a 9x5x2 battery powered speaker?
EDIT: Wait, it's obvious. Everyone who works for Bose is a witch.



Still don't have the time for TNTNE. I'd read it now, but I'm waiting for a call and I'd rather not be interrupted mid-chapter. And this is a call that could either be in 20 minutes or 2 hours, but updates to this are so few and far between that I'd rather make each reading as good as I can.
EDIT: Or 5 minutes. Glad I didn't start reading.

Top Comment of that video I said something about Allegrezza, and it's not the first I've seen. You've got people spreading the word everywhere, don't you?
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I just watched the christmas episode.

Yeah I know I'm late, but better late than never, right?

verdict: It's awesome!

Also I should probably read the new TNTNE chapter... but I hardly remember anything, so I'll need to read it all again. I don't want to drop it either because it's really good and it's one of the two or three fan fics I actually read...
I think I'll read TNTNE when it's complete. That way I don't have to wait for new chapters. With a story like that it might be the best thing I can do.

@Coffee, the interview starts in 3 hours or 6 hours? I thought I could convert the time in my head but now I'm not too sure.
I think I'll read TNTNE when it's complete. That way I don't have to wait for new chapters. With a story like that it might be the best thing I can do.

How many months will pass before TNTNE finishes, I wonder? I think you'll have quite a lengthy wait ahead of you :lol:

And the show starts in 2 hours, 40 minutes.

Drawfriends is up:
