The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
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Alright then, I'm thinking of resurrecting IWSYT with a continuation on Velvet Storm's story. First things first, though, Toro...why do you like IWSYT so much? I wanna recapture whatever it was that made it so enjoyable.
Needs more Luna...

The fun has been... tripled?

I have one small gripe with the fic I'm reading. The writer decided that AJ should say "meh", rather than "me". It's only a little problem really, but I can't help but read some of AJ's lines (the ones where she says "meh") in a Yorkshire accent :lol:

Outfit swap:

What happened to AJ's legs? Was that from when Trixie tied her up?

Other than that bit of confusion, I think this chapter was considerably stronger than the first one. First chapter had AJ being a bit too... submissive? Or something along those lines, but this chapter makes it clear that AJ can and will put her foot down when she feels it necessary; and that AJ isn't afraid of Trixie like the first chapter implied so much as accommodating her.
Bronies why u no post Summer images?

Actually it's not very Summery today, it's overcast and windy. At work last night it rained pretty heavily and there was a light show (lightning), it looked nice but it's no fun to work in.

Because I can't find some summer art have Fluttershy.

Also Pinkie comic (that you have probably already read.)
40 people on the thread, 3 members. :lol:
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Oh, why thank-you Brando. After that Pinkie comic I can't read something without reading it in that weird christmas poem tone or whatever it is called. :indiff:
What happened to AJ's legs? Was that from when Trixie tied her up?

I was confused after reading the first few lines, seeing as it's been a few months since I read chapter 1. That being said, I believe you're right.

I didn't go back through the first part again, but I remember that AJ's legs were injured due to her being tied up.
I had to do a few things before I could finish the second chapter, so I'll read that now. So far I'm liking this one as much as the first part.

Bronies why u no post Summer images?

Actually it's not very Summery today, it's overcast and windy. At work last night it rained pretty heavily and there was a light show (lightning), it looked nice but it's no fun to work in.

It's going to be 10°C here tomorrow, which is unseasonably warm for us (and freakishly cold for you Aussies).



I didn't noticed that these Ask Canon tumblrs existed until a few hours ago. This Canon Fluttershy one is totally new though.
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And wait for it....


[Homer]They're ponies... and they're wearing clothes.[/Homer]
On a side note I like RD's 'Back to the Future' jacket.
Ponies, in human swimsuits. Wat?

I was actually wondering why the artist gave them such clothes when I found the image yesterday. I do like how Twilight is wearing some sort of old fashioned swimsuit with a rubber ring, plus Fluttershy's reaction


Draft cover art for an EqD story, Skyrim crossover. Looking for comments/critiques before I go final.

I'm not going to proof read it for him because I'm terrible at things like that, but I really, really, really(really, really, really.....) want this to be good when it's done.

EDIT: In all my excitement I derped hard. Misread the quote I used.
EDIT: OK, so even though I misread the quote the first time, I still had the right idea to begin with according to his other comment.

And I need that cover in wallpaper size.





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I'm not going to proof read it for him because I'm terrible at things like that, but I really, really, really(really, really, really.....) want this to be good when it's done.

Hmm, I dunno if such a crossover would great myself. I guess it depends on who's planning on writing it.

*Sees that the writer in question is Cold in Gardez*

Oh, this... this should be interesting.


Also, heard this a coulpe of days ago, but it's only just been shown on EqD:

Such a good song.
I really like the swimsuits the author gave everyone in that picture (perfectly in character), and Fluttershy's expression is hilarious; but I just found the thing far too damn weird to post.

I posted it because I know the art style from... some other pictures here that I can't remember right now.
Twilights leg doesn't look quite right.


That guy's other Floppy Drive videos are pretty good too.

Good night.

Merry Christmas everypony.
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Nice style. I like it.

Damn it I didn't want to cry on Christmas Eve:


But then, suddenly lots and lots of d'awwww


Lots...and lots of dawwwwwwww...!

I forgot to say this the other day when I finished Allegrezza chapter 15.
[whine]Coffee update Allegrezza, we deserve more because we're loyal readers and you should do what we demand. :sly: [/whine]

And I don't think I've said this yet, Merry Christmas Bronies. I hope you get/got the presents you have demanded from your parents.

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